Mumbai, Dec 21 (IANS): Bollywood superstar Ajay Devgn graced the recent episode of the streaming chat show ‘Koffee With Karan’ along with his long time collaborator Rohit Shetty. The duo spoke about a lot of things but the one that caught the most attention was Ajay and Rohit’s opinion on the actors of the current generation.
The two agreed that the actors of the current generation are "very insecure."
During the course of the episode, show host Karan Johar asked them: “What do you think about the newer generation of actors? Do you think they have that fighting spirit?”
Responding to the same, Rohit said that they are insecure mostly because of social media. He said: “I think too much insecurity or too much validation they need from social media, from people they don’t know. I think they are very insecure, I mean I don’t know why, but maybe they have their own thing because they are born in this generation.”
Karan then asked the duo if the newer actors overthink, as he said: “How easily y’all did two-three hero films. I don’t see that happening today. I don’t think they have the security of doing two-three hero films.”
Ajay touched upon the aspect of indecisiveness of the current crop of actors. He said: “I don’t think they have the security of doing solos also. They take 3 years to decide if they have to do this or that.”
‘Koffee with Karan’ season 8 streams on Disney+ Hotstar.