Media release
Dubai, Oct 11: SMKC Dubai, the premier Association of Dubai held their general body meeting recently and unanimously elected Veronica Rego as their new president for the next two years.
Veronica Rego is a well known personality in the Konkan community of Dubai. She is a good organizer and social worker. She has served in St. Mary's Church Dubai as Lay Minister for 6 years and is presently a member of Lector's Ministry. Veronica is one of the founder members of the association and has proved her organizational capabilities through the years.
Veronica Rego
Paul Colaco, Cyril Baptist, Anna Dcruz and Avil Dsilva
During the same occasion, another founder member Paul Colaco was elected as vice president and the well known Konkani music director of Dubai Cyril Baptist, Agrar, who has been the pillar of SMKC Dubai, was elected as treasurer.
Anna D’Cruz elected as general secretary, and Avil D’Silva as web co-ordinator.
The outgoing president Jennifer Mascarenhas, thanked all the members for their excellent support and assured to render the same support to the new Office bearers to carry out their tasks in providing humanitarian assistance to the poor and needy. She will continue as the Advisor to the newly formed team.
The newly elected president Veronica Rego said “I also wish to thank my predecessor, Jennifer Mascarenhas, our noble Advisor Noel Mascarenhas and all our dedicated SMKC members who have unanimously chosen me for this position. She Thanked all for the encouragement, trust and support from the members.
"As we all know that the main goal and target of SMKC is to 'wipe a tear and bring a smile' and I am sure with our strengthened bond, understanding, support and concerted efforts, we shall be able to bring joy and happiness to the down trodden and a ray of hope to the 'hope-less'" she said
SMKC Dubai, a premier organisation in the field of philanthropy in the UAE , back home in Mangalore and surrounding South Kanara District have contributed more than 1.3 Cores during the 10 years of their existence. 15 engineering students have already passed out from the portals of St.Joseph’s Engineering College, Vamanjoor benefiting from the SMKC Education Trust Fund and are now working overseas and in India. Currently 9 more students are continuing their studies in various discipline of engineering at Rs.50,000/- per annum per student . In addition 100 + nursing students have benefited financial aid. SMKC have not only given financial aid to students but also medical aid to the poor people of our community. They have undertaken many projects’around Diocese of Mangalore esp in Bela and Kollangana for assistance in education field.