Mangalore diocese suspends public access to Masses until March 31

Media Release

Mangaluru, Mar 18: The diocese of Mangalore has suspended public access to Holy Masses at churches in the district till March 31 as a precautionary measure against the fast spreading coronavirus (COVID-19).  

Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, bishop of Mangalore, in a circular to all faithful of Mangalore diocese said, "As a diocese, our top priority remains the health and safety of our families, children, the vulnerable of our community and all people around us. We need to cooperate and work with the government in the mission of protecting the vulnerable from the coronavirus pandemic. On March 17, 2020 the deputy commissioner and district magistrate has issued an order in view of preventing the spread of COVID -19 and in the interest of public health and safety, which needs to be adhered to by all.

"In the light of this order, I give the following directives to be followed in the churches and religious institutions situated in the diocese of Mangalore until further orders:

1) The current situation requires to bring about some changes in our religious gatherings, common worship and faith rituals. We may not be able to pray with people in the ways that we are used to in ordinary circumstances, but we can certainly pray for people, and we can certainly offer practical care and support.

2) The churches will remain open for private prayer, meditation, visit to the blessed Sacrament and private/individual adoration. They are places of healing and hope. The faithful are encouraged to visit the Blessed Sacrament according to their convenience to pray in private and thereby unite themselves in spiritual communion with the Lord.

3) In the interest of health and safety, coming in groups to the church, congregating in groups and exiting in groups is prohibited. Even when individuals are in the church, they are encouraged to remain at adequate distance from other individuals praying in private. In other words, observe the protocol for social distancing.

4) Whenever the church remains open, it is the responsibility of the Parish Priest (or the one whom he designates) to ensure that the church is not crowded at one time and people are maintaining ‘social - distancing’.

5) When public access to Sunday Mass is unavailable, the faithful are dispensed from the Sunday obligation of Mass. As Sunday continues to be a holy day, the obligation of private and family prayer along with spiritual communion with the Lord and with others remains. Regular Masses will not be held. I am hereby exempting all our faithful in the diocese of Mangalore from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays till March 31, 2020.

6) Priests may offer Masses even without the participation of the congregation.

7) Anyone who is ill, suspects he or she is ill, or is considered vulnerable, people with chronic illness, immune system deficiencies or other underlying health conditions should refrain from visiting churches and other places.

8) Take to heart the admonition of Saint Paul: “Rejoice in hope, endure in afflictions, persevere in prayer” (Romans 12:12). It is a time to encourage families to give more time for prayer in their own houses, and practice fasting and penance, and to centre their homes on prayer and reliance upon God’s mercy. Read the Bible meditatively, pray the Rosary, practice devotions, make the way of the cross, recite the chaplet of Divine Mercy, read spiritual writings and learn more about faith, watch Mass and spiritual programmes on TV / YouTube /diocesan website. Pray for those who are suffering from the Corona virus worldwide and for all those in the medical community who serve the sick and the dying.

9) The spiritual programmes with the congregation such as public retreats, way of the cross, the common penitential services, and other devotions held in common should be cancelled.

10) In consonance with the order issued, all conferences, seminars, SCCs or ward gatherings, Masses in ward for the sick, summer camps, parish events, parish/school/youth day, processions, and so on, are not be planned and held.

11) As restriction has been placed on public gatherings and all public celebrations, the Parish Priests and Heads of the Institutions should take into consideration the order of the District Administration on the issue of providing access to the parish halls for programmes and meeting places.

12) Priests, religious and leaders must take into account the ongoing guidance and orders from civil authorities relating to public/private gathering, personal hygiene, cleanliness in all public and private places, transport, and other activities, and thus, cooperate with them in protecting and promoting health and life.

"We are profoundly saddened that we are not able to celebrate our sacraments as a community for the time being but we know Christ remains with us at all times, especially in this tragic situation.

"Please know of my fervent prayers for you all. Let us rejoice in knowing the goodness of the Lord and let us continue to pray for and support one another," the bishop said in the circular.




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  • James Fernandes, Barkur Chicago

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    At least bodily needs like pitza or pasta can be mail ordered. Spiritual needs too through prayer and grace.

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  • Nisha, Kuwait

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Great move.... Very much needed.... It's family time for everyone stay at home and do your prayers..... God doesn't exist only in churches, coz there r people who will just run church attend mass.... Prayers r needed no matter u go church or not God the father in heaven will listen our cry..... Very soon this virus will disappear that's the faith I express..... Globe will rejoice that day where there will be No cases..... Just keep praying never loose faith....

    DisAgree Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • societal web, dubai

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    they should ban all buses from operating. passengers stuffed like sardines. they close parks but are the buses invisible to the authorities?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidananda Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    On lighter note.... pardon if any one get religiously upset with my comments.... but one thing we can observe that; Even GOD/GODDESS of any religion could do nothing to save his/her devotees!!! Otherwise.... people go to Temple, Church, Mosque or Gurudwara.... to pray and beg for "Raksha" karna but now even GOD's own house is locked down for devotees!!! Then who will save us from this virus??? So, we need to understand that.... only yourselves can save ourselves.... no-body else

    DisAgree [19] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lawrence, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    On serious note God dwells in our hearts not in man made temples, churches, mosque or any other places. It's written in all holy books.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Praveen Lobo, Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    We want and expect to be saved by God at our difficult times. Why don't we ask our Rocket science, Arrogant talks, Technological developments and atheists who say and argue that only science is true to cure this disease?
    The people like you expect God to be our protector in hard times without any human responsibility.
    Earth is full.of problems, sickness and difficulties. We got to take care ourselves and trust God.
    We cannot depend on God and say we will live as we like and you be there as our protector.
    How many of us are so pure in our deeds to expect curing from God? We find difficult God and hence we don't have any right to expect anything from God. You trust your science and technology and you will have to suffer with it.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • societal web, dubai

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    It is not the places that are shut. it is because of the proximity of the people in these places they need to be avoided. They are trying to avoid gatherings of people. That is why churches, temples and mosques are closed. You need to use your head and think.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vivil Naman, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    No Temple , No Church and No Mosque is Closed. They are open to all . What they have done is on the basis of Gospel Truth " Love thy Neighbor as you love yourselves"
    the Churches have stopped the services, So that they do not get the virus at the place where they come to get blessings. The person one who has virus do not give it to other person.
    Don't you see great value in this?

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  • Avani, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    God has given wisdom to us to think of remedial measures when needed. So people have used that wisdom and decided to stop public gatherings at places of worship. When we use that wisdom backed by trust in God things work. That is what Temple or Church authorities are doing.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Satya, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Roles have changed. Today Hospitals, nursing homes have become temples of God and the doctors, nurses and health volunteers have become his missionaries. They are spreading the love of God through their selfless service to mankind, where ones religion, faith or caste is not asked. I hope this opens everyone's eyes for once. Who knows after the mad rat race to grab power, money, influence, successes humans had lost their way. Probably this is God's way of making man pause and think. To those who do not believe in God, I would say that this is nature's way of telling man to do a course correction. Since the outbreak of this deadly virus we hear less and less of acts of violence, terrorism and war. Humankind seems united now to fight this disease as one. Once we have overcome this disease, as we surely will, I sincerely hope that we do not forget the hard lessons learnt during these dark days and humanity returns and stays with humans.

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  • Rahul, BAJPE

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    This is the time for family members to unite together and practise family prayers daily .
    A habit of prayer brings a family together regularly to share the ups and downs of life and ways God works. When we share our emotions, we strengthen our bonds. As we show up, we also realize that God shows up too. The Lord becomes part of the fabric of our family, a member we converse with and share our deepest sorrows and most blissful joys.

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  • Anand, Dakshina Kannada

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Hi All,

    Regardless of the exemption call by the Clergy or anyone else, please use prudence to decide whether or not one should be going to places where there are large crowds present.

    In democratic countries, this is very difficult to enforce as each one does their own thing.

    Please see what is happening in Italy and other countries.

    Request Daiji to keep people updated on the total number of cases every day on the first page so that ppl start taking this seriously.

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwin, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Jesus has made it clear no more we required to go to mountains hills or temples we can pray from place we stand
    . So we have to repent and pray. Time has come to pray for self and others

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  • Rajesh. D., Manglore, Dubai.

    Thu, Mar 19 2020


    This is just an order from above - Just obey, it is better for all of us & other community as well.

    How many of us missed Sunday mass when we were sick or had some function at home or in relatives house ? There is nothing to boast about the decision nor to feel sad.

    Why so much discussion here I do not understand. And then we say we from DK & we are intellectuals.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Walty, Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    People here have great faith! When the entire Vatican is under lockdown, if one Bishop says, is it not sufficient for people to understand? Why should we expect every parish priest to announce separately?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • michael, mangaluru

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Bishop should have announced this at least two weeks ago.

    Being the most educated and cultured community in the district of Dakshina Kannada, Roman Catholics have to take lead in such matter.

    Anyway, better late than never.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Observer, Mangalore

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Dont you think you have overplayed the noticeable than usual.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Thomas P. Andrade, Toronto

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Excellent decision. Religious gatherings are suspended all over the world including India. However, I still see people gathering and celebrating festivals like Holi without fear in India. I call them uneducated and irresponsible lots.

    Unlike many countries, India is densely populated and many cities are overcrowded, as such we are prone to get infected because of close physical contacts with each other. God save our people especially in our metro cities where millions of people travel by overcrowded trains and buses on daily basis. The need of the hour is being responsible citizens so that we can minimise the spreading of the disease. God knows why we cannot attend our worshipping places.
    We were to travel to India on vacation, which we canceled. If we traveled, I think we would be quarantined for 14 days in India and after we return, we would be quarantined again by the Canadian Govt for another 14 days. Nobody would forget such “vacation”.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anthony H Crasta, Granville/Sydney

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Wise move, and excellent leadership displayed by the Bishop!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Reni, Udupi/USA

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Requesting for the same from udupi. Our parents who are in their 60’s don’t listen to us. They say that until n unless our parish priest announces we will go the church. Despite of requesting they are going. We are in a situation where if something goes wrong in our house, we wouldn’t be able to fly. I personally have 3 flights to change and our airports are closed. If u see the data, most of the people contracted disease through social gathering especially in the mass. During this panic situation, we always tend to pray more and try to attend mass, worships.

    But, trust me guys if u are praying from the bottom of ur heart, no matter where u r praying from, God will listen. We have reached to the state where Italy has reported 475 deaths in 24 hours. Our state here in USA is planning a lock down. Please try to tell these things to our parents. Coz, they listen more to priests than their children. I have failed as a nurse to explain my mom as she says, it will be awkward if I stop going to church coz people might mock at me and I am waiting for our parish priest to announce.

    Dear mangaloreans don’t wait until it hits u hard. You guys have good immunity, but what about those immunodeficient in ur houses {people with diabetic, hypertension, cancer, AIDS, asthma, bronchitis, people above 60} If you are carrying it to your house, your parents or grandparents might get affected. Don’t get scared by the rumors in the news and I have even heard that media is trying to scare you. Do not panic.

    If u go outside, once u return wash your hands with soap and water, wash your face. Make sure that only one person is going to the grocery shopping. And the rest assist him/her to wash hands. It is ok if u don’t have sanitizer and mask. Just stay indoors. It is crazy to see people in India wearing masks and roaming around. All u need us stay at home. By wearing the incorrectly and touching it thousand times, you are increasing ur chance to contract. Be safe & protect the vulnerables.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    It is advisable but there should be Sunday mass on TV with timings should be annouced.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    As a responsible leader Lord Bishop of Mangalore has initiated a valuable decision. This is timely decision to support Government action to control corona.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nancy Saldanha, Moodbidri

    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    Without a single case reported in Mangalore, this swift action taken by our Bishop is highly appreciated.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ina Carmelita D'Souza, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    "...but a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”
    John 4:23-24.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • David, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    Very good move by our beloved Bishop. Let's all behave wisely taking necessary precautions and keep our faith in Christ. United we will be able come out this pandemic successfully.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lawrence, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    Good decisions by our beloved Bishop. Prevention is better than cure. It also sounds love your neighbor as you love yourself.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    when 2 or more r gathered, I am with them says da Lord. yet da almighty God says I am everywhere irrespective of caste creed colour, space,time or place. I do not differentiate in black, white, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, jain & Jews.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    Thank you Bishop Peter for your prompt, bold and timely decision
    May God be with us in tackling this emergency

    DisAgree [4] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    Very good prompt action ..right time at right situation.
    After is Btter Off... avoiding at first stage rather than Sorry at Later Stage.....
    Itz that simple.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ajay Rebello, Kallianpur

    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    Good. Expect bishop of udupi to follow suit. Many parishioners are elderly and living alone, our catholic youth organisations must come forward with message of help in case of quarantine, this will help ease their worry.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. G. Lobo, Mangaluru/Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Bishop of Udupi has also issued a circular in this regard. please see the headlines.

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cyril John Fernandes, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    Let our faith be profound and deep ..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Agnel, Udupi

    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship him in the Spirit and in truth. John 4 : 24

    DisAgree [2] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    Wise and prudent leadership by the bishop.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Wed, Mar 18 2020

    We have full faith in our Educated ...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Bangalore

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Harping too much on education, scientific advancement , false pride of human beingds ,fake pravachans,fake speeches by religious people in church masjids ,artificial behaviour in temples might be the cause for present chaos all round the world.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    KRPrabhu, Bangalore
    Started with Demonetization ...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • harish, udupi

    Thu, Mar 19 2020


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  • Roshan, Mangalore / Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Mar 19 2020

    Something you left, & that is Hate speeches on open grounds to thousands of people by crooked minded people for vested interest.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

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