Udupi, Jul 20, DHNS: Sri Rama Sene chief Pramod Mutalik said he would ‘officially’ enter Mangalore on August 1. The district administration had banned his entry to the district on March 16 “for his role in pub attack and his justifications in media in the following days.”
However, Mutalik has obtainined a stay order against the ban, recently.Addressing media persons at Barkur near here on Sunday, he said, he would sue the deputy commissioner of Dakshina Kannada for violating his personal freedom, after discussing the issue with Sene activists.
“A deputy commissioner does not have the right to snatch one’s personal freedom. This is a political plot. The Sene will continue its struggle in the future days,” he said.
“Neither Sene activists nor Mutalik had a role in the recent violence in Mysore. This is too a political plot. A Hindu member has been killed in the violence while four temples have been looted. About 70 houses of Hindus have been attacked. All incidents took place because of KFD and PFI organisations. Such anti-social organisations should be banned,” Mutalik said.
He said a delegation would meet the CM and the Home minister in August appealing them to solve the problems related to issues like cow slaughtering and Datta Peetha. Mutalik said, the State too should bring a law against cow slaughtering on the lines of the legislations in Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. Answering a question, he said he has sold the ‘pink chaddis’ sent to him protesting his stand on Valentines’ Day, and he has donated the amount from them (Rs 8,000) to Vivekananda Balashrama in Belgaum.