Media Release
Mangalore, Dec 1: The state medical commissioner (Karnataka) ESI Corporation, Bangalore, has approved empanelment of Father Muller Medical College Hospital under ESI Corporation, Bangalore with effect from 01.12.2009 for the treatment and diagnostic procedures for ESI beneficiaries. ESI beneficiaries will be given cashless treatment and they are entitled for general ward treatment.
Father Muller Medical College Hospital is empanelled to provide facilities in the following disciplines: cardiology, nephrology, oncology, cardiothoracic, urology, surgical, paediatric surgery, mammography, open and closed heart surgery, neurology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, surgical gastroenterology, plastic surgery, angiogram and radiotherapy, the hospital said in a release.
ESI beneficiaries are requested to get authorization for treatment from the medical superintendent, ESIC, it added.