Chinese ex-vice governor gets life for bribery

Beijing, Nov 1 (IANS): A former vice governor of China's Jilin province was sentenced to life imprisonment Friday for taking bribes.

Tian Xueren pocketed more than $3 million in bribes, according the verdict by Beijing Intermediate People's Court, reports Xinhua.

Tian traded jobs and contracts for bribes between 1995 and 2011, taking advantage of his positions as deputy party chief of Changchun city, party chief of Jilin city and Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture, vice governor of Jilin, and chairman of the board and party chief of the Bank of Jilin.

The court ordered all his personal assets confiscated and he be deprived of political rights for life.

Tian was expelled from the Communist Party of China and dismissed from all his posts for "severe disciplinary and legal violations" in July 2012.


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