Leonardo DiCaprio wins lawsuit against French magazine

Los Angeles, Aug 11 (IANS): Actor Leonardo DiCaprio has won a lawsuit against a French magazine which falsely claimed Rihanna was expecting his baby.

The actor, who was linked to Rihanna earlier this year, was reportedly furious over the May 13 cover story, which alleged the pair were expecting a child together and that he didn't want to father the baby.

The headline read: "Rihanna pregnant with Leonardo's baby: He doesn't want the baby."

According to Gossip Cop, DiCaprio has successfully sued the magazine and they've been ordered to pay around $8,800 in damages and legal fees, reports mirror.co.uk.

The owner of the magazine, Frederic Truskolaski, reportedly said they didn't know if Rihanna was pregnant.

"We thought she might be. We were not sure, of course," he admitted.

He added to Gossip Cop: "We were totally expecting this decision, since in France when any magazine speaks about a celebrity’s private life the magazine is automatically condemned.”

The actor had originally sued the magazine for 18,000 euros in damages and attorney fees, which is said to be the maximum allowed under the French law.

DiCaprio reportedly wasn't just suing because of the story, but also the use of images of him which is said to be against France’s privacy laws.



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