Unity against communalism: Brahmin leaders in coastal Karnataka take a stand

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (MS)

Mangaluru, Apr 18: In the coastal districts of Karnataka, known for its history of communalism, a hopeful and influential development is gaining attention.

Approximately 100 Brahmin leaders from Dakshina Kannada have united under the banner of the like-minded Brahmin forum, named ‘Samana Manaskara Brahmana Vedike’. They are raising their voices against religious intolerance, communalism, and ideologies that undermine democratic principles. Despite their relatively small numbers in coastal Karnataka, the political influence wielded by Brahmins carries considerable weight.

The forum is actively pushing back against the stereotype that all Brahmins are communalists aligned with the BJP. They vehemently oppose the notion that Brahmins who do not support the BJP are somehow not authentic Brahmins. This stance promises to reshape the political and social landscape of coastal Karnataka significantly.

Additionally, the forum has committed to ensuring that government facilities reach economically disadvantaged Brahmins. This proactive step aims to address socioeconomic disparities within the Brahmin community.

Sridhara Bide, an influential leader, said, "Being a Brahmin means loving all people of India and spearheading societal reform. Brahmins have historically fostered a culture of Hindu-Muslim unity. There is absolutely no room for narrow-mindedness among us."

Renowned thinker Rajarama Tolpady stressed the importance of sending a clear message to the Brahmin community, especially when the very ideals of democracy are under threat from like-minded Brahmins.

T R Bhat, a senior leader of the bank employees' association, asserted, "It is imperative that we speak out against the notion that all Brahmins must align with a particular ideology or political party. It's crucial to maintain the ability to oppose prevailing conditions in the country."

M G Hegde, the organizer of the programme, said, "We will firmly respond to Brahmins who intimidate families that do not support the BJP and communal organizations, publicly humiliating them and causing trouble in business dealings. Our priority is to ensure that impoverished Brahmins receive the government's provided facilities."

"Some Brahmins must transcend the petty mentality of harassing, threatening, and envying others based on their political views. Such behavior only leads to unnecessary friction. In a democratic society, individuals have the freedom to choose their political affiliations. If anyone faces harassment for their political stance, it signals a dangerous situation. We have tolerated such attitudes among a few Brahmins for too long. Now, we will take steps to address it. If any communal-minded Brahmins harass others within our community, we urge individuals to bring it to our attention. Together, we will confront it unitedly," he said.

Bhat also announced that in the coming days, Brahmins who demonstrate tolerance and love towards people of other communities will be organized on a large scale.

Senior leader of Suratkal Gururaja Acharya, Betta Rajarama Bhatta, Mahesh Kumara Sullia, Satyendra Venur, retired senior bank officer T R Bhat, Dr Shivananda Mundaje, Ramesh Kote, K Raghavendra, Vinaya Acharya, Betta Jayarama Bhatta, Dinesh Rao Balakrishna Bhatta Kemmattu, Swarna Bhatta, lawyer Vidya Bhatta, Namita Rao, Chaitanya Bhatta and Praveena Bhatta Puttur were present.





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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Good development. Deep within, from so many years, we see vast majority are secular in heart, accommodating each other in the matter of faith. Long live, live and let live policy, it's a real civilization.

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  • vishnu bhat, bangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    at least this group talks sense unlike the Kalladka chap or the sitting North Kanara MP.

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  • Jacky, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 19 2024

    😂 First Hit

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  • rajesh, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Brahmin Bania -- Rss nexus -- all well-known -- BJP ---- Followers of caste system -- denied privileges to others -- brahmins at the top of the pyramid -- others at bottom -- all-important posts cornered -- the classic argument is brahmins are intelligent -- hard working etc. but given an opportunity we see even from labor class -- poor -- pass tough exams like IAS --

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    Thu, Apr 18 2024


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    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Beautiful development to say the least. This movement was overdue in fact. THANK GOD that enlightment and true love for mankind has finally dawned. Always, whether you like it or not, the brahmins have been regarded as devout, educated and pretty sober in all their actions. But today's brahmin is a far cry from their predecessors and has become a role model for all including other communities. The happy go lucky brahmin of today does everything and anything which all his friends, neighbours and well wishers do with no bias whatsoever. Brahmins sit on the same table eating and drinking along with their friends from other communities. What a joy it is. That should be the spirit and guideline for all Indians. When this happens there will love and oneness blossoming everywhere and once again we will be able to see the good old days of Dakshina Kannada and Mangalore. Whoever started this programme needs to be commended and congratulated. They will surely have all the support from every community. Long live namma Mangaluru.

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  • Ananda Moorthi., Thokkottu,575017.

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    There are So many BPL level poor families in BRAHMINS.but they didnnt get any Govt.facilities because of their GENERAL category in caste List.silently with SWABHIMANA,without discussing with others they face daily difficulties.these things are Common in other Upper Castes also.So please FOCUS on these people

    DisAgree [1] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • sense_shetty, Mangalore Kudla

    Fri, Apr 19 2024

    That's why conducting a caste census is necessary. It will unveil the real figures, showing which caste holds the most wealth

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  • sense_shetty, Mangalore Kudla

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    The Shudras face oppression from both the left and right wing Brahmins. It's crucial to abolish the labels of Brahmins and Shudras as they inherently imply discrimination and violate human rights. It's encouraging to witness Brahmins shedding their superstitious beliefs. However, there's another community, the Bunts, who seem to be similarly entrenched in blindness

    DisAgree [13] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Very positive development ! Ache Din aanevale hai. Uper wale ka Kripa🙏

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  • k b r, Mangala Uru

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    brahmins have realised that feku is sidelining them ... only bania communities who have appended "brahmin" to their caste names are happy with feku ... lot of fake self-claimed brahmins floating who do not know abc of veda, who are very narrow minded casteist and mainly doing trading / baniya professions ...

    DisAgree [17] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • manunath, mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    To be an Hindu, you need not know Vedas. you can even be an Atheist. Hindusim is a way of life. It is not a Diktat based rigid religion. you better know that.

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  • Bala, Kudla

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    I think this gathering sponsered by MG Hegde. The meeting like this should discuss the rituals these brahmins perform in the name of god but they practice untouchability, seperate food for them, only they can enter the sanctrum,wasting things inthe name of god etc.. Mr Hegde was staunch practicer of hindu radicalism now does these things. Let him bring the Brahmins to the mainstream of society so that the poorest of the Brahmins get good moral support.

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  • AD, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    United diverse India will win, divided communal India will loose.

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai-Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Any sort of religious ideologies above the Constitution of the Country should be shunned; HUNANISM before anything and everything...

    DisAgree [6] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bhaskar, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    All name sake brahmins, congress supporters. By their such deeds other Brahmins will further unite and strengthen BJP... So loss for congress only....

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  • real kujuma, kodial

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    though this so called movement seems to be progressive....i dont agree that brahmins have worked for the upliftment of society...rather i would boldly say that due to them the Hindus are still divided and also many are still considered untouchables and not allowed in many temples

    DisAgree [22] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Andrew L D Cunha, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Beautiful news...Felt good. My salute to the lovers of humanity and care for the peace and happiness of the people.

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  • Everest, Mlore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    They woke up reading sarcastic comment in quora. Or would close eyes

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  • Prakash, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    I am pleased to see unity from Brahmin leaders in coastal Karnataka. We all need to follow Religious Tolerance then only we can see a better India.

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  • SHUBHA, Udupi

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Very nice. Brahmins are always Role Models. Now it is for Christian and Muslim Leaders to also think freely rather going behind Congress...

    DisAgree [26] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • real kujuma, kodial

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    there are many in christian and muslim communities who support blue j pigs...they are never condemned and harassed..it is only in two communities seen mainly...one brahmins and second gsb..if anyone in these communities supports other than blue j pigs party or oppose cheddi RSS then they are treated worse than animals...

    DisAgree [21] Agree [50] Reply Report Abuse

  • R Bhandarkar, Mangaluru.

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻.. Kya Maara!Sahi jagah Pe!!Abh bolti.. Geelthi sab bandh.. Chunaavi Hindu ke baare mein inka raay jaanle? 🤔 Jo chunaav ke time pe jenuv dhaari aur Kaulo Brahmin bante hain?? I know of one Siddarth Kaulo Brahmin who becomes a Hindu only during elections😎

    DisAgree [17] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Thank God. Great news at least there are good people in Karnataka who see the real harm done to our community by politicians of one party. When I was young there were no problems like now. I am surprised how educated people either believe these lies or sit on the fence thinking it doesn’t affect them but believe me it will affect you soon and then it will be too late as there will be no democracy left. God bless you people of good will.

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  • Shammi, Karnataka

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    This move is good for all karavali people.But first you need to morally educate K bhatta,dont know which rice he eats,matta or tadipaar rice.

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  • Josh, Udupi

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    For all those praising this election paid stunt by these so called Brahmins, kindly ask your ancestors and they will tell you that these were the people who led injustice to others of different caste and so most people like us got converted unable to bare their torture!!!

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  • Joshua, Mangalore/Doha

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    I know during my school/college days most of my friends were brahmins and konkanis They don't speak anything about religion They used to be friendly. Here also I am sure all these brahmins highly educated Only low grade uneducated brahmins they create problems in the society. Thank you all

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  • Rizwan, Dubai/Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Wow...hats off to the organizers. This is the legacy of educated Bramhins. Clear educated minds. Hope you will be able to brainwash people like Kalladka Prabhakar bhatta and bring him to the mainstream of democracy. All the best

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  • Rakshith, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Upma was served in a breakfast every morning in a hostel with a capacity of 100 people. Out of those 100 people, 80 people used to complain every day that different items should be made instead of upma. But, the other 20 people were happy to eat upma. The remaining 80 people wanted to cook something other than upma. *The hostel warden voting method was proposed as some decision had to be reached in this chaotic situation. According to this, whichever tiffin gets the most votes, that tiffin will be cooked that day.* 20 students who wanted Upma cast their vote accurately. The remaining 80 people cast their vote as follows. 18 - Masala Dosa 16 - Aloo Parotta & Dahi 14 - Roti & Subg 12 - Bread & Butter 10 - Noodles 10 - Idli Sambar So, as per the voting results, Upma gets the highest number of votes, and again the same is served every day. Lesson: As long as 80% of the population is selfish, divided and scattered, 20% will rule us.

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  • Jeevan Jeppu, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    Most of the Brahmins in South Kanara (be they Havyakas or Shivalli Brahmins) are very broad-minded. The great Kannada scholars in our schools and colleges were very cordial towards people of other faiths. It is only the recent influence of Peshwe Brahmins from Karnataka-Maharashtra-Gomantaka border areas that have poisoned the atmosphere with their very narrow minded agenda.. Unfortunately the BJP has some prominent leaders from this section of the society. The society at large has to keep their eyes open.

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  • roy Indian, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    this is great news from Brahmin leaders . we hope all other community people also think about this and we all can unity and stay in peacefull in this society and make a harmony coastal Karnataka . and give example to whole india. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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  • william, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 18 2024

    These Brahmin leaders are educated and understand the importance of Unity in Diversity, but Mamus will not understand.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [75] Reply Report Abuse

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