Rony D'Cunha, Babita Pinto Nominated for Global Konkani Music Awards
Media Release
Mangalore, Nov 13: Mandd Sobhann has selected names of three final nominees each for the six categories for the second Global Konkani Music Awards. The awards function will be held at Kalaangann, Shaktinagar here on Sunday, December 12, during the first World Konkani Cultural convention. Final winners will be announced on that day.
Names of Nominees:

Best Konkani Singer (Female): Babita Pinto (Tum Mojea Mogacho), Nephie Rod (Rangaylyare), and Ulfa Khwaja (Paavsa Disaani).

Best Konkani Singer (Male): Rony D’Cunha (Bharat Tum Mahan), Sameer Karpe (Sapana Majhin), and Dr Vinay Kumar Pai Raiker (Chondrima).

Best Konkani Music Composer: Sacrifice Group (Chote Rahimat Khan and Amul Mainkar) for Pausa Disaani and the same duo for Sapna Majhin, and Sidhanath Buyao for Chondrima.

Best Konkani Music Arranger: Cajetan Dias (album: Krist Amcho Rai), Sacrifice Group (Chote Rahimat Khan and Amul Mainkar - album: L'Amour) and Vanil Veigas (album: Masti).

Best Konkani Lyricist: Arthur Pereira (Taram), Damodar G Naik (Nangar Ghalun), and John Aguiar (Pausanth Bhujya).

Best Konkani Music Album: Manzil Music (Chote Rahimat Khan and Amul Mainkar) for their album, L’Amour, Vanil Veigas for Masti, and Sidhanath Buyao for the album, Valley of Colorz.
Remo Fernandes, internationally famous pop singer, will participate as the chief guest at the awards function. He will also hand over the awards to the final winners (one each in every category), said Arun Raj Rodrigues, PRO, in a press release.