Mysuru, May 5 (IANS): After receiving flak from her counterpart as well as a number of elected representatives over the Chamarajnagar tragedy, Mysuru deputy commissioner Rohini Sindhuri on Wednesday denied all allegations made by Chamarajanagar Deputy Commissioner, M. R. Ravi Kumar, over supply of oxygen.
Reacting for the first time after the controversy erupted two days ago, Sindhuri told reporters that each district is responsible for the happenings within its jurisdiction.
"How can I be responsible for supply of oxygen to Chamarajangar? I was intimated about the shortage only at midnight and immediately I helped them by sending 40 cylinders from our district's quota," she said.
She said would it be sensible on her part to blame the Ballari deputy commissioner if oxygen supplies do not reach Mysuru? "We all know that oxygen supplies come from Ballari and the distributors here (Mysuru) are responsible for sending the requirements of various districts with whom they have contracts and not me," she explained.
On Tuesday Chamarajnagar Deputy Commissioner Ravi had blamed Sindhuri for the tragedy in his district stating that Sindhuri had 'orally' instructed all oxygen suppliers in Mysuru not to despatch even a single cylinder of oxygen without her permission. "This had put our system under severe stress and on May 1-2 night it had collapsed resulting in the deaths," he had alleged.
"Even as the matter is under inquiry as per orders of the state government the Chamarajnagar Deputy Commissioner, without waiting for the enquiry to be completed, continues to make false allegations," Sindhuri countered in her statement.
"I categorically state that as Deputy Commissioner Mysuru I did not ration or control oxygen supplies to Chamarajanagar or any other district. The oxygen supplies to a district are entirely between the supplier/re-filler and the district," she added.
She said that another Deputy Commissioner has no role or control over the same.
"It is the responsibility of the respective districts to manage their own oxygen supplies. If any supplier does not supply or the district's needs are not met then supervision and correction is by the state level officers. The DC Chamarajnagar must coordinate with these state level officers and get his supplies. If he fails to do that, how can I be responsible for his folly," she asked.