New Delhi, April 7 (IANS) Reformer Anna Hazare, on day three of his hunger strike demanding a more powerful anti-graft law, Thursday apologised to former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Uma Bharati who was asked to leave the protest site a day earlier."Yesterday (Wednesday) my sister Uma Bharati came here but she was escorted out by some people," Hazare told reporters at Jantar Mantar, where thousands of people have gathered in support of his demand.
"I was saddened by this and would like to apologise to her for the incident as everybody has a right to sit here and protest against corruption," he added.
He added that politicians could come and sit among the crowds but not on the stage "as this is a people's movement and giving it a political shade would be wrong".
"I have no objection to people fighting for the cause but they should not misuse it," Hazare said.