M’lore: All Banks’ Christian Employees Assn Revels Decennial Year, Aims High
Media Release
Mangalore, Aug 10: It all started with a small movement in the year 1998, against the decision of the Reserve Bank of India asking the Bank employees to work on Easter Sunday on account of Annual Closing of Bank Accounts.
Immediately, Machcha Millar, founder, chairman and general secretary of All Banks’ Christian Employees Association (ABCEA), along with several like- minded friends working in banks in the City came together and started a signature campaign to protest against the directives issued by the RBI to the Public Sector Banks and Co-operative Banks in the State of Karnataka.
The Christian Bank employees gave support for the cause in large numbers and as the first step of protest, they started sending telegrams to the RBI against the directive and finally the RBI was forced to concede and modify its directive.
This made Millar and team to think that they should be ever ready and stay united by forming an Association to fight against such issues in future. So in the year 2001, they organized a Millennium Meet to seriously discuss about this matter.
All the Bank employees extended support for forming an association. Finally, on August 22, 2001, the All Bank’s Christian Employees Association was formed. In the year 2004, the protest against the removal of Good Friday as a public Holiday by the Govt of Karnataka prevailed and they succeeded in retaining the holiday after a great fight, with good support from the media. Ronald Colaco and Philomena Peris also extended their support from Bangalore.
Also, during that time there was severe criticism from the public that Bank employees were well placed in society and drawing a good salary; that they were comfortable with their Bank job and least bothered about helping Society, which had given them a lot. This also prompted them to form this Association and they thought they could tell the public that even in the midst of hectic work, they could find time to help the poor and the needy. They took this as a challenge and today are proud to say that by coming together they have done something to Society, if not everything. The activities conducted during the past 9 years and in the Decennial Year show their determination and commitment to help the weaker sections of society and to pay back to Society and make this World a better place to live in, for the less fortunate.
The Association was formed with an intention to unite all Christian Bank Employees, working in Public/Private sector and cooperative Banks under one banner and with a sincere effort to serve the community and society at large through various community service activities and welfare measures.
ABCEA is a Social, Cultural and Voluntary organization and its vision is –Working for the betterment of mankind with an aim to pay back to our Community/Society.
At present it has 250 Bank Employees who have enrolled as members of our Association, working in different Banks in and around Mangalore as well as retired bank employees. The Office bearers & Executive Committee Members of the Association meet on III rd Saturday of every month at 6.00 P.M at Monica Hall, Milagres Church, Mangalore and have been working with all zeal, dedication and service.
Some of the activities, events & programmes done by the association for past 9 years:
1) Aid for the sick for their Medical Treatment (Rs.45,000/=)
2) Aid for the needy students to pay their fees & cost of uniform.(Rs.1,20,000/=)
3) Visit to Kollangana Church (Kasaragod District) to distribute the donated amount to poor students.(Rs.25,000/=)
4) Conducted ‘Way of the Cross’ at Milagres Church, Mangalore, Infant Jesus Shrine, Bikernakatta & Fatima Retreat House, Jeppu , Mangalore on Good Fdiday day since 2004.
5) Seminar on SELF ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY TAX(M.C.C) for the benefit of members & public at Bendore church Hall
6) Workshop on briefing & educating bank job aspirants( to apply on line for Bank Recruitement)
7) Assistance to Bellary Flood Affected areas by way of sending rice bags for distribution.(Rs.10,000/-)
8) Aid for rehabilitating the Khandamal (ORISSA) Victims .(Rs.12,000/=)
9) Aid for ‘ASHRAYA’ GIRLS’ ORPHANAGE at Bejai,Mangalore.(Rs.25,000/-)
10) Honouring of outstanding & talented Bank/Public personalities of the Christian Community.
11) Held 9 family get together for association members.
12) Honoured the Meritorious children of our members every year with the Merit Awards for securing highest marks in 7Th, 10Th , II nd P.U.C & Diocesean Catechism Exam.
13) Contribution by the Executive Committee members out of savings made during Lenten for the medical treatment of a needy patient of Bajal Parish, Mangalore and so on
Considering the above service activities, Ronald Colaco was kind enough to donate Rs.5, 00,000/= to start a “Merit and Means Scholarship” to the meritorious and poor students.
Despite the services done so far the bank authorities and members feel they have much more to do and there’s a long road an ahead. They are dedicated to aim high and serve in all possible ways.