Media Release
Mangaluru, Sep 18: To promote patient safety by increasing public awareness and engagement, enhancing global understanding and working toward global solidarity and action, World Patient Safety Day is celebrated on September 17 across the world.
To mark this day, Father Muller Medical College Hospital, on September 17 observed global Patient Safety Day.
Keeping in mind the safety of staff, students due to the COVID pandemic a poster competition was organized for all the faculty, staff and students by the quality department of Father Muller Medical College Hospital and Father Muller Simulation and Skill Centre.
The competition was open to all the branches of FMCI - Father Muller Medical College Hospital, Father Muller Medical College, Father Muller Homeopathic Medical College, Father Muller College of Allied Health Sciences, Father Muller College of Nursing, Father Muller School of Nursing, Father Muller College of Speech and Hearing, Father Muller Homeopathic Pharmaceutical, Father Muller Simulation and Skills Center, Father Muller Research Center, Father Muller Hospital Thumbay and Father Muller Salvadore Monteiro Rural Healthcare Centre.
The programme was coordinated by Dr Lulu Sherif, professor of Anesthesiology & quality manager- training and Jerlyn D'Souza, assistant quality manager- training. The theme for the competition 'Interprofessional Collaborative Practice to Promote Patient Safety' was released on September 10. Around 150 participants took part in the competition. The staff showed the value of teamwork by collaborating and forming groups from the various institutes of Father Muller, disciplines and professions.
The online platform of the judgement panel consisted of a mixed group of staff from various sister concern units of Father Muller Medical College Hospital. Dr Vinay V Rao, associate professor ENT, Father Muller Medical College and Hospital; Dr Shwetha Bhat, assistant professor Practice of Medicine, Father Muller Homeopathic Medical College; Jovita Priya Tauro, grade 1 lecturer, audiology, Father Muller College of Speech and Hearing; Leah Mohandas, assistant professor of physiotherapy, Father Muller College of Allied Health Sciences; Ramyashree S, lecturer of OBG nursing of Father Muller College of Nursing; Nijisha Sharli, lecturer of OBG nursing of Father Muller College of Nursing.
To celebrate this day the institutions, director and administrators extended an awareness message on the importance of patient safety and the measures that can be taken to promote patient safety. This video was circulated to all the faculty, staff and students of FMCI.
Fr Rudolph Ravi D'Sa, administrator of FMMCH in his message spoke on how accreditation promotes patient safety. With NABH and NABL accreditation, Father Muller Medical College Hospital strives towards providing quality care by promoting patient safety. He appreciated the staff and students who have always shown their commitment in promoting patients' safety by speaking on safety concerns and participated in this event.
Fr Ajith Menezes, administrator of FMMC and Rural Health Training centre Bajpe gave an insight on how effective teamwork helps ensure competent healthcare facility. According to the famous saying of Henry Ford 'Coming together is beginning, giving together is progress and working together is success'. In healthcare, success depends on teamwork, cooperation and commitment. He also acknowledged and appreciated the teamwork of all the Mullerian family especially during this pandemic.
Fr Roshan Crasta, the administrator of Father Muller Homeopathic College and Pharmaceutical, stressed on the importance of inter-professional communication to promote patient safety. In his message, he said that a lot of errors leading to medical errors and patient harm are due to ineffective communication. He proposed the ABC of professional interactions. Where A stands for Awareness and Implementation of protocols, B is to be aware of the expertise, C for clear verbal and non-verbal communication.
Fr Sylvester Lobo, administrator of Father Muller Hospital Thumbay said that creating a safe culture at work not only for patients but for staff as well plays a major role. Providing patient-centred care, effective care and reducing the harm or injuries caused due to healthcare errors should be the aim of every healthcare provider. He congratulated all the healthcare warriors for their continuous support during this pandemic.
Fr Richard Coelho, director of FMCI in his presidential address gave an insight on the 'Importance of Patient Safety Goals'. He motivated the staff and students saying, “Providing quality and enhanced care is said to be the need of the hour. And every healthcare provider needs to possess the skill and confidence in performing their tasks. At Muller, we also emphasise and align patient safety along with technology."
The names of the winners of the poster competition were announced. Flavia D'Souza and Ashna Fiona Louis won the first place. Ritika Velnati and Ananya Nayak won the second prize and Aaral Alisha Monteiro and Aaron Denzil Lobo won the third prize.
Cash prizes worth Rs 10,000 were sponsored by Tech4hc Bengaluru along with certificates. There was a very tough competition hence one additional cash prize of Rs 1000 was announced by the director of FMCI which was given to Dr Nayan Pinto and Dr Supraja.
Participation certificate was awarded to all the participants.
Let us enhance patient safety, stay healthy, stay safe.