Adarsh scam: Chavan set to be let off the hook

Mumbai, Jan 15 (PTI): Maharashtra former chief minister Ashok Chavan, charge-sheeted in the Adarsh scam, today looked set to be let off the hook, with the CBI moving a special court seeking approval to drop his name as an accused in the case following governor's refusal to sanction his prosecution.

Special Public Prosecutor Bharat Badami filed an application before CBI court judge S G Dighe requesting him to allow it to remove Chavan's name from the list of 13 accused charge-sheeted in the case, citing the governor's decision, which it said was "non-appealable".

The court reserved its order on the application for Saturday.

Acceptance of CBI's plea by the court would come as a huge relief for both Congress and Chavan, the only former chief minister to have been made accused in the case though two of his predecessors--Vilasrao Deshmukh and Sushilkumar Shinde-- were also under the lens. Deshmukh has since died.

A judicial commission of inquiry set up by the state government had indicted all three for "blatant violations" of statutory provisions in granting various clearances to the scam-tainted Adarsh housing society.

The judicial panel's report had said, "There was certainly a nexus between the acts of Chavan and benefits derived by his close relatives. The membership process clearly indicates that grant of requisite permission by Chavan was by way of quid pro quo."

Chavan (55), who had to step down as chief minister after the scam surfaced, had challenged his inclusion in the charge sheet on the ground that no sanction for prosecution had been obtained from the governor. The CBI had maintained that since he was a former chief minister at the time of being charge-sheeted, gubernatorial approval was not required.

The court had, however, directed the agency to get sanction for Chavan's prosecution which was denied by Governor K Sankaranarayanan, apparently leaving CBI with little choice but to close the case against him.

CBI had alleged in its charge sheet that Chavan had increased the floor space index of the controversial Adarsh society in return for flats for his relatives. Chavan as revenue minister had also asked the housing society to include 40 per cent members from civilian category despite it being originally meant only for war veterans, CBI had alleged, claiming Chavan played a key role in the scam.

Chavan's mother-in-law Bhagvati Sharma, sister-in-law Seema Sharma and father-in-law’s brother Madanlal Sharma have flats in the society. All of them have been held ineligible by the judicial panel to own flats in the society.

In its charge sheet filed by July 2012, CBI had accused Chavan and 12 others of criminal conspiracy, cheating and criminal misconduct under Indian Penal Code and also under Prevention of Corruption Act. The court is, however, yet to take cognizance of the charge sheet.


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  • Rajesh Shetty, Mlore Shj

    Wed, Jan 15 2014

    Being Pappus best man, caged parrots are obliged to let this man off he hook.

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  • Madhusudan, Jaipur

    Wed, Jan 15 2014

    Congress is the most corrupt party who is responsible for promoting rampant corruption & gigantic scams in the country. All corrupts are fully protected by this party & same thing has happened with all previous CMs & NCP leaders indicted by inquiry commission, but Congress is betraying the people of country by bailing them out which will be suicidal & self destructive. It is the duty of all citizens of country to defeat this corrupt Congress from map of the country in the 2014 Lok Sabha election.

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