Oman : ABC Toastmasters Start First 'Gavel Club'
Report: Patcy Lasrado/Donald Fernandes
Photographs: Dilip Correa
Daijiworld-Media Network-Oman.
Muscat, Oct 24: The dream of ABC Toastmasters Club of starting a Gavel Club for the youngsters and enthusiastic “Gaveliers” finally came true. Gavelier Rana Jose, an enthusiastic and dynamic youngster, designer of ABC Toastmasters website (, a student of 12th standard at Indian School, Al Wadi Al Kabir, was elected as the first President of the newly formed “GAVEL CLUB” Sponsored by ABC Toastmasters Club, Oman.
The Gavel Club meeting began at 4.30 pm on Friday, 22nd October 2010 in Al Osool Al Arabia LLC Training Hall, Ruwi, with Sergeant at Arms TM Raymond Rodrigues calling the meeting to order.

In the absence of the dynamic and ever enthusiastic President of ABC Toastmasters Club, ACS CL Cyprian Misquith, who was mainly responsible to start this club, the immediate past President of the Club, CC CL Louis Pereira took over as the Toastmaster of the day. In his welcome address, Toastmaster CC CL Louis Pereira highlighted this Gavel Club as the “First officially registered Gavel Club” in the Sultanate of Oman and is a wonderful gift for the young children who wish to become successful public speakers and future leaders. The President’s message was read out by TM Madam Celine D’Souza for the Gaveliers, wishing them good luck, DTM George Thomas, Division Governor of Division D, District 79, was the chief guest of the day who in his address gave a brief introduction of the Toastmasters movement and its beginning way back in 1924 on the 22nd of October by Dr. Ralph Smedley. The other guest of the day was ACB CL Srikumar Pai, Area Governor of Area 67, Division D, who in his brief address advised the children to make use of this golden opportunity for their betterment and to gain self-confidence and leadership skills.
CC CL Louis Pereira then explained the activities of Toastmasters Club, difference between Toastmasters and Gavel Club and explained the duties and responsibilities of the club officers. He shared his own experience of joining the toastmasters club and how one can benefit from it. Seven officers were elected from among the Gaveliers who will be leading the Gavel Club for the next six months.
The Coordinator for the Gavel Club Madam Patcy Lasrado invited all the club officers for their self-introduction and to explain how they are going to shoulder these responsibilities as club officers.
The main coordinator for the Gavel Club ACB Thomas George conducted the table topic session with some interesting topics. Masters Ashley D’Souza, Rana Jose, Denzil Saldanha, Sarin, Jeremy, Gautam Varmani, Arjun, Elester and Miss Christine spoke spontaneously as table topic speakers on the topics given by the table topic master. He also conducted the Business session of selecting the role players for the next session.
The Time Keeper of the day was Toastmaster Leyasuddin who gave the time criteria and also maintained perfect time record of the entire meeting’s proceeding.
The Past President and toastmaster of the day, CC CL Louis Pereira in his closing remarks explained about various projects to be completed to achieve the respective titles and also advised the children about their next moves, maintaining timings for this club activities and wished the children success in this Gavel Club. He thanked the sponsor and owner of Al Osool Al Arabia Training hall, Toastmaster Jose Chacko and his family for their continuous help and support by providing the venue for the Gavel Club Meetings.
The Club Officers elected for the first six months term are:
1. President: Master Rana Jose.
2. Vice President-Education: Miss Amanda Pinto.
3. Vice President-Membership: Master Ashley D’Souza.
4. Vice President-Public Relations: Master Edward George.
5. Club Secretary: Master Dean Chris D’Souza.
6. Treasurer: Master Vivian Monis.
7. Sergent at Arms: Miss Natasha Showkath Assadi.
Main Coordinator for this Gavel Club are ACB Thomas George and Asst.
Coordinator Madam Patcy Lasrado.