Bill Gates to feature on Nikhil Kamath’s podcast, discuss tech, global health, philanthropy

Mumbai, Jun 12 (IANS): Bill Gates, the former CEO of Microsoft, who co-founded the IT giant with Paul Allen, is set to appear on the popular podcast series ‘WTF is with Nikhil Kamath’ in the new segment, ‘People By WTF’.

Bill Gates will be the first guest on the segment.

The special segment delves into Gates' extensive experience in technology, his visionary insights on the future of global health, and his ongoing commitment to humanitarian causes through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Most recently, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is one of the largest philanthropies in the world, bolstered the dissemination of Covid-19 vaccines across the world along with Gavi, the Wellcome Trust and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations.

Both Bill Gates and Nikhil Kamath share a philanthropic association with Nikhil having pledged to donate 50 per cent of his wealth to 'The Giving Pledge,' founded by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.

Their collaboration extends to the educational initiative in Karnataka, Young India Philanthropic Pledge (YIPP).

The YIPP represents a commitment by India’s young change-makers to dedicate a minimum of 25 per cent of their wealth to drive global change, beginning with India.

This joint endeavour underscores their shared commitment to improving educational outcomes and empowering the youth of India for a brighter future.

‘People by WTF’ featuring Bill Gates is set to stream on all major platforms on June 14, 2024.



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