Former Satyam Chief Ramalinga Raju Surrenders, Arrested


Hyderabad, Jan 9: Disgraced former chairman of Satyam Computer Services B Ramalinga Raju late Friday evening surrendered before Andhra Pradesh's Director General of Police S S P Yadav, according to a police spokesperson.

When contacted, Satyam spokesperson declined to comment on reports of Raju's surrender.

Raju, whose whereabouts were a matter of speculation ever since he made the startling disclosure on Wednesday about the Rs 7,800 crore financial fraud, had been in hiding and was summoned to appear before the SEBI on Saturday.

Earlier this evening, the government disbanded the current board of Satyam Computer and announced that it would nominate 10 directors on its board.

Corporate Affairs Minister Prem Chand Gupta said in New Delhi that the names of the new members would be announced soon for the board, which would meet in the next seven days.

The existing board of the company was scheduled to meet o Saturday to discuss the crisis that has engulfed the company and its over 50,000 employees.

Founder of Satyam B Ramalinga Raju, who has been summoned by market regulator SEBI on Saturday, had resigned as Chairman after disclosing staggering financial fraud. Five other directors had also resigned leaving the strength only at three.

Announcing the decision, Corporate Affairs Minister Prem Chand Gupta said: "The current board ceases to exist and there would not be any meeting on Saturday. The new board will meet in the next seven days."

The government's decisive action came nearly 60 hours after the startling disclosure by Raju, presumed to have strong political friends, that put the company and its over 50,000 employees fate in limbo.

Raju can face up to 10 years of imprisonment along with a fine, which may extend to Rs 25 crore (Rs 250 million), in the financial fraud that led to erosion of investors wealth by whopping Rs 10,000 crore (Rs 100 billion) in a day.


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  • Francis Martis, Barkur/USA

    Sun, Jan 11 2009

    Ramalinga Raju, the Brain behind Satyam Computers is certainly a Master Brain like Bernard Madoff of Ponzi Scheme, if I call that a Ponzi Scam, this is sure to be Satyam Scam. Ramalinga is not alone in this Scam, he has done it hand in gloves with many more people without whose help and shut their mouth, nothing could be possible.

    The Board of Directors also are as much responsible in this episode. A strong investigation team requires to unfold the whole story. Govt.should send a strong msg to one and all, What was SEBI doing these many years of Satyam Manipulation. Hard working Investors are duped. Ramalinga should be imprisoned for 50 years.

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  • Felix F., India/ME

    Sat, Jan 10 2009

    There is something sinister,beyond the confession made by the Satyam Chief Ramalinga Raju. Financial analysts and persons in business would know, that it is not a cake walk for a single person to appropriate over Rs.7000 crores of joint stock company.

    It would be very interesting to watch the events unfolding in the coming days to know how one person could single handedly manage to successfully to manipulate such large amount for such a long time,and evade suspicion, from the watchful eyes of the company's chartered accountants, questions by the board of directors, credibility scrutinised by banks and creditors, day to day fortunes monitered by thousands of stock holders, and finally the fool proof accounting procedures put in place by one of the most reputed auditing firms.

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, mangaluru

    Sat, Jan 10 2009

    Fate or just manupulation from the highly educated, one wonders. Nonetheless, what were the record keepers and auditors(Price waterhouse) doing?.

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