Benedict Cumberbatch swears during show

London, Aug 11 (IANS): Actor Benedict Cumberbatch stunned the audience at the Barbican theatre here when he swore after losing concentration after a series of constant interruptions during his performance in "Hamlet".

After the performance, the 39-year-old actor felt compelled to vent his frustrations to fans outside the theatre, and also asked them to resist filming or taking photographs during the performances in future as he found it distracting, reports

He said: "It's been a hell of a week -- one damn thing after another. The play's the thing. Not your mobile phone. I can see cameras, I can see red lights in the auditorium ... we started again tonight. I can see a red light in the third row on the right, it's mortifying.

"There's nothing less supportive for me to be on stage experiencing that, and I can't give you what I want to give you, which is a live performance you will remember."

Cumberbatch insisted he was not "blaming" fans, but wanted them to pass on the message to others planning to attend the production.

"This isn't me blaming you, this is me asking you to ripple it out there," he added.


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