From the editor’s desk :-
Dear music lovers,
“A Blessed Easter” to you all! It gives me immense pleasure to wish you and your families a very happy and spirit filled Easter! On this joyous occasion of the greatest feast of “Easter” I pray in a very special way that the peace and joy of Risen Christ reign in your minds and hearts and may you experience the power of the Risen Lord throughout your life.
In my great determination of presenting you a melodious musical chord as an ‘Easter Egg’ I found a super star! Mellifluous singing is a gift for him, which flows in his blood. He is an international singer and has created musical waves through his singing over four decades. His melodious singing waves have reached not only every corner of India and Gulf Countries but also in the North American State, Canada! He is not only a great singer but also a talented actor par-excellence. The dynamic main role he played almost 3 decades back in “Georgie Buthel” Konkani Drama written by Cha.Fra.DeCosta, is still vivid in my mind. Who is this genius, a super star, and the pride of Konkan? This unique jewel of Konkan music and a great star is none other than Sri Prem Lobo widely known as Prem Kumar, Nandigudda, Mangalore also nick-named as Jumping-Jack of Konkan who is one of the main singers in Konkan Kogul Wilfy’s group from day one! Who will forget those lovely jumpy duets he presented with yet another great singer Smt. Babita D’Sa during ‘70’s & ‘80’s? Apart from singing and acting Prem Kumar is a renowned poet & Konkani Writer too.
Dear Do..Re..Me..Fa. lovers during this glorious season of Easter, I am sure you will enjoy listening to this great singing sensation! Once again I thank you for your great support. I shall see you next month, same site, same column! Till then, Chow!
Yours in Do..Re..Me..Fa..,
Gerry D’Mello, Bendur
“PREM KUMAR” - The beautiful and apt pen name of Sri Prem Lobo, by itself suggests the incessant love of the singer for the Konkani Music! He boldly and confidently proclaims to his fans that he will not stop singing Konkani Music till he has a voice for it.

The following are his own words: “Muzo thallo astha pasun haanv mujea abhimani kathir gaitholon.” And with one voice his fans seem to respond: “Gaithaach tum raav, Prem Kumar, gaithaach tum raav.” – “Go on singing forever!”
Family Background:
Prem Lobo was born in the Milagres Parish of Mangalore City on 27th October, 1950. His parents were late Sylvester and late Theresa Lobo. He has one brother and four sisters.
Prem Lobo had his education in St. Aloysius High School and College and is a B.Com graduate from that prestigious College. Later in life, he married Linet and had two children, Prashubha and Pratham. Now he happily resides at “Premlin”, Babugudda, Mangalore -1.
Music Background:
It was one of those unforgettable days of Prem. When he was Studying in 9th standard, his Dad brought a spool recorder from Qatar, Gulf. At that time it was a novelty in Mangalore. So his Dad invited Wilfy Rebimbus to his house to demonstrate the spool recorder. Wilfy Rebimbus was at that time just making an impact on the Konkani Music world. This incident inspired and encouraged Prem a great deal. Then onwards, he decided to awaken and harness his latent God-given talent for Music. He devoted himself to the Konkani Music and language. With a pen name – “Prem Kumar”- he associated himself with Wilfy Rebimbus, took inspiration from the words and music of Wilfy and joined his troupe of singers and sang enthusiastically in Wilfy Nites and programmes! Though Prem Kumar is thankful to his relatives who gave a lot of encouragement and support, he acknowledges Wilfy Rebimbus as his one and only “Music Guru.”
1) Prem Kumar has sung innumerable songs in Konkani and Tulu language. He has lost count of them and neither has he tried to keep a record of them.
2) Similarly, a lot of Konkani Audio Cassettes and CDs have recorded the songs of Prem Kumar.
- 37 volumes of Wilfy Rebimbus.
- 2 Baila cassettes / CDs of Claude D’Souza.
- Devotional cassettes / CDs of Wilfy Rebimbus, Fr, Walter Albuquerque, Harold Rasquinha and Cyprian Vas.
- Prem Kumar has sung for Konkani movies like ‘Bogsanne’ and ‘Padri.’
- He has sung in All India Radio programmes and Doordharsan.
3) Prem Kumar has rendered musical performances both in India and abroad. He has performed in all Wilfy Nites (240+ concerts) in various parts of India, Gulf, and in the historic performance in Canada!
4) His other achievements in the field of Konkani Language are:
- Published 60 poems in leading Konkani papers and Periodicals.
- Written 4 Konkani novels and 70 short stories.
- Acted in number of Dramas and has won awards.
- Composed many songs and hymns.
- Active member of Milagres Church Choir for over 3 decades.
- Prem Kumar is a highly popular compere & a renowned toast-master.
Prem Kumar has been awarded and honoured by the “United Youngsters” of Mangalore,” “Konkani Sangh” of Mysore and Daiji World of Dubai! Prem is not in search of awards and honours but he has a dream to fulfill. He wants to organize a “Prem Kumar Nite” – a live concert of his own songs and wants to bring out a cassette / CD of his own songs, quite a legitimate ambition of a popular singer! As his fans fervently wish for him that his dream may come true, Prem has a message for his fans:” Muzo thallo astha pasun haanv mujea abhimani khathir gaitholon” – “I will sing forever for my loving fans as long as my voice permits.” Sing Prem Kumar Sing!