by Fr Ronald Prakash D'Souza
Mangalore, Sep 7: The Young Christian Students had organized one day workshop on writing skills for the YCS members on 7th September 2008 at Shanthikiran, Bajjodi on the occasion of 20th anniversary of "YUVATARE" the quarterly magazine of the movement.
The workshop was inaugurated by the Konkani writer, thinker Geo Agrar and Kiran D'souza Vamanjoor by lighting a lamp. Nishith Lobo the vice president of YCS welcomed the gathering with beautiful words.
The Director of YCS / YSM Mangalore Diocese Fr. Ronald Prakash D'souza addressed the gathering and gave a call to read the Konkani magazines thus to cultivate the habit of writing.
Kiran D'souza introduced the topics and made participants to feel free through various activities. Mr. Geo Agrar explained the importance of writing skits, poems, reports, articles etc through various examples and activities. He also gave the techniques of writing.
Thereafter Fr. Ronald D'Souza celebrated the Holy Eucharist.
In the afternoon Kiran D'souza evaluated the old reports and gave guide lines to write reports effectively and he also gave tips to write short stories.
Jeethan Santhumayor Neerude proposed the vote of thanks and thanked the resource persons. Fr. Ronald evaluated the whole day. The interested participants actively participate throughout the day. The workshop helped the participants to get motivated to read and write in Konkani.
The programme concluded with YCS anthem and Claps.