Bengaluru, May 13 (IANS): In a shocking incident, a 47-year-old mentally disabled woman spent two days with the bodies of her mother and brother at their house in the Rajarajeshwari Nagar residential locality in the city.
The incident came to light on Wednesday night after a tenant living in the building informed the police about a foul smell emanating from his landlord's house.
According to the police, the deceased persons have been identified as Aryamba, 65, and her son Harish, 45, who was an employee with a private company. The family lived in the BEML Layout of RR Nagar.
The police said that Harish had tested positive for Covid-19 and died a couple of days ago, while investigation is on to determine the cause of Aryamba's death.
After the tenant called the police, officers were rushed to the spot who found Harish's partially decomposed body near the window of the living room.
"We broke open the main door and saw a woman coming out of a room. She appeared exhausted with no food or water. Her mother's partially decomposed body was found inside. According to the victim's neighbours and tenants, the three of them lived in the house and the survivor is mentally disabled who needed urgent mental care," a senior police officer said.
The police suspect that her mother and brother died about two days ago and she spent the past couple of days with their bodies. The woman has been admitted to a hospital.
The police have found that Harish had undergone a Rapid Antigen Test on April 25, which returned positive.
"As per the preliminary investigation, it is suspected that his mother also contracted the disease and both succumbed to it. However, we are awaiting medical test results to ascertain the exact cause of death," a police officer said.
The police have registered a case of unnatural death and further probe is on.