Mangalore: Historic Day at Kudroli Temple as Widows Take Centre Stage

Mangalore: Historic Day at Kudroli Temple as Widows Take Centre Stage

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Mangalore, Oct 3: In a landmark move, thousands of widows who have faced untold hardships and miseries and who were being neglected by society, were honoured and given recognition at the city's Lord Gokarnanatheshwara Temple in Kudroli here on October 3.

The purpose was to bring widows, who are otherwise kept away from auspicious occasions and denied the right to wear certain things after the death of their husbands, to the mainstream and herald a new social transformation. As many as 2,300 widows were honoured.

The widows participated in 'Chandrika Homa' and joined in pulling a silver chariot around the Temple premises. They even performed 'aarti'.

Janardhana Poojary, managing trustee of the Temple and the brain behind the idea, told reporters that so far, respect for women in the society has been only a lip-service, without any concrete action being taken to address their plight. He urged the public to respect all women irrespective of their status and shed narrow-mindedness towards widows, adding that the term 'widow' ought to be obliterated and replaced with a word that would reflect the respect they deserve.

The programme was graced by Ln Kripa Alva, who is also a social activist. Addressing the gathering, she narrated her own experiences of losing her husband almost 20 years ago and said that she too had been a victim of discrimination, especially when she was not allowed to participate actively in her own brother's wedding.

She lauded Poojary for his innovative and progressive way of thinking and said that the move would definitely be a harbinger of social change not only concerning the plight of women but other social evils as well.

Poojary gifted saris, kumkum, bangles and flowers to the widows on the occasion, stressing that they should once again wear the things they have been told not to.


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    Tue, Oct 11 2011

    Naveen Kotian , Mangalore - Kudroli

    Mr. Naveen Kotian I think you still didn't understand what Sri Krishna Paramaatma has preached in Bhagavadgeetha in Kurukshethra, don't worry about the vote, Just go on doing your duty, i.e work (KARM), as Sri Krishna Paramaatma did in Dwapara Yugha and now What Sri B. Janardhan Poojary is doing in Kalyugha. Election is just a part of KARM. KARM is the ocean. Therefore think less of result and more on your work.



    This is the beauty of KARM.

    And also Mr.shahnawaz kukkikatte, Harsha Malhotra, Vishal Poojary do not fight because by fighting you are just wasting your time. There are lots of work to be done by all of us together.

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  • Ratna, Hyderabad

    Thu, Oct 06 2011

    Hats off to Mr.Janardhan Poojary. He has done a great job. I hope that this is followed throughout the country and the priests in all the temples in our country should not have any inhibitions in allowing widows to perform puja and aarti.

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    Thu, Oct 06 2011

    I appreciate Mr. Janardhan Poojary's good job by giving full respect to widows. He is the only leader who is stright forward and talking harshly against corruption, untouchability etc. Now a days most of the people does not like this. Therefore he has side lined by other leaders. During last election because of selfish Billava self styled leaders his community people itself casted their vote against him.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalroe, India

    Thu, Oct 06 2011

    Jai ho Mr. Janardhana Poojary. Extremely glad to hear the recognition to the widower. Only widower’s know how lonely, insecure, hollow in their life due to the tradition of rejection muted on them by the society.

    Mr. Janardhana Poorary by taking the initiative by felicitating the widower’s in the temple and bringing the sense of recognition, self pride, I have no words to express and it is beyond one’s imagination. Every social renaissance will have some repercussion and those who dislike this act of goodwill to respect widowers inside the temple, will definitely change their thinking & sure they will appreciate Mr. J.Poojary of this great noble act.

    Our good wishes are always with Mr. Janardhana Poojary. Any good work should be appreciated with open heart and politicizing should be stopped as this will lead to bad taste

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  • Prabhu, Inverness

    Wed, Oct 05 2011

    I don't give a toss whether Janardhan Poojary is a congress boot licker of not, what amazes me is the sheer ignorance and patronising attitude of some of the commentators here who think they hold the moral high ground and that they can dump on Hinduism as and when they please. Hello! folks live and let live, if you raise a stink and throw dirt on others it wont hide the fact that you have the charisma of a mountain gorilla

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  • Vishal Pujary, Mumbai

    Wed, Oct 05 2011

    shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi in every religion their is a cast system do you agree with my point YES or NO..... RELIGION is a main cause for all fight in INDIA due to this every party make use of people and win the election and fills pockets for their family, but this KUDROLI event is great work done by Mr. Poojari.......we can say Poojary has made a HISTORICAL DAY.

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  • Dave, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 05 2011

    Janardana P.-
    U have continued the work of Great Social Reformer, Sri Narayana Guru-who d for the first time in India, as all are One & God is one which all major religions have been propagating all over the world.
    U have continued the trend set by Sri Narayana Guru, by inviting the most neglected lot who have lost their prominence due to the death of their husbands, to partake in the worship of God who never discriminates any of his creations on that basis or any other.
    May God Bless U & your edeavours in future as well- in reforming the society further.

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  • Harsh Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Wed, Oct 05 2011

    Mr.shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/ you not feel in islam women's are made 'scapegoat' regularly in all accounts..if she wants to re-marry with her former husband..should re-marry and compulsory have s..x with her second husband..otherwise it will meant null and void!! if you name it way of punishment but it's more humilation than anything like sati/casteism ..There are many incidents people re-joined even though gone thru such trauma!!

    I didn't mention anywhere i oppose such good deeds of Mr.Poojary.. we need changes in each and every field.. Each and every human beings are having equal rights. Should have common civil code for all religion people which you opposing it from long. Not to bring religious matter in the welfare of society..than only things will change..for good...otherwise no use to comment on other's religion!!

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  • Jayalatha, Mangalore / Mumbai

    Wed, Oct 05 2011

    I appreciate the work of Mr.Poojary. When i read the earlier news that this year Widows will be present during the Chandika homa and they will be even pulling the Ratha i was really thrilled.

    We should respect the feelings of every human being. This act of Mr.Poojary has really touched me. Widows also have full right to live and that too with dignity. They too are humans with feelings.

    I request all to respect the feelings of every women coz in life the woman can be your mother, sister, wife or daughter.

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  • Veerabadra Charmaadi Gaati, Bappanaadu

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    What an great IDEA Poojari ji, This IDEA can change your life!
    If you continue this revolution you will be the winner in 2014 LOK SABHA election..! Now i request you to bring Koraga samaaja members to Krishna Temple in UDUPI.

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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    I agree with Dr.Ashith.M.V, uppinanagady. Those who know Mr. Poojary from close quarters can feel the humanity and simplicity within him.

    With all the success or defeats in election, he is the only mass leader for the people of Dakshina Kannada. He always stands by poor and weaker sections. This article shows his concern for poor widows.

    Let these so called protectors of Hindu culture learn something from Poojary. Instead of dividing the country on the basis of religion for vote bank politics let them do some constructive things for poor and weaker.

    Jana Seveye Janardhana Seve

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  • Abdul Hameed, K

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Dear Sir, Mr.Janardhana Poojary, really we are all so happy to see the programmes and the opportunities for widows you have provided, keep it up, we want you our Cabinet Minister in the next UPA Govt.Good luck.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Harish Malhotra,

    As your name suggests, you firmly believe in caste system, untouchabity and emancipation of women.... Thats the reason you have adversly commented on my write up.. Only a small or micro percentage of majority subscribe to your views.... In the process you forgot that even your household have or shall have widows...... As regards talaq, its really humiliating for a muslim to marry his divorced wife after she marries another person. Its punishment for him. He should think million times before he divorces her. Or once he divorces her, he should forget her forver. Marriages are not toygame where you change the tools or game.... I am married with one wife and I am happy... Tell me how many people in your community are having extras though you advocate monogamy and polygamy is an offence in your system. Just read the news daily and you will find millions of instances where people have married many or having keeps... Before you point finger at others, just put your own house in order....

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  • Anil D.S, Sullia,Bahrain

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Mr. Poojary Sir
    You did great job ....You are giving good lesson to society

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  • Tina Lobo, Bajpe / Manglore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    After this great episode... Shree Janardhana Poojary will campaign against corrupt and criminal candidates irrespective of the party in particular congress he will join hand's with Shree.Anna Hazare and get implement the bill in centre...i.e JAN LOKPAL BILL our all votes to Congress....BJP will suffer in Karantaka JAI HIND

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  • Shivraj Poojary, Karkala

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Great job Mr. Janardhan Poojary ... you are truly social reformer.. hats off u sir.

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  • ravindra, thokkotu

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    This is a real hindutva.. i appreciate Mr Poojary...he did a good job..

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  • KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Generally I do not get attracted by many of BJP's programmes which are looked upon as political gimmicks. However this time his initiative of bringing widows to centre stage in Navaratri celebrations at ancient Kudroli temple made me to look upon the event with immotional angle.Really Poojary's efforts ar praise worthy and good God might be surely happy with the prugramme.I am of the opion that this act of Sri Poojary might not be from the point of view of 'silly politics'.There is greater outlook than this and this could be seen by seeing faces of participant women in the crowd in many of the photo snaps,Thanks to Sri Poojary.

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  • chethan bangera, adyar

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Good work sir....

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  • Harsh Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Mr.shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi..Dangerous word in dictionary for women is none other than 'talaq, talaq, talaq'..and more humiliating thing after divorce to re-union once again with undergo to marry another person!!

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  • Deeraj Kumar, Manglore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Naveen Kotian , Manglore - Kudroli for you information Mr. Poojary do one work good like this in above article and 100 works all community people hate him so he lost ELECTION and valuable votes from 4 years.

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  • Harsha Malhotra, Mangalore/New Delhi

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Mr.shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi..yeah you are absolutely right..we have seen right of women during shah's regime in Iran..given equal right and also we can view in Lebanon/Egypt/Tunisia/Syria etc...

    That's why people now a days afraid to give education to gals in many islamic countries and bombarding there madrases now and then.. good job..keep it up..worst thing happens to women...never seen anywhere..You people only good to rule the women's and nothing..

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  • Reshma, karkala/dubai

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    The Biggest Drama is "The programme was graced by widow Ln Kripa Alva, who is also a social activist".????????????????????? Both fully pledged for Next elections.Trying to fool poor widows.

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  • Tony Pinto, Manglore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi good know this case is for WIDOWS not for TALAK and hunting for other lady.

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  • Naveen Kotian , Manglore - Kudroli

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    KANKANADY GUTHU DAMBE MANE Mr.SACHIN ARUN KUMAR POOJARY......Good to Note points of help to needy and others activities for Mr. J Poojary but then also he lost his seat 4 times really...amazing my question have you voted for Poojary or no or to other party ??????????

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  • Dr.Ashith.M.V, uppinanagady

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    hi Ramesh ....
    we all know that we respect our mother the most..... Today i'm a doctor because of Janardhan poojary... the first day when i meet him and told that i want to be a doctor... he told only 3 thing that first u have to survive in ur rural place uppinanagady..2nd respect ur mother u will come up in life 3rd help some poors.... the sucess name and fame will just follow u... u will know with ur charater and not for ur money ... i promised him to do so...i'm a doctor today.... proud to day that he is a true leader .. with no black spot in his carrier... if he has to do all this for publicity.. he wouldn't have so many people who consider him as there idiols.... he is a hero and a true reformer.....he need no certificate from other for his charther his work speaks volumes for him.....JAI MANGALURU DASARA

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  • PawaN RaJ, MangALOre

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Dear All,

    First of all i would thank our Social Worker Mr. Janardhan Poojary for organizing such a good program. He has encouraged all the widows by honouring kumkum, Saree, Flowers etc.
    We are proud to have a Great man like J.P. Such a great job he has done to all widows. Whole world is Supporting & Praising our Great J.P, but one man so called RAMESH from Mangalore has been opposing our J.P. The great tragedy is here that he is opposing such a good social worker. He has not felt the pain of losing. let god make proper.

    Jai Hind,

    Pawan, Mangalore

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  • Dr.Ashith.M.V, uppinanagady

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    People talk about Hindutava but do nothing other than communal riots,t
    Long day speechs ..un wanted crticse and waste of food cann't change our society..... But this man is a real hero today if the name mangalore dasara is Famous it is only Because of Mr. JANARDAN pojary....JAI MANGALURU DASARA JAI HIND..... Sir we are with u keep this good work going..... that is the answer for all criticse.....Ur work is a testomony for all Hindus.... JAI POOJARY....

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    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Politics is the divine place where you can bring changes in common man's life. People see it in positive way & in negative way.
    We can see people who have commented against Mr.Poojary quoting that "These are done for vote purpose". My dear friends you have forgotten that Mr.Poojary have Won Election for 4 times as well as have lost election for 4 times, but he has not lost his hope for "Serving People" for it may be "LOAN MELA" during his Victory period or "MANGALORE DASARA" during his defeat. He has defined "what you can do if you are in politics" no matter whether you are in power or not, no matter whether you are VIP or Common Man. This is the live example for all others in the Kalyug, whether it may be for the present generation or to the next generation, that "Where There Is The Will, There Is The Way". "Manasidare Maarga". "Manasithenda Maarga". The Only Other person other than Mr.Poojary who has taken politics positively is none other than Lord Sri Krishna. Therefore My dear friends Poojary is not dependent on any Elections or Vote wining factor, as what the history says. At the same time he has taken all the challenges whether it may be "Elections" or "Serving People", as guided by Lord "Sri Krishna Paramaatma" in Kurukshethra saying that, Whatever "KARM" comes to you take it has a challenge without rejecting it no matter what the result is.Therefore Mr. Poojary has taken both Election & Serving People as a challenge without expecting any reward, but never mixed both.

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    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Almost all commentators are praise @ Shri Janardhana Poojary except one individual called RAMESH!!!!It is ironic that this man don't want Poojary to do good work!Now, guys, try to understand these so called ...People's mentality.Where are those who calls themselves as custodians of Indian patriotism?Can anybody see N.Nayak,M.Bhat,Mahendra Shetty and like minded's comments?Therefore Janarahana Poojary may be defeated person certainly defeated person for various unknown reasons, yes when we look his history, Service,admin, thinkings are progressive in nature and therefore occupy top post in Indian politics ONE DAY.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Mr Ramesh,

    First of all, you failed to understand how these tradtions came into being. The domination of man and supremacy of one particular sect in your community forced their ideas on the society to remain in dominance and to exploit women. Can you explain to us why there were no devadasi system, naked baths in upper caste and why it is confined to lower caste only? Women from lower caste are no different than those from upper caste. Women are equal to men as regards civil rights are concerned and they are biologically diffrent than men. Men alone cant breed and women is required to bring a new life in to this world. They are great. They
    conceive the baby for you, carry it for full term and with pain they give birth and again they take care of their off springs irrespective of their sex. Widows are too women and they too have feelings and have the right to live in dignity... We must encourage widow remarriages and we must have a system to support helpless widows...Being a man doesnt mean that we can suppress and explpoit women socially and economically. Widowhood is not optional and no women would prefer to be widowed... Dont look down upon them in the name of traditions.. Traditions if its detrimental to the society, need to be changed and abolished... God has created us in pairs and female are base for any living thing.

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  • Lloyd D'Souza, Bajpe/Manchester UK

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Ramesh is living in stone age.. This is what is called as social reformation, digest it!

    Great job Mr Poojary! Well done

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  • ramesh, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Dear Lydia lobo, Jennet Prescilla

    NO offence meant, I was only against drama like this. I lost my father 20 years back. And I have always treated my mother above god. Gods place comes only after ,mother,father and guru. Mothers will be always mothers whether they are widows or not. Most of us I am sure treat all the elders including women in high esteem. I do not think there is any restrictions of any kind except some thing like u have to ware white saris instead of colorful dress. No kumkum etc. how many are following this now and nobody is forcing it. At 50 years back widows would have to shave their head, they were not allowed to come out. Etc .But those days have gone. Now its extremely personal deceision. Nobody is against remarriage etc.they enjoy freedom and respect. But when it comes to certain rituals some eligibility criteria is there even for men. If you do not respect that why u believe at all in these rituals and ceremonies . why this drama.?.If there is no faith there is no meaning in it. I am also of the opinion that nobody can restrict any one including widows from any kind worship as long as devotion is there and as long as it does not hurt anybody.I respect all those ladies and my sympathy with them . my request is do not allow yourself to play in the hands of politicians.

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  • vinay kumar, mumbai

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    am really touched by the initiative. Instead of discriminating against these women, they have to be loved and respected more as they have lost their life partner and single handedly striving hard to take care of the family.

    I really wish & pray that one by one all the blind beliefs existing in hinduism will be removed. Then and only then will the new genenaration accept and follow the religion whole heartedly.

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  • ramesh, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Dear Lydia lobo, Jennet Prescilla

    NO offence meant, I was only against drama like this. I lost my father 20 years back. And I have always treated my mother above god. Gods place comes only after ,mother,father and guru. Mothers will be always mothers whether they are widows or not. Most of us I am sure treat all the elders including women in high esteem. I do not think there is any restrictions of any kind except some thing like u have to ware white saris instead of colorful dress. No kumkum etc. how many are following this now and nobody is forcing it. At 50 years back widows would have to shave their head, they were not allowed to come out. Etc .But those days have gone. Now its extremely personal deceision. Nobody is against remarriage etc.they enjoy freedom and respect. But when it comes to certain rituals some eligibility criteria is there even for men. If you do not respect that why u believe at all in these rituals and ceremonies . why this drama.?.If there is no faith there is no meaning in it. I am also of the opinion that nobody can restrict any one including widows from any kind worship as long as devotion is there and as long as it does not hurt anybody.I respect all those ladies and my sympathy with them . my request is do not allow yourself to play in the hands of politicians.

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    Tue, Oct 04 2011


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  • Satish Pujary, Manglore - Dxb

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Well done Mr Poojari..but you are standing in the temple don't play dirty politics for votes if you have started this Historic day it should go forever till Kudroli Temple exist after getting elected don't forgot the same.........JAI HIND JAI KARNATAKA.....GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

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  • Rahul Poojary, Manglore - Dubai

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Great job keep it up keep up the same spirit even you win the election next time don't forgot...God Bless

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Ramesh, Mangalore,

    By any chance, did you get a boon of dying only after your wife dies ? Generally women have a longer life than men. Is it opposite in your family ?

    Traditions and worship (divinity) are made by man. What harm if you alter them to make the life of your family members a bit dignified when you are not around anymore ?

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  • Jennet Prescilla, Mangalore / Muscat

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Ramesh, why it is hurting you that Mr. Poojary has taken on him to turn the tradition of honouring widows. If a man becomes a widower he is not shunned by the community nor is he banned from taking active part in the religious events. why this partiality towards woman. The woman wears the Kumkum, bangles and flowers even before she is married. However, the right of wearing these are snatched from her, just because she has the misfortune of losing her husband to death, for no fault of hers. Why torment, when she is already suffering. It is people like you who claim to be the supporters and defenders of religion, and who do not even raise one finger alliviate the sufferings of these less fortunate ladies have the audacity to raise a hue and cry against something good being done in the society. shame on you and your tribe who advocate this belief. Kudos to Mr. Poojary for this wonderfully brave step, inspite of drastic opposition, which I am sure he would be facing.

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  • Reshma, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Great job, Mr. Poojary keep it up. ur really great. God bless you always.

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  • Deepa, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Great work by Janardhan Poojary....he is one in million...Hats off.....

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  • Gopinath Rao, mangalore/dubai

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Mr Janardhan Poojari deserves appreciation for this. Well done Mr Poojari.. you honoured our mothers and motherland.

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  • Manoj Kadri, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Yedde Bele Poojarile.. Eni mutta kudlad yerla manpandina bele eer mantar.. Anda onji patera election g preparation att atte undu?

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  • ramesh, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    playing dirty politics in gods name. who is he to change the tradition. If these people do not recognise the tradition, what faith they have in temples and gods.

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    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    grt work....hope like this programs will continue and bring so good hopes in all widows life.... widows marriage should be encouraged more and more so that they will also live a happy life.

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  • anamika, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Hats off to Mr. Janardhan Poojary another Anna Hazare to protect women from this indiscriminative society, when Maa Durga is worshipped by all, why should a widow be ill treated

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  • D. F. Lobo, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 04 2011

    Is this a anti-'Manu Vada' move? Congrats to Mr Janardhana Poojari. Those who respect their mother as a great and holy woman, they will definitely support this movement. Go ahead.

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  • Kisore Poojary, Udupi/Dubai

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    Good job. I appreciate. But Vote ke liye kuch bhi karega our politicians. My advice to Mr. Poojary is to change his political party from Communal Congress to BJP.

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  • brijesh, garodi

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    very nice to see those snaps, pecially the smile on those widows face while hey are honoured. may goddess durgadevi shower her blessings on all of them.

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  • paddu, mangalore

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    great job sir ! . Please continue ur social work "againt buvupatnitva" and compulsory family planning in all communities.

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  • Sheela Dsouza, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    Very Great Breakthrough.... Hats Off!!!

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  • paddu, mangalore

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    Nakali samaja sudharaka..:)

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    We have got a break. Lets sons and daughters take it forward. Let our widow mother be what she was before our father died than imposing social taboo on her. If a young woman lost her husband, let us encourage and help her find a partner - a widower can remarry - why not a young widow ?

    Some ten years back, when a friend of us insisted on 'roce application' by his widow mother, we were elated.

    Caroline, as per my understanding, the 'sati' was forced on her by remaining women of the family because, otherwise, the men in the family will sexually abuse her and the women had no power to stop it. Sacrificing her life for the love of her husband is the social explanation.

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  • hassanmukha, mangalore/ksa

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    Well done Mr.Janardhan Pujari.Grate work.Do such noble works in the future also.We feel Narayana Guru Junior has come!We are with you in all your good deeds you do to the society.

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  • David Rodrigues, Kayyar/Bangalore

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    Really a great job. Keep it up.

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  • lokesh suvarna, Bajal

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    good work .Well Done Poojar Sir.

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  • Yashwanth, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    A great and noble deed by Mr.Janardhan Poojari. Path-breaking and appreciable, well done sir.

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  • Roshan S., Moodbidri

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    wow wow and wow

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  • Arun Devadiga, Mudarangadi/Abu Dhabi

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    Great job....keep it up...God Bless

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  • Hitesh Salian, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    This is really a good move. Really appreciated and a great message to entire nation.

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  • Ranjan, mangalore

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    this is why Janardhan Poojary considered great...

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  • Praveen, Udupi/Bangalore

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    Voting Gimmic!!! you will not will this time also ..LOL

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  • Nithin Poojary, Mangalore\UK

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    have simply no words to explain.... The word "Widow" which was the part of all Hindus since thousands of years has been removed today....Really a historic day. Mr.Janardhan Poojary till now known has a Leader, Henceforth you will also be known has a "SOCIAL REFORMER".

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  • TSPA, oman

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    Guess this is convention breaking..Kudos ..Need more such shell breaking acts from leaders of the society.Kudos once again ..Well Done Mr Poojary!

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  • Pami, Magalore/ Dammam

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    People talk about Hindutava but do nothing other than communal riots, But this man is a real hero today if the name mangalore dasara is Famous it is only Because of Mr. JANARDAN pojary.....

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  • Pami, Magalore/ Dammam

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    People talk about Hindutava but do nothing other than communal riots, But this man is a real hero today if the name mangalore dasara is Famous it is only Because of Mr. JANARDAN pojary.....

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  • anil, mangalore/abudhabi

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    Great job from Janardan poojary sir.keep it up sir. God bless you and keep you in good health and good God protect you in your future.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    At last our community have realised that the widows too are human beings. Thanks goes to Mr. Janardhana Poojary, the managing trustee of Lord Gokarnanatheshwara Temple.
    We need more reforms. Keep it up and God bless!

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  • caroline , kulshekar/kuwait

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    very cheap thing, every women has right to do what she wishes tradition over the period make the society's adopt it as an hard and fast rule, which had happend long back, women got into sati just to the fact that to remain with the husband which is with atmost love to her husband, savithre did it unable of bearing insult to her husband, women gives up her beauty to her died husbands feet, and pledge not wear for this lifetime. instead of cutting short the tradition arrange to educate people about what is the acctual traditon,

    and moreover its not chandrika homa . its chandiga homa. and dont give a picture to the world that our tradition is wrong, a widow's has right wear an tulasi garland, which is only to be put to lord krishna, the god's stature is given to the widow women.

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  • Nithin Poojary, Mangalore\UK

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    I have simply no words to explain.... The word "Widow" which was the part of all Hindus since thousands of years has been removed today....Really a historic day. Mr.Janardhan Poojary till now you were known as Leader, Henceforth you will also be known has a "SOCIAL REFORMER".

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    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    This clearly shows Janardhana Poojary's concern for the weaker section that also widows who were honored and made to feel that they are not discarded one when religious rites are performed.JP showed that he is the man for powerless and I,believe this is a good and revolutionized thinking.In another news item, I, foretasted Shri Janardhan Poojary will one day (occupy)adore highest place in Indian politics....

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  • ullas, mlr/blr

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    good work mr poojary.. this is indeed something which none of our minsters or elected representatives never dared to do.. i only wish you were in the national scene today so that such kind of measures are taken on a large scale nationally..

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  • Sudhakar Poojary,Muchila, Kadeshiwalaya/Dubai

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    What a greate work from Poojary sir.Hats off sir.

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  • vasant raj, udupi/Abudhabi

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    At last Poojary did a good job.

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  • Nithin Poojary, Mangalore\UK

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    I have simply no words.....

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  • Mehita, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 03 2011

    Thanks Mr. Poojary for taking this initiative. I remember Raja Ram Mohan Roy over here. Mr Poojary's critiques may not like this comparison though. How terribly our society has been treating widows over the years! One can write volumes on this issue. There have been novels written and movies made highlighting on the pathetic exploitation of widows. Anybody making an effort to understand their pain, and then trying to bring some pleasant change in their life is truly blessed.

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