Bangladeshi film industry seeks India's support

Kolkata, Dec 17 (IANS): The Bangladeshi film industry needs India's expertise in digitising the filmmaking process in their country and cooperation to facilitate screening of their films in both the neighbouring countries simultaneously, a film industry official said Wednesday.

According to Bangladeshi film exhibition committee joint secretary Sudipta Kumar Das, "Ma Amar Swarga" ("My Mother is My Heaven") will be the first commercial Bangladeshi film to be released in India Friday.

"It is a five to six-year-old film and we have managed to get it released in West Bengal Friday. However, we seek cooperation from the film industry here to widen our reach and ensure films from Bangladesh release in both countries simultaneously," Das told IANS.

The film is in the old 35mm format, while the movies being made currently are digital. Bangladesh has taken to the new technology only recently, said Das and is yet to master the techniques.

"We have exported only one print of the film to run on an experimental basis. We will be sending digitised films next," he said.

Because of the film's format, it will be released in select theatres, which can run the 35mm movie.

"India has the expertise in digital technology. We have been using it only since the last couple of years. It would be a great benefit if India helps with digitising our filmmaking and screening processes since almost two-thirds of the Bangladeshi theatres are closed," Das said.

This advancement would also bring the Bangladeshi films on par with movies from India, in terms of technology.

"To enable export and import of films between the two neighbours, it is essential to be on the same platform. This will also help revive our cinema halls," he said.



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