Media Release
Mangaluru, May 8: On Sunday May 8, 33 children of St Lawrence Church, Bondel accompanied by their parents marched with eagerness for the reception of the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time, dressed in white symbolizing purity and newness.
Fr Andrew D'Souza celebrated the Holy Eucharist. Fr Rupesh Tauro, Fr Ravi and Fr Philip were the concelebrants.

Fr Rupesh Tauro preached an inspirational homily referring to the readings of the day. He emphasised on the role of a child to seek the Lord, love and follow the Lord closely.
The liturgy was organized perfectly as every child had a part to play in proclaiming the word, sing the Psalm, introduction to the Mass, prayers of the faithful, prayer after Communion.
Certificate of participation in catechism classes, scapular, Rosary were gifted to the first communicant.
The teachers of Sunday catechism classes helped the children in their preparation to receive the sacrament of reconciliation and first Holy Communion.