Bangalore, May 27: Sri Ram Sene chief Pramod Muthalik's public outrage against the `Headlines Today-Tehelka' expose failed to make any difference as moments after he dared the authorities and threatened `Headlines Today', Karnataka Police decided to file cases against him. `Headlines Today' and `Tehelka' had exposed Muthalik's actual face showing how he and his men accepted money to stage a riot.
Stung by the expose, Muthalik called a press conference on Wednesday, May 26 and made a pathetic defence. He claimed Sene had filed 10 cases against the expose.

"I have filed one case in Bangalore and one in Mangalore. Ten cases have been filed in total against them," Muthalik said addressing a press conference in the Karnataka capital.
"They are news mafia. They are political and... (working) only for money. They are Hindu-virodhi (anti-Hindu)," Muthalik said referring to `Headlines Today' and `Tehelka' for carrying out the sting operation on him.
Muthalik's outbursts clearly indicated that he was shocked and shaken by the truth. The man who became famous after beating innocents in a Bangalore pub even threatened and demanded an apology.
"They are the agents of Christians and Muslims. I want an apology from `Headlines Today' and `Tehelka' for calling me a deshdrohi (traitor). Before they did the sting operation, they should have thought about who Pramod Muthalik is," Muthalik said.