Daijiworld Media Network - Puttur (SP)
Puttur, Jul 22: Siribagilu is a village under Kombaru gram panchayat in Puttur taluk. This village has a shortage of basic facilities. Children from the village have to walk for four kilometres to reach the nearest Anganwadi centre. High school children have to tread through forests and cover five km to reach high school. During the monsoon months, the people lose seven some of these facilities.
Three rivulets flowing among thick forests in this village, swell during the rainy season. Therefore the area is converted into virtual island without contacts between one another. Many a times, the villagers have approached the local administration, MLA etc seeking facilities but so far no solution has been found to their woes. If the people fall ill during the rainy season, only god can save them.
The people here are compelled to leave their children elsewhere to get them educated. The thick forests, swelling rivulets, and fear of wild animals discourage children from studying here. Even though promises of permanent bridge were made many times, the system has not moved to help the village.
The politicians, people's representatives and officials have to at least do something to help these people to get free from their ordeal and carry on with life comfortably.