Narmada Bachao Andolan supports AAP in Maharashtra

Mumbai, Jan 13 (IANS): The Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) and its allied groups Monday announced their support for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Maharashtra, activist Medha Patkar said.

"We have endorsed all the policies of AAP and have extended our full support to the party. Our struggles and campaigns on various issues shall continue jointly," said Patkar, also a member of the National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM).

Contrary to earlier speculation, Patkar did not announce her entry into the AAP, and only extended the NBA and NAPM's "full support" to the party led by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

Patkar told media persons that all future people-oriented agitations of NBA and NAPM shall now be carried out jointly with the AAP.

She said corruption has increased and people are being looted in the name of politics.

"The AAP was born out of an agitation against corruption. This struggle is for 'satya' (truth), not 'satta' (power). The exact nature of our collaboration shall be decided at a meeting in Delhi later this week," Patkar said.

She said the AAP manifesto concerns issues related to the common masses and the NBA will fully support it.

The details shall be finalised after the Delhi meeting scheduled Jan 16-17.

Patkar said many legislations were born out of people's agitations.

The campaign against corruption by Anna Hazare has also increased awareness among people on various issues, she said.

Cutting across religion-caste lines, the NAPM comprises over a dozen people-oriented grassroots organisations carrying out agitations concerning tribals, fishing communities, domestic workers and rural people at the receiving end of various government policies in several states in India.



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