Bengaluru, Nov 8 (IANS): The Task Force for Implementation of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 headed by former Chief Secretary S. V. Ranganath on Saturday recommended the establishment of Karnataka Education Commission (KEC) to implement this policy smoothly in next ten years.
Deputy Chief Minister C. N. Ashwath Narayan and Primary and Secondary Education Minister S. Suresh Kumar released a report here, stating that Karnataka was the first state to come out with the road map to implement in next 10 years.
"The KEC will be headed by the Chief Minister and it will meet at least twice a year," he said.
The report comprises 500 points on school education and 200 on higher education that the NEP outlines and gives a greater clarity on the document, he added.
The Minister added that the task force report will be placed in the cabinet for its approval shortly.
The task force also strongly recommended that separation of powers within the existing bodies in the education department in order to bring more accountability.
The task force states that curricular reforms should drive the transformation of the current structure of schooling to 5+3+3+4 (Foundational, Preparatory, Middle and Secondary Stage).
"On one end, the focus should be on integrating XI and XII into the secondary stage, while on the other, a 'Foundation years' wing' needs to begin work on the 5-year integrated curriculum. The Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT)will have to revise the curriculum - particularly on the Foundational and Preparatory stage and reduce the existing curriculum load," the report argued.
Narayan also said that the report would be discussed with stakeholders for their opinions. "The plan is spread over 15 years, he said, and their suggestions to make it practical will be welcome," he said, adding that as 2020 is a zero year, Karnataka will begin the implementation of the report in 2021.