Media Release
Mangalore, Nov 19: Recently, the doctors at KMC Hospital, Ambedkar Circle, here performed a rare surgery on a young boy suffering from abdominal pain. A 20 year-old boy, who works as a technician, approached the hospital with the complaints of persistent abdominal pain and back ache since over a month. Although the results of the initial investigations including an ultrasound study were normal, he was evaluated with a CT Scan, which revealed the presence of a foreign body. A Barium Meal study clearly demonstrated the presence of two radio opaque foreign bodies in the abdomen.
Patient, Sharath Kumar (left) with the Doctor
Dr Vijay Ramachandran, surgical gastroenterologist and hepatopancreatobiliary surgeon, operated on the patient and retrieved two metallic pins, each 4 cms long, which were embedded in the pancreas. Dr Vijay stated that only one other such case of successful retrieval of an intrapancreatic metallic foreign body has been reported in the journal worldwide. The patient does not recollect having swallowed such a pin, but he has been advised to be cautious while carrying on with his profession.
Dr Sunil Deshpande, chief operating officer, stated that KMC Hospital is striving to bring new skills and advancements to the reach of the public. Specialties that were once available only in the metros, are now available in this city, with the addition of a new surgical gastroenterology consultant at this hospital, he added in a release.