Karnataka Minister Umesh Katti Assaults Railway Policeman

Daijiworld Media Network – Hubli (SP)

Hubli, Aug 24: In an incident that occurred at the city railway station on the night of Monday August 22, state minister for agriculture, Umesh Katti, manhandled a policeman on security duty. The victim has been identified as Shivaramaiah, head constable of Railway Protection Force.

The policeman was on duty at the railway station, when Katti’s car and an escort vehicle arrived there. Noticing that the two vehicles had not been parked at the allotted slots, Shivaramaiah asked the drivers to move the vehicles to the parking lot stipulated for VIPs. However, both the drivers rebuked the policeman, saying that he had no authority to direct vehicles of minister.

Angered over the development, Katti got down, abused Shivaramaiah with choice words, held his collar and shook him violently. The buttons of the man’s uniform came off  in this incident.  Shivaramaiah contacted inspector, Javed Mokashi, who came on the scene immediately. Reportedly, the minister used abusive words against him too.

However, no official complaint was registered against the minister.


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  • Manjunath, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    N. Mamu's BJP has free for all law. If something wrong done compare it with other miscreant

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  • Vinod Shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Aug 25 2011

    Nagesh nayak proposed sonia gandhi and she rejected him. From then on Nagesh Nayak is taking revenge on her. One thing all should notice is he thinks of her day in and day out.jai ho Nagesh maamu.

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  • Neeraj fernandes, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    ISMAIL.K.PERINJE, PERINJE-YANBU/KSA::: MR u also shud mention congress leaders.. do u think they are not kallaru??? what abt Raja's latest statement? Even PM and FM both involved in 2g scam. Do u think they are great persons who wont be caught even after doing wrong things?

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  • Rammohan, Puttur

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    This is how legislators think they are above board.

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  • Calvin, Surathkal/USA

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Our CM Mr Sadananda Gowda should such anti social elements from the ministry.

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  • Prakash, Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011


    That is the reason BJP can do anything. BJP has looted karnataka because of UPA or ITALIAN LED.

    If UPA has done something why is not becoming stinking news like this?

    IS Yeddy following UPA or BJP? To follow all activities of UPA???

    These guys are now turning from looters to rowdys. May be they are rowdies and looted.

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  • nayakkana vayalil dinesh, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    this was happenening in India.What they are thinking theirselves.
    we cannot blame any ministers like this,we have to blame ourselves for electing this kind of dirty politicians.one day should come people should catch ministrs collar and slap him if they repeats this kind of action.uncultured donkeys.forget degree he even not passed the elementary schoon.shame on them shame on karnataka govt.

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  • ferns, dubai

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Katti is a defector. wherever power is there this shameless creature is defecting,. when kumar was cm he became minister and now he is with bjp by ditching jd(s).To add to it he is practicing goodaism now. shame on you katti defector

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  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    When there is strong evidence of assault why police have not taken any action against this goonda and why CM has not done anything about it?

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  • Ajay, UK

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Will Anna Hazare's protest and support for him by the Indian Public help to curb this sort of behaviour otherwide known as sadistic abuse of power?
    Bihar which was once considered as the most Bimar amongst the Bimaru states has undergone a sea change with respect to development.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    The elected ministers forget that they sre public servants elected by the people till the next election.

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  • Sunil Pinto, Bantwal/Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Being Ex-Serviceman I know value of the Uniform for serviceman. The minister by tearing Policeman's uniform, has not only insulted that policeman but also his Service, I mean whole Railway Police Force. Very shame on that UNEDUCATED minister, here I mean uneducated ...doesnt mean he is not learned one, but he is a cultureless..animal

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    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    O.YES Moorthy,Mangalore/Dubai....Your then CM Yeddy slapped to driver of his car in front of Media..where are you have been?Katti obstructed govt service personnel which carries stringent punishment but being said that who sat top on the Chair BJP CM na....BJP ministers from top to bottom are looters rowdies and law breakers....The story for U may fishy but for others it is BIRAYANI....

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  • Ivan Menezes., MAngalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    What is the difference between Kasab......? and this minister....?.
    He is a terrorist from out of country.Katti from in the country.

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  • Ivan Menezes., MAngalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    What is the difference between Kasab......? and this minister....?.
    He is a terrorist from out of country.Katti from in the country.

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  • vashal, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    This is the BJP GoondaRaj Unique from other parties.

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  • E Saldanha, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Please do not justify the wrong doings by citing the wrong doings of others. This shows that your brain is shrinking. What Anna doing today is to teach you blokes a new beginning is to be made and stop giving old excuses. Learn the meaning of the word "Psuedos" before using. It was never Italian Law.It was Indian Law. If it was, where was your tail?

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  • Manohar Ullal, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    The hublikars..regardless of political party fight for this unhuman cause... Be an indian.... wake up... protest this unhuman act of this so called minister. is there any sincere police officers in Hubli.... take an action on this so called minister & file an FIR.... let him run around the court...

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  • s.moorthy, mangalore/dubai

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    We shouldnot come to conclusion wheather minister did it or not. Even I watched TV channenls showing this, we can find the policemen telling some abusive words (censored) in front of media according to them these words has told by Mr. Katti. We can see the way policement presenting it. If really something happened why police keeping quet they would have booked the case.
    Something fishy

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  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Dictionary says minister means Servent (Sevak), subordinate. But in India some are worst than an animal!!!

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  • Arshad Kadli, Bhatkal / Al Khobar

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Naagesh Maam,
    We all know your frustration after disgraceful unseating of Yeddy.
    You can continue to defend Yeddy, Reddy, Halappa, Katta and now Katti.
    There are many good people in BJP but inless drastic action is taken to separate bad apples from good ones, the party is going to suffer.
    Finally keep your frenzy for Italian only for related news.

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  • Raju, Muscat

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    I think nagesh is an Italian who lives in india. He understands italian laws better than indian laws.
    There was no italy here.

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  • Ajit, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Aaj Ka Gundaraj!!!
    MLA's taken away to Malaysia???
    There is absolutely no confidence in any democratic elected govt. coz the candidates are goons, thugs who get party tickets, congress, BJP or who ever.
    The day is not far when all civilians will be up in arms and every politician will be beaten. 6 months back nobody ared to talk against Gadafi now he is hiding like a rat. Katti just take this example and learn the outcome.

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  • akumar, udyavara /toronto

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    This man has the audacity to man handle a public servant in public in spite of the defining moment going on in India to wipe out curruption and goondagiri.How could we elect these . nothing goes in ther brain?

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    Wed, Aug 24 2011


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  • Justice Smith, Dubai

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Police security person must have used his gun and emtied all bullets on his head.. Goonda minister

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Mr.Umesh Katti..agriculture minister has NO CULTURE ! Did he come from Bihar ? Laloo Prasad used to do this type of bloody act.He even slapped IAS officer infront of public. Dear CM..please remove him post.Let Mr.Katti sit with Mr.Katta in jail.That is the right place for him.

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  • Venance A.J.Crasta, Udyavara / Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    These are our leaders and we are electing them...

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  • Prakash , mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    From UPA Govt somebody might have given hard time to so called Nagesh Nayak Bangalore,that's why he changed his party and joined BJP the Goondaraj along with RSS,BD etc etc...Poor fellow no one can help it.

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  • Somesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    @Nagesh Are you real? In other words you eat food like all of us?

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Thats the difference between Congress & BJP. Before Bache Gowda did the same.

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    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    This is Nagesh Maam style in the name of Italian madam! Nagesh's comments are more ridiculous than the incident!

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  • Rudy, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Poor constable why you interfered with this Minister...Action will be taken only against you not against Minister. Its BJP ruled State. ......!They can go any extent of corruption & injustice. You know home ministers are changed but innocent people still facing enquiries from last two years.

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  • ronnet dsouza , managlore / dubai

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    this is all goondagiri in bjp raj,yesterday when i am watching kannada tv, i saw katti's face is like crocadile face, 100% he is assaulted police officer, please file fir, put him in jail,law is same for every body, katti, katta is waiting for you eat ragi mudde

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    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Law makers are law breakers in BJP govt is very unfortunate.In BJP govt Rowdies(Bacche Gowda,Umesh Katti,Reddy brothers)"KALLARU"(Yeddy,KATTA,KRISNAYA SHETTY,SHOBA,REddy Brothers..........What a contradiction - BJP propagating AND PREACHING nationalism and patriotism .......saidhanthika POLITICS ECT ECT BUT THEIR CADRES AND HIGH FLYING POLITICIANS ARE DOING OTHERWISE....Minister Katti must be booked under appropriate section by police dept...but any guts by police? should it happened by an ordinary citizen then what would be the action from Police dept...God knows.

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  • Ashok, Udupi

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Yes for all these we need Strong Jan Lokpal bill. In this corrupt world there is no respect for common man. He is strugling day / night to take care of his family.

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  • Antony , Udupi

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    @nagesh nayak, bangalore, we know that Central govt hands are not in milk, we don’t want to defend them, so called " ITALIAN LAW " by you.
    But why do you comment something which is not relevant to topic.
    What is your stand on this issue.
    What the minister did was correct or wrong.

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  • Inthu, Basrur / UAE

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Law is same for all.. either he is common man or cheif minister or minister.
    File complaint against this halka misnister and send him jail.. One more chore and criminal from BJP..
    God save karnataka..

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  • Prakash , mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Hey Nagesh your comment is nothing to do with the above news first read the news,these are your connections who breaking the law.illiterate ministers ploi goondas good for nothing.

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  • john anthony, mangalore / qatar

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Shame on you. You abuse the man who elected you. If he was not there you are no where near any powerful seat. Shame on you. And why is that no complaint is filled yet. And does anyone know that you could be in serious trouble if you manhandle a person in uniform. Jai Hind

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011






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  • Abdul Hameed, Krishnapura/Dubai

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    This Minister from BJP,1st take strict action against the headconstable & Inspector, why because, they have not registered case against this rubbish minister, let them register the case & send him for 7 days police custody for further investigations.

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  • Anil Pinto, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    This is how the BJP ministers work.

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Bantwal

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Highly deplorable act by a person in power. Instead of being a good role model, this is what Katta is showcasing to the public. Reportedly he was in an inebriated state and got furious as his driver had parked his car in a wrong place! Down with such goonda type acts of Katta!!

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    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Maharaj of Mysore once complimented a watchman at a level crossing for following the rules in not allowing Maharaja's car to pass,though there was time for train's arrival.

    Now, any tom, dick and harry can win the election by corrupt means and become the ruler.

    Let us fight such politicians by supporting Anna and remove such politicians from power.

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  • Prakash , mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    @Nagesh -another news from your BJP Chors,very intresting.But you are still missing why don't you comment on this news.

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  • prakash, mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    These beg for votes and than onces they will they think they are superior.We make them win we pay their security and than bite the very security guy who is telling them that there is a place to park the car for VIP? is that a crime?if ur a minister that mean you can do anything and everything? With this mentality India will not move forward.Why did they logde a FIR for assaulting a Govt servant on duty?? Abusing and fighting and show of power is the right of this politicials. irrespective of party.People must show them doors.

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  • Anoop, Bangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    Shame on you minister. What are you thinking of yourself. Want to utter all the bad words. Have you atleast considered the age of that public servant.
    It is become habit for you guys to humiliate people. You are holding such a mentality less than beggars. This is the problem if people like you, fit for nothing, get the power.
    You are not eligible to compare to those who pick the plastics from garbage. Atleset they clean the environment in a way.

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  • Ahmed, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    This is BJP. Jai Hooooo!
    BJP is total corrupt party with bunch of thieves/criminals/goons appointed as Ministers.

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    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    The incident is nothing if compared to the mafia activities of other BJP ministers like Reddy's.How can you expect the police officer to file a complaint in a state where Katta complaints chest pain just before bail application.If the officer want to file a compalaint,then Katti can be booked for assaulting a officer on duty.

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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    These arrogant lawless law makers should be arrested and FIR should be registered. Let them fight the case, undergo punishment and come out. Law should have same yard stick and should be applicable to all without discounts.

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  • sudheer, Mangalore

    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    If lokpal bill comes into action.. The Police const. can kick this guy in no time... YES TO JAN LOKPAL BILL!

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    Wed, Aug 24 2011

    why is there no case registered... who does this old fart think he is... assualting a police office and holding his collar and what not, it is morons like this running our country, i bet this man has not even completed his degree.

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