Media Release
Mumbai, Sep 28: Konkani leaders from various states in India, Gulf countries, Europe, Canada and America, heads of Sahitya Academy, All India Konkani Parishad, Konkani Basha Mandall, editors of leading periodicals and writers all gathered on Sunday, September 27, for the first ever Global Digital Konkani Meet organised by Ashawadi Prakashan through Google Meet.
Smitha Shennoy (HOD – Journalism, in Besant Colleg, Mangaluru) began the meet with brief introduction of the program. Valley Quadros in his welcome speech highlighted the need for Konkani to think digitally. Speaking about the difference between ‘Digital’ and ‘Non-Digital’ is, there is ‘anti-virus’ in Digital which is not there in the non-digital, hence he urged all to come forward to work together for taking Konkani forward.
Prem Moras introduced the inaugurator and the guests of honour Walter Nandalike, Bishop Emeritus Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Dr Austine Prabhu, Pratap Naik, and Usha Rane.
Walter Nandalike, editor-in-chief of Daijiworld, inaugurated the meet and delivered his inaugural speech in which he highlighted the mission of Ashawadi Prakashan in the most challenging time all are facing at the moment. He also urged the people to support the digital mission of Ashawadi Prakashan.
Compere Smitha Shennoy introduced the books ‘Canara Catholic Kazarani Vovio’, the first research book in three script of Konkani by Fr Michael Santhumayor, transliterated and edited by Valley Quadros for Konkangar Prokoxon was released by Bishop Emeritus Aloysius Paul D’Souza, and in his message he acknowledged the need to preserve the culture and language for the generations to follow. Fr Michael Santhumayor in his speech thanked all those supported him publish the book.
Dr Austine Prabhu from USA in his speech urged all Konkani people to support the efforts Ashawadi Prakashan has been taking since years, particularly towards the digital future of Konkani. He released the Kannada script version of the first literary journal in Konkani ‘Poinnari’.
Fr Pratap Naik JS in his speech highlighted the reality of Konkani. "We are handful of readers and writers across various regions; we must come together with our scripts, dialects to think at ‘Konkani’ level, discarding the differences among each other. ‘Poinnari’ in this direction is a milestone, a new bridge for us to work togethe," he said. He released the Romi script version of the first literary journal in Konkani ‘Poinnari’.
President of All India Konkani Parishad, Usha Rane in her speech, hailed the efforts of Ashawadi Prakashan, in the pandemic time, where every person is living with a fear but Konkani has been shining at the digital world, it is the need of the hour for every Konkani person to come together and strengthen Konkani. She released the Nagari script version of the first literary journal in Konkani ‘Poinnari’.
‘Lockdown’ the first ever digital audio book of Konkani Poetry was released by Raju Nayak (editor of Lokmat). In his message, he spoke on the efforts with his late wife Madhavi Sardesai in the field of ‘transliteration’, how digital media is helping such vision to make it a reality now. "We must not only read other regions literature but also analyse such literature and first and foremost we must create new readers in Konkani. Digital media certainly can be a great tool towards this direction," he said.
‘Lockdown’ the first ever e-book in three scripts, was released by Guruduth Baliga (director of Vishwa Konkani Kendr, Mangaluru). He shared his experience working on ‘Konkonverter’ app which is focussed on helping Konkani of any script to facilitate reading habits. He hailed the untiring efforts of Ashawadi Prakashan and extended the support of VKK towards its Konkani mission.
All dignitaries gave their brief messages. Dr Bhushan Bhave (convenor – Sahitya Akademi, Konkani, Delhi), Dr Chandralekha D’Souza (retired reader & dean, HOD, Konkani of Goa University), Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy president Dr Jagadish Pai Karkala, Kerala Konkani Academy’s ex-convenor Payannur Ramesh Pai, president of Dalgado Konkani Akademi Vincy Quadros, president of Konkani Bhasha Mandall Mangalore and editor of Koddiyal Khobor Venkatesh Balliga, president of Konkani Bhasha Mandall Goa Anwesha Singball, editor of Daijiworld weekly Hemacharya, editor of E-Uzvadd monthly Luis Rodrigues, Belgaum, editor of Uzvaad Fortnightly Fr Royson Fernandes, president of Mangalore Konkans Dubai James Mendonca, Dubai, Gerry DMello Bendur from Canada, Willy Goes from Goa, convenor of Daijidubai writers forum UAE, Nanu Møroll, president of Kuwait Canara Welfare Association Rinna D’Souza Kuwait, Monica Mathias from Dublin Ireland President of SKA London; Sunil D’Cunha and convenor of Konkani Kuttam Bahrain Henry D’Almeida amongst the dignitaries extended their support towards promoting Konkani.
Shailendra Mehta, co-editor of Poinnari, rendered the vote of thanks.
Smita Shenoy, Prem Moras and Valley Quadros compered the meet.