Media Release
Mangaluru, May 19: Ursuline Franciscan Sisters had their 14th general chapter from May 9-17 with the theme ‘Repair My House’ at Generalate ‘Somarpann’ for which 46 delegates were present. It commenced with 8 days retreat prior to the chapter preached by Fr Joseph D Mello SJ, with which the capitulars were oriented well for the chapter.
In this 14th general chapter Sr Milly Fernandes was elected superior general and Sr Rita Vas, Sr Juliana Pinto, Sr Lydia Precilla Serrao and Sr Philomena Noronha as councilors general for the period of six years to take the congregation to greater heights in terms of its spirituality, community life and mission in the light of the word of God and the spirit of the Founding members.
During these grace-filled and spirit-led days they delved deep into the present burning issues and concerns of the world, church, congregation, community and self. The major internal and external challenges discussed, evaluated and considered were self-absorption, counter influence of media and gadgets, the concerns of the ‘new poor’ in the fringes, increase of violence and fundamentalism. Having realized their call to holiness, with a sense of synodality of participation, communion and mission, they pledged themselves to repair, renew and rebuild self, community, Church and the world.
Today, the Ursuline Franciscan congregation has spread into four continents with over 1,000 sisters and 150 formees. The sisters in the spirit of synodality participate in the mission of the church with zeal. They live the present with passion, embrace the future with hope by being women of the dawn, women of passion for God and people, women of joy and women of inner freedom, ‘launching deeper into the lives of the people solely for the love of God’ in simplicity of life, and proclaim the message of the fullness of life of God’s Kingdom.