Bengaluru, Mar 30 (IANS): The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested a Superintendent of Central Excise and Central Tax (GST) Honnavar Range, Uttara Kannada in a bribery case.
The CBI stated that they acted on a complaint that the accused had sought a bribe of Rs 50,000 from the complainant to waive off the service tax and penalty due from him on tax returns.
According to the statement released by the CBI, the accused is Jitendra K. Dagur, Superintendent of Central Excise & Central Tax (GST), Honnavar Range, Uttara Kannada (Karwar), Karnataka.
The complaint also alleged that on negotiation the accused agreed to accept the said amount in two installments.
"Based on this complaint, the CBI laid a trap and caught Dagur red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs. 25,000 as the first installment. Searches were conducted at his office and residence at Honnavar.
The CBI has registered a case and he was produced before the court in Bengaluru and remanded to judicial custody.