Mangalore: Muslim Educational Institutions' Federation gets new office
Pics: Spoorthi Ullal
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore
Media Release
Managlore, Sep 15: Incharge minister of the DK district and minister for forests and environment B Ramanath Rai inaugurated the new administrative office of the Muslim Educational Institutions' Federation at Light House Hill here on Saturday September 14.

Minister Rai in his inaugural address said, "With educated society it is possible to build violence-free society. In the ancient days people used to ask what was the need for children to go to school. But with the spread of education the situation has changed in such a way that people have started questioning as to why one is not going to school.”
He further said, "The education that we give to others not only strengthens their family but also the country. Our country will be strengthened only if we are able to strengthen then youngsters in our schools."
"It is a sad thing that educated young minds are misusing their education and knowledge for terror activities. Hence there is a need to educate an individual by imparting value-based education."
Rai also released the MEIF Directory-2013 on the occasion.
Health minister U T Khadar, MLA Mohiuddin Bava, former minister B A Moideen, Yenepoya Mohammed Kunhi, H Gunasheela Ballal, president of the Muslim Educational Institutions Federation Y Mohammed Beary, secretary B A Nazeer and other office-bearers of the federation were present at the occasion.