Media Release
Udupi, May 20: The major sensory organ of a person is their eyes. One glimpse around us makes us realize the importance of sight. Having to deal with blindness is one of the challenges faced by the visually impaired. The blind population faces a lot of difficulties in accomplishing their day-to-day activities.
To provide an innovative solution to this problem, final year students of Electronics and communication Shreya Udupa S, Sneha J S, Tulasi D J, and Yashwanth Naik from Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management (SMVITM) have devised a model titled 'Robot Assistance for Visually Impaired' under the guidance of Chetan R senior assistant professor, electronics and communication department and sponsored by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
The objective of this project is to assist the visually impaired in their everyday task such as navigation from one place to another and identifying objects. The identification of objects and the detection of obstacles are done through a voice-enabled system that would direct the visually challenged person in their day-to-day work. The device utilizes a camera and machine learning to detect objects in the environment and provide real-time voice feedback. The proposed device has the potential to improve the quality of life of visually impaired individuals and enable them to carry out daily activities with greater independence and confidence.