Media release
Mangalore, Jan31: The sisters of the Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province gathered on January 30, at St Ann’s Convent Chapel, to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit during the Eucharistic celebration celebrated by Fr Paul Melwyn D’Souza OFM Cap, the episcopal vicar for Religious of Mangalore diocese.
The delegates of the provincial chapter then assembled in the chapter hall for the elections. Sr Maria Shamita A C was re-elected as the provincial superior of the province for the 2nd term for 3 more years.
The four councillors elected are Sr Rose Agnes, Sr Maria Melissa, Sr Maria Sudeepa and Sr Julie Ann. Sr Marina D’Cunha is elected as Provincial Bursar.
The superior general Sr Maria Nirmalini A C presided over the elections. The new team will assume office on April 24.