by Br Kevin Fernandes OCD (GA)
Beltangady, Feb 5: Asha Deepa is a training center for the aspirants of Carmelites of Karnataka-Goa Province. It is situated at Madantyar near here.
There are 21 students who reside here and do their pre-university studies from Sacred Heart Pre-University College. Fr George Santumayor heads the Community along with Fr. Deep Fernandes and Br Baptist who assist him.
Every year the Students stage a cultural programme called ‘Asha Deepa Day’ and number of people from the vicinity attend the same. That provides an opportunity to bring out the versatile talents of these budding Seminarians.
This year the Annual Day was celebrated on Sunday February 4 evening at 6. Mathew N M , principle of Sacred Heart Pre-university College presided over the stage function.
The evening was enlivened with dances, instrumental music, singing etc. However the Konkani drama 'Don Dharimchi Desvatt' written and directed by Fr Deep Fernandes OCD was the hallmark of the evening. It received a round applause from the viewers.
Fr George welcomed the gathering. More than 500 people from the Asha Deepa vicinity attended the programme.