Media Release
Bengaluru, Aug 20: Lead an active life for God extending support and succor to the needy and helpless, said Msgr S Jayanathan, vicar general, archdiocese of Bengaluru who was the chief celebrant at the Eucharist on the occasion of the parish feast of Don Bosco Church, Lingarajapuram on Sunday, August 19. Those who feel mentally retired cannot serve others, alleviate and mitigate their pain and suffering. It is always better to be active doing something useful for oneself and for others, he added.
MsgrJayanathan also head of St Germain’s Group of institutions quoting Mahatma Gandhi said “I sleep well if my conscience is clear. Go to sleep with peaceful mind without worries.”It is possible to sleep well if gone to bed mentally satisfied from the activities of the day. He urged all present to relish the Joy of serving the destitute and deprived. He said happiness is expressed in our actions and behabiour. One should think of death above all things in life as a climax of the day prior to sleep.
Saint John Bosco
Qualified from the US in Communication and Journalism, Msgr Jayanathan, who serves also as director of Archdiocesan Communication Centre for several years, advocated people to be happy and contented in the family despite differences. In the words of Don Bosco, he said, “We go to holy communion because we are good but we should go to Holy Communion so that we become good.”
Msgr Jayanathan giving messages in three languages namely Kannada, Tamil and English, stressed the importance of keeping good relationships among family members. He tried to drive home his points and views using anecdotes, instances and illustrations. He met a 100 year old lady recently and he asked her the secret of her long innings and she replied,“Moderation in eating.”She recommended to eat less and work more, or else the food one takes one third goes to body and two third for doctor.
To prove his theme on family from experience as parish priest in different churches, he described the situation one man faced soon after his death. St Peter gave an entrance test to all those who wanted to enter heaven. He asked everyone the spelling of ‘Love’ and all passed the test and entered heaven. When the last man reached the entrance of heaven, St Peter asked him to conduct the same test to those coming from then on as St Peter was tired of working from morning and wanted a tea break. Suddenly, to his great surprise, he saw his wife at the door. He asked her how come she also reached soon after his death. She said after his funeral, she was crossing the road and a car ran over her and she died on the spot. The man told her about the test and she would be qualified to enter heaven only after passing the test. Instead of the word ‘Love’, he asked her the spelling of Czechoslovakia. He said to himself, ‘I had enough trouble from her on earth and I do not want the same here in heaven also.”
Msgr Jayanathan, appreciating the management, the time table and meticulous planning of work schedule at Don Bosco lauded Fr C M Jose, Rector and parish priest for the success. He also commended the work done by Salesian Cooperators at the parish. Msgr elaborated on the value and significance of obedience to God and authorities, if not faced with so much of problem and difficulties. He encouraged all to live as per one’s conscience which is to be sharpened as per circumstances and state of affairs.
Once again, quoting Don Bosco, Msgr suggested to be surrounded with good friends as Don Bosco asked his boys to inform him who their friends were and then Don Bosco could tell who ‘they were.This also applied to what one reads, he added.
People have clear conscience when God dwells in them. If not, one looks at others with jaundiced eyes. Animals help each other, human beings do not. Msgr Jayanathen heartened all present to laugh in the family and among family members instead of laughing in the park and elsewhere. He appealed to all to pray for those who are affected by floods and landslides both in Karnataka and Kerala. Msgr concluded his homily saying ‘May Don Boscointercede for us.’
Msgr Jayanathan blessed the food packets distributed among the over 1000 poor persons from the vicinity.
A procession was taken out after the evening Mass. A large congregation of people took part in it. The procession progressed with the choir singing, devotees chanting prayers and reciting rosaries of various mysteries. The faithful dared to participate in spite of the sky threatening.
Fr C M Jose carried the relic of Don Bosco under a canopy and accompanied by band sets. He also conducted a benediction and imparted the final blessing. I his message he thanked the Almighty for the good weather and all blessings. He also thanked all those contributed in different ways for the success of the feast. Among others present on the occasion was Dr Dominic Sequeira, Fr Martin Vijay, Fr Maria Anand, other priests and brothers.