Chirag Paswan assumes office, vows to boost food sector

New Delhi, Jun 11 (IANS): Lok Janshakti Party (Ramvilas) Chief Chirag Paswan assumed office as Minister for Food Processing Industries on Tuesday, expressing his commitment to the new role entrusted to him by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Addressing the media after taking charge, he said, "PM Modi has given me the responsibility of Food Processing Ministry, and I will work hard for this."

Emphasising the potential for growth in India's food processing sector, Chirag Paswan said: "If you see the involvement of food processing globally, India's involvement is comparatively very less than global involvement in the food processing industry. In the coming times, there is unlimited scope in this field."

"My own vision is also focused on establishing more processing units so that farmers can get an appropriate amount for their produce and their income increases," he said, highlighting the importance of this sector in increasing farmers' income, aligning it with the Central government's focus.

The newly-appointed Union Minister acknowledged the significance of his department's role in the future and stated that PM Modi assured him of support in elevating the department's status.

"Even when I met PM Modi, he assured me that in future, we will take this department to new heights," he added.

Drawing a comparison with foreign countries where food processing is more advanced, Chirag Paswan expressed hope to achieve similar progress in India.

He said, "In foreign countries, several works are done through processing units only, whereas we have not been able to achieve it yet. So I hope, just like my father, the late Ram Vilas Paswan, I will contribute 100 per cent to it."



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