Aarushi-Hemraj murders: Life imprisonment for Talwars

Aarushi-Hemraj murders: Life imprisonment for Talwars


Ghaziabad, Nov 26 (IANS): A day after they were held guilty, a special CBI court Tuesday sentenced dentist couple Rajesh and Nupur Talwar to life imprisonment for killing their daughter Aarushi and domestic help Hemraj over five years ago.

Lawyers of the distraught couple, who were present in the court and immediately taken back to the Dasna Jail in Ghaziabad district after the sentencing, said they would appeal in a higher court against the verdict.

The prosecution had sought death penalty for the Talwars, calling it a "rarest of the rare" case. But the counsel for the Talwars sought leniency from the court.

Delivering the verdict at 4.30 p.m., Special CBI Judge Shyam Lal said: "They are not menace to society. So, death sentence is not warranted."

The ends of justice will be served by sentencing them to life imprisonment, he said in his four-page judgment.

The judge also sentenced the Talwars to five years in jail for destruction of evidence and Rajesh to an additional year in prison for giving false information to investigators.

A fine of Rs.10,000 each was imposed on the couple on the murder charge, Rs.5,000 each for destruction of evidence, and Rs.2,000 on Rajesh for misleading police.

On Monday, the judge had convicted them for the murder of their daughter, saying they were "freaks" who "became the killer of their own progeny".

The dentist couple were convicted of killing their 14-year-old daughter and 45-year-old domestic help, Hemraj, on the intervening night of May 15 and 16, 2008. The Class 9 student was found with her throat slit and head battered in her plush Noida residence.

Police initially suspected the then missing Hemraj for Aarushi's killing but discovered his body from the terrace of the house the next day.

It marked the start of one of India's most keenly followed crime cases that took several dramatic twists and turns before the CBI finally blamed the Talwars for the gory double murder.

The Talwars say they are innocent and have vowed to fight for justice.

The Talwars were booked under sections 302 (murder), 201 (destruction of evidence) and 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the Indian Penal Code.

The court also charged Rajesh under section 203 (misleading the probe).

The Hemraj family's lawyer Naresh Yadav came under attack from other lawyers in the court premises soon after he broke the news of the verdict against the Talwars Tuesday.

Yadav sprinted from the scene with police assistance and took shelter in the court. Outside, two groups of lawyers got into a heated argument and a scuffle with police desperately trying to keep them apart.


Key points of Aarushi-Hemraj murder judgment

The following are the key points in the Aarushi-Hemraj murder judgment pronounced by a special CBI court in Ghaziabad:

* The manner in which the murders were committed is not the handiwork of a single accused and rather the murders were committed and evidence destroyed by both the accused in furtherance of their common intention which is apparent from the facts and circumstances.

* The accused "cannot take advantage" of negligence or defective investigation of I.O., and the prosecution case "cannot be thrown away or dubbed as untrue" due to such negligence.

* It is proved from evidence on record that terrace door was locked from inside by the accused persons after taking away the body of Hemraj in the terrace and as such they were knowing well that dead body of Hemraj is lying in the terrace.

* No outsider(s) will dare to take Hemraj to the terrace in severely injured condition and thereafter search out a lock to be placed in the door of the terrace.

* It is trite in law that when there is a fight between ocular and documentary evidence, it is the documentary evidence which will prevail.

* This court reaches to the irresistible and impeccable conclusion that only the accused persons are responsible for committing this ghastly crime.

* There is a close proximity between the point of time when both the accused and the deceased persons were last seen together alive and as such the time is so small that possibility of any other person(s) other than the accused being the authors of the crime becomes impossible.

* The door of Aarushi's bedroom was fitted with automatic click-shut lock which could not be opened from outside without key but could be opened from inside without key.

* A man may tell a lie but the circumstances can never. Both the accused have admitted in their written statements under section 313 CrPC that on some occasions Nupur Talwar removed the key from Aarushi's lock and kept the same with her.

* No explanation has been offered by the accused as to how the lock of Aarushi's room was opened and by whom.

* The internet remained active in the night of the gory incident suggesting that at least one of the accused remained awake.

* There was no disruption in the supply of electricity in that night.

* No person was seen loitering near the flats in suspicious circumstances in that night.

* It is clear that the prosecution has placed a clinching wealth of circumstances from which the guilt of both the accused has been made out to the extent human instruments can apprehend.

* From the evidence it is proved that the accused persons disposed off/destroyed the scalpel, blood stained clothes worn by them during the commission of the offence, dressed up the scene of crime, cleaned private parts of Ms. Aarushi, covered the dead body of Aarushi with a flannel blanket.

* The accused covered Hemraj's body with a cooler panel, placed a bed-sheet on grill dividing two roofs, locked the door of terrace, concealed or destroyed the key of the terrace door which has not been found till yet.

* Murder and destruction of evidence were done by the accused with the intention to screen themselves from legal punishment. As such charge under section 201 IPC is fully proved against the accused persons.

* That golf club no.5 was thrown in the loft after commission of the crime and the same was produced after many months by the accused.

* That pattern of head and neck injuries of both the accused persons are almost similar in nature and can be caused by golf club and scalpel respectively. 


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    Wed, Nov 27 2013

    Has the Justice Prevailed?!!!!!I still can't digest parents going down to such a low level.If yes, then we need to define a new meaning regarding parents & parenting.It indeed seems to be a Million Dollar Mystery.

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  • christine, manglore/kuwait

    Wed, Nov 27 2013

    If they have done than it is not planned, but mistakenly happen.sudden in hot temper and here had a couple, how both agreed same?
    May they have done,don’t had strength to apeak,
    Only God knows If they have done this or not, if yes they feel guilty, now how they are fearful, broken,regret,repent,sorrow,pain,experiencing hell in them how they passing days and time, there is light but(life is) dark for them, may food is poison for them,minute of anger led them to hell.how their life was before she die,after and now on… if have wound outside than we can apply medication and from inside only Gods medicine can heal. God have mercy on them.
    May This story go the same way.In the bible David committed sin to hide the truth how many sins he committed, he taught it will remain secret until Nathan prophet came to him, Thank God David was after the heart of God and really that our God is forgiving and still merciful, This his step we must follow.
    The past is gone,feature no one know what will happen even for us.we have light still sometime we want to live in darkness for our selfish desires
    (John 3: 19)
    Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.)Still I remember word Judge not You will be not judged.

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    Wed, Nov 27 2013


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  • MS, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 27 2013

    Few minutes anger made them suffer life long.. No one has right to take life of anyboby who cannot give life except Almighty... Its a lesson to us that ANGER is a satan's job, no harsh decision to be taken in such circumstances, stay calm. Even Almighty could forgive adultery if you repent.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 27 2013

    You are right, everyone does mistakes, nobody is immune, anyone condemning and judging another person for such mistakes is the biggest hypocrite!! It can happen to anyone, even the so called God fearing and spiritual people!! It could have been forgiven and solved easily and life would go on, but the well planned (as has become evident in the circumstantial evidence) way in which both were slaughtered and then evidence destroyed and investigators misled is a big crime, more so since both of the accused are qualified doctors!! Still one of them can be saved if better sense prevails and turns approver!!! Arushi and the other victim's soul have finally got justice!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Najeeb Sheikh, Udupi / Dubai / E-freight intl

    Wed, Nov 27 2013

    Finally Arushi got Justice..May her soul rest in peace..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 27 2013

    In the absence of conclusive and clinching evidence it cannot be said whether the Talwars are 'Guilty' nor can it be said that they are 'Innocent'.

    In such cases the Court could have acquitted them WITHOUT A 'NOT GUILTY' VERDICT BUT ON THE GROUNDS OF LACK OF SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE.

    I have heard that this is done in the US justice system where an accused is acquitted for lack of evidence but is not d as Innocent i.e. the person does not get a clean chit or a 'NOT GUILTY' verdict.

    This case then could have been converted into a 'Cold Case' (as in the US) which means the case is not completely 'closed' but kept in 'cold' storage until such time new evidence is found in the future.

    Even if there is the remotest possibility that the Talwars may be innocent then the 'Guilty' verdict must not be pronounced.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Wed, Nov 27 2013

    In addition to my above comments I must say that personally I believe they are guilty, however, I would have liked a guilty verdict on the basis of some direct evidence instead of circumstantial.

    About the teenage girl :

    Besides wanting to take revenge on the parents or for a robbery motive, for what else would anyone want to kill a 13 year old girl if she was completely innocent ? The revenge or robbery angle was absent so the motive for the killing had to be something else. However, I must add this does not justify murder.

    About the Talwars :

    The Talwars and their supporters keep/kept saying where is the evidence ? Yes there is no direct but only circumstantial evidence but the Talwars did not help their cause because as per the CBI they did/attempt to manipulate/destroy evidence (vaginal swabs etc.) and were making statements in an apparent effort to mislead the investigators. If one is innocent why will one mislead investigators or destroy/manipulate evidence ? Moreover, if evidence is manipulated or destroyed where will evidence come from ? This I believe is what nailed them. This I believe is what convinced the judge of their guilt along with other circumstantial evidence.

    I am not an expert but I wish there was direct evidence instead of convicting a person this way on circumstantial evidence. If they escape punishment here they will definitely not be able to escape punishment in the court of the 'Almighty'.

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  • vivek, hirebile / abu dhabi

    Wed, Nov 27 2013

    My sympathy towards soul of Aurushi and her parents too,if they would have agreed the crime that time instead of being smart, they were out of the jail at this time

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Wed, Nov 27 2013

    Just cant imagine how they killed their own flesh and blood when it is true.and the other man.as doctors they must have owed to save life.whatever in high court sentences them ,they have time to think about their act.

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  • Sharath, Mangalore

    Wed, Nov 27 2013

    Hello Baskar, you have no right to blame Talwar family. You don't know anything about their family background so better don't waste others time,Mr.Talwar & her wife are innocent .CBI is corrupt because still Karnataka saujanya case they are turning like anything.. is this correct. tell me now ? or always you will be in trouble.. good bye all the best....

    DisAgree [10] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anthony Lobo, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    if justice is given by reasons, all our state and central ministers should be punished and jail them until death.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • christine, manglore/kuwait

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    They are already in mental prisoners, lost everything from the day of death of an only daughter
    May they still alive to pay the punishment not being good parents to their lovely gift from God.
    Until the death it will knock them will not let them to be in peace.
    Had a child they are like barren, profession, position, education,wealth cannot bring back what lost,
    May they are killer or not they are God creation same like us,
    My sympathies to them, May God give them strength whatever days remain in this world to live for them remembering their angel and living like hell fire
    What remains for them to enjoy life. Mental, emotional, physical media world everything is like hell
    What is the use gain everything lost own soul (daughter) no peace,joy happiness…
    Their time was bad. we cannot say that we or our future generations will be perfect,
    May Gods protected hand be with all of us.
    Judge not you will not judged.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Fredrick Correa, Pernal/Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Good and wise comments Christine.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    I have always said FEKU's do not last for long....

    DisAgree [6] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'lore / Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    A verdict totally based on circumstantial evidence, assumptions and theories without any eye witnesses is cannot be considered as fair justice. What actually happened is still a mystery. My sympathies are with the Talwars.

    DisAgree [30] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Fredrick Correa, Pernal/Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Dear John Tauro, Even if there is one per cent doubt, the benefit goes to the accused in the Indian Judiciary system. The logic is, the innocent person should not be condemned. They still have time to appeal to the higher courts. The high court has the power to set them free, to reduce the sentence or to give the death penalty.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai/Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Our Judiciary is based on NO INNOCENT SHOULD GO TO JAIL!!! Now, this being a high profile case THERE IS NEGLIGIBLE CHANCE THAT THE JUDGES COULD HAVE DONE A MISTAKE!!!!!

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anil Misquith, Abu Dhabi

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    The case is rarest of rare indeed. But not because of what CBI says. It is because the case has been tried with the possibly the least reliable evidences and investigations done by multiple teams with diametrically opposite conclusions. In a crime that merits such severe punishment, the defendants are condemned on what could be viewed as haphazard proceedings. It is for this reason that the case is the rarest of rare...because it probably epitomizes the textbook description of miscarriage of justice.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dev, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Wrong Decision on Wrong Facts & Fiction!
    This case will Fall Through in Higher Courts which won't be swayed by media or Stories without concrete evidence.
    This is the way our justice system sides with injustice to the victims.
    This is Only Temporary Set Back.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramakrishna. K. , Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    All the Members of KHAP panchayats of Haryana & Rajasthan should also get Life Imprisonment wherever they have supported Honour Killings.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • jaya, banneje

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Very sad to hear this all ..GARVAM SARVM NASAM... This is the true words,,,i read so many commentment about Talwar family... they lost everything today because their beloved ones.. just think how much they feel in their heart about their daughter, this mother kept her nine month her stomach and until 14 years they take care their loved ones with fully happines...may be they kept 100 dreams about their daughter's future, what their daughter gave for her parents... fully tension.. may be many times they noticed tht their daughter's attitude..may be they warned her so many times... finally they catch and finish both of them, which position they found thier daughter in bed ... if other parents in their place, they will do the same what talwar family did it , even i am not telling her parents are not wrong... they did big wrong before when she is alive ... they should keep enquiry all the time ... home to college even about her friends.. if they did this before may be today they are not in this position... just bad luck and bad time came into their life... Mr. Boarway words are true today as they lost everything...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Arushi's killing could have been accidental.....I'm sure the father gave a blow with the golf club out of impulse. And then did quite lot of goof ups to cover things... realizing she is dead.

    And Hemraj....again would have been a mix of intention(bcoz of anger) and accidental(bcoz he would have only wanted to hurt him bad).

    I'm also certain to an extent that - Only one of them would have committed the crime, other is just a witness or aid - If they at least tell the truth now - One will be saved!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Aarushi-Hemraj murder is a victim of time and the parents itself are too a victim of the same time.Nobody will kill his or her child for a silly reason.The child is our hope and is our future and nobody will deny this too.Sometime we say It is a bad time of life !!!.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Mangalore / Doha

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    The truth will never come out.

    If they are guilty, they deserved to be hanged till death

    DisAgree [24] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Edward C Maben, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    A lot of us parents work hard towards giving quality life to our kids. The demands towards such objects drive both parents to work and work like mad. Today's life is simply more towards the pursuit of riches than the pursuit of happiness. With ever increasing prices and the urge to copy someone else's lifestyle we tend to compromise on a lot of things, which includes the proper upbringing and monitoring of our children. This is a wild world now where 15, 16 year old children are addicted to smoking, drugs and sex. This happens mostly because our children look for moral support and fun outside because they don't get it at home. And this situation has increased because of the decline in joint families. We need to understand that kids are our future and it is our responsibility to give time to them. They deserve that.

     But most of us parents ruin them by over pampering them thinking that they must not suffer in life like we did. We did not suffer, actually we learnt life the hard way. And that is precisely what we need to teach our kids. In most families in India it is still considered taboo to speak to our kids about sex and drugs. I feel we need to stop being parents when kids grow and become friends with them and win their love and confidence, so that end of the day they are not hesitant to discuss anything with us. Perhaps this will bring a lot of untoward incidents down.
    We never know if the Talwars really did this heinous crime. But I think this is a eye opener to a lot of us parents to sit down and take stock of the situation in our own homes

    DisAgree [2] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Rightly said, today's children due to pampering do not know the value of anything and take everything including parents for granted!!!

    But despite bringing up children in the most ideal possible ways such type of situation can befall on anybody by a quirk of fate!! We have to remember each person is unique and each moment in life is unique and how the confluence of events takes place at a particular moment and how we react makes all the difference!! We have just to hope and pray that we don't fall into such "bad testing situations"!!! And if at all they come too, give us the wisdom to surmount it!!

    There are instances of so many children born to laborers, rickshaw pullers etc. having the wisdom to do very well in all aspects of life whereas those from affluent families having all facilities turning to doing all wrong things and bringing misery to the parents!! In a way, struggling to live is a blessing in disguise versus an affluent living, like those from an agricultural profession setup!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jery, Riyadh

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    His name is TALWAR..and he used.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Life sentence (14 years) is probably harsh. But the court considered it as honor killing rather than something done in the heat of the moment.

    Best recourse for Talwars is to come out with the true story, so at least one of them can get a reduced sentence.

    They are going to fight the case in HC and SC, so still some hope is for them.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hameed, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    I think we all the parents must derive a lesson from this very tragic story of the couples & their only daughter...sometime we don't realize how important the children are in our life, and they are the test for the parents from the almighty.. It is very important for us to maintain the consistency in guiding them, and protect them from falling into satan's trap, rather keeping ourself busy in worldly aspects...they are innocent, and satan will easily take the advantage of their innocence...May almighty protect all our children..Ameen.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sudhakar, Kallianpur

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Right said, Mr. Hameed

    DisAgree [3] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Let Supreme Court decide.Truth never dies.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Martin, Dubai

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    A life sentence for without motive proved ? they have a chance to fight the case in the High Court why because this sentence by CBI court so case still under mysterious. I wonder why there was no brain mapping or more scientific analysis in this case , the CBI lawyer said its rare to rare case what that means ?? law should have one angle not external pressure to pronounce verdict.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anand, karkala

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Both the murderers should be put in different jails so that they don't see each other.

    DisAgree [26] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • dam, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    I am hearing about this case from 3-4 years.. but still dint understand exactly...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    I hate honor killing.But this case is a little different form honor killing.Any parents do the same thing (what Talwars did) if they see their daughter in compromising position with anyone !! Talwars reaction is justified.It was a sudden outburst..If Talwar's daughter had sex outside ,say hotel or friend's home,definitely they would not have gone to that extent(Murder)..Here,her own 14 years daughter is having sex with a man..that too with 45 years old servant !! what is the next step...FINISH BOTH !!

    Judge should have seen the other side of Talwar's life..Anyway,murder is a murder..no one is having right to kill another person..But Life sentence is little harsh..It could have been reduced to 7-8 years..HANE BARAHA..

    DisAgree [17] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai/Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Yours is a very rash comment based on emotions!! Such incidents might be placing dime a dozen in households across, but this was not the "brutal" way it should have been handled!! They are being professional doctors it was definitely not expected from them!! They could have easily solved the matter forgetting it as a small mistake which was based on amorous feelings of two people!!

    In the melee, they have not only lost their only child but everything!!!

    DisAgree [11] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Janet Dsouza, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    There is no evidence that the victims (Arushi and domestic worker) were found in objectionable position. If father get angry at least mother should have the patience or if the mother is angry, the father should have vice versa its not that easy you kill your child instantly out of rage. How can be both parents angry. I don't think it is true. I saw the interview of Nupur Talwar on NDTV and they asked her the same question, and she said it is not true. They had no relationship. There may be some other hidden story but without knowing we should not come to the conclusion or point fingers without knowing the full truth.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Dear Janet..CBI's 27 questions put Doctor parents behind the bar..There is no doubt that Aarushi and Hemraj were killed by Talwars..Now your question..Why did they kill or How did they kill or When did they kill ? ..for all these questions,CBI gave this story..I feel this story is almost reality..We have to believe it because Talwars killed them...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nancy, Belman

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    5 years....they only know how they spent the days of their life without the daughter...

    5 years...they only know what made them to kill their only daughter....

    5 years....they only know how much they loved their only daughter......

    But... TIME was not there with them to spend with their daughter....

    Instead they were busy making money.....
    And lost EVERYTHING...

    Still my sympathies are with you "TALWARS"

    DisAgree [3] Agree [72] Reply Report Abuse

  • Glen, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Really !heart touching comment .

    DisAgree [2] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Fredrick Correa, Pernal/Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Well said Nancy. Whatever they had done it must have been in a fit of anger. And whetever they said after that, they have gone as per the instructions of their lawyers. Even the appeal will be done as per the instructions of the lawyers. The court has given the verdict. They have lost their daughter, they have lost everything. Now, I suppose they have to spend the time in jail separately. What loneliness it would be!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naveen D'souza, Valencia-Kuwait

    Tue, Nov 26 2013


    DisAgree [1] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Raj, mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    But what is the actual truth, guys..
    No one knows.How will the truth come out

    DisAgree [3] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Spare a thought on these points:
    1.Someone out there knows definitely what happened.
    2.Somebody out there is a killer.
    3.The police chief who handled the case first and who may have been influenced one way or the other too knows a lot.
    4.The Talwars irrespective of proclaiming their innocence have the verdict against them.
    5.What must be going through their minds singly and collectively?
    6.Have they any emotions left?
    7. Are they remembering their daughter now that they are facing virtual hell?

    The questions are endless and feel no parents without as much strength as the Talwars would have pulled through this ordeal...It must have been real real tough ......With most of the country already giving the verdict of honor killing while a few handful standing by them.....Case closed once...opened once again...All inexplicable ingredients....

    DisAgree [4] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • fouzia, mangalore l dubai

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    apne pair me khuladi marli

    DisAgree [9] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vasant Raj, Mangalore / Abudhabi

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Expected.... good judgement.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bollu, Mangalore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Very Sad....
    May be after some years sentence will be reduced for 10-15 years after appealing in the Higher Courts..
    Actually it's a mistake of parents to leave behind children all alone and not enquiring now and then.
    Parents should be as good as a friend to the children during the age especially in between 12-18...where in chances are more definitely children are going to slip in one or other way..
    Should take precaution on that time..due to satan is wandering in great speed putting different ideas on mind.
    That's the reason on that time even though knows not a good thing..but still dont want to miss the chance and fall into the trap.
    Same happened with Aarushi growing gal..fall in attraction on others.

    Keep in mind it will happen in any of the homes..including of me. Gals are very difficult to understand..what's actually cooking in their mind...

    Kahin Pe Nigahen Kahin Pe

    DisAgree [4] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • For Justice, Abu Dhabi / Ubar

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    I couldn't stop just read & ignore your views but to appreciate it..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Bollu in case of Girls. Ask me Boss..
    Kahin Pe Nigaahen
    Lekin Nishaana Bahut Sahi Jagah Pe...

    DisAgree [8] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    @Bollu, what you are saying is right, but this can happen in any "so called" good setting too!! One cannot extrapolate like that!! There are innumerable instances, almost daily reported in the papers!! So many children go and stay in far away places for education but still maintain their morality and respect with remote handling from parents and at the same time those under directly the nose of parents resort to wrong things!! One can only bring awareness and be friends with kids but can never monitor them 24/7, it is up to them!!!

    Do you know there are people who regularly do wrong things but they never get caught or get trapped in such situations and there are those who do once and get caught and are victimized and punished, the role of destiny plays a very important role!! It is like an accident, a confluence of bad events which gives rise to such sudden catastrophe!! Empathize with the parents!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Nov 26 2013


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  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    Finally justice meted out to Arush's soul!!

    Being a very controversial and high profile case, I am sure the honorable judge might have considered the minutest of detail even though it was based only on circumstantial evidence before giving such a punishment, and it should stand in the higher court of law!!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abdul Rafiq, Uchila / Dubai

    Tue, Nov 26 2013

    "Maadiddunnu Maharaaya" should think before committing such a brutality. Honor killer couple deserved for this punishment.

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Title: Aarushi-Hemraj murders: Life imprisonment for Talwars

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