Maharashtra Raj Bhavan is now ISO certified

Mumbai, Feb 25 (IANS): The official residence of the Maharashtra governor, the Raj Bhavan in Mumbai, has bagged the coveted ISO certificate for having excellent management systems, an official said here Tuesday.

"It is perhaps the first Raj Bhavan in the country to have received the international-level certification," the official said.

Governor K. Sankaranarayanan Tuesday accepted the ISO 9001:2008 certification.

The governor said getting the ISO certificate was only the beginning and maintaining the standard of services over a period of time would require involvement and willing participating of all officers and staff.

"As the highest office in the state, Raj Bhavan must set an example for other organizations in terms of efficiency, standards and quality of services," Sankaranarayanan urged.

Situated in south Mumbai on a lush green 50 acres, the landmark Raj Bhavan is surrounded by the Arabian Sea on three sides, with sprawling heritage buildings dotting the complex.

Originally, it was a hunting lodge for the British rulers, later it was converted into a summer residence and gradually it became the official residence of the governor.

The complex, boasting of its own private beach, has been officially housing the residence and secretariats of governors -- formerly British, and post-Independence Indian -- right from 1885 onwards.

Over the years, it has hosted both Indian and foreign dignitaries in one or more of the bungalows which are richly decorated with carvings, fittings and furniture, valuable paintings and other artefacts.

Besides Mumbai, there are three other Raj Bhavans in Nagpur, Pune and the hill station of Mahabaleshwar which are used as official residences.



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