Vijayapura (Karnataka), Apr 1 (IANS): In a sudden move, the Karnataka police on Thursday shifted the parents of the woman at the centre of the sleaze CD case to Nidagundi from Belagavi district, where they have been provided adequate security measures. Meanwhile, the parents continued to plead through the media that they want their daughter back home.
The police apparently made this move after mediapersons regularly asked for the parents' reaction.
"We are fed up with giving reactions. We have just come here. One of my relatives is not keeping well. We can not give a reaction to whatever happens in Bengaluru. We are also equally clueless like you (Media). Unless my daughter comes back home, I cannot speak with you all," the father of the woman said.
Her brother said the last they spoke with his sister was on March 2. "After this we have not heard anything from her. We want to meet her. We want to live in peace. We are fed up with this torment," he said.
He alleged that his sister was held captive by people controlled by KPCC president D. K. Shivakumar. "Why would we make allegations about him? Until my sister told me I was not aware what position he held. All we knew is that he is a powerful politician. Before she was fully taken into his (Shivakumar) control, she had taken his name without any fear. This proves that he is behind this, We have 11 audio clips, of which two are released, nine are yet to be released but produced before the authorities concerned," he said in response to a question.
Meanwhile reacting to the family's allegations, KPCC president D. K. Shivakuamr quipped that they (family) must be taking his name only to market themselves in the media. "If my name can help them stay afloat, let them be happy. All I can say, I have nothing to do with this case. I do not wish to react anymore," he said.