Bangalore: State govt moves to clean up cities armed with stricter law
Bangalore, Jul 25 (PTI): Karnataka government is appeared set for a crack down on those who fail to segregate waste, and indulge in littering and spitting and things of that nature as it tabled in the Legislative Assembly amendments to a 1976 act to clean the state's cities.
As per the the Karnataka Municipal Corporations (Amendment) Bill, 2013, littering, spitting, urinating, open defecating or committing other acts of nuisance on road, bus station, railway station, street, playground, park and other premises of public utility would attract a penalty of Rs 100 for the first offence.
Penalty for the second and subsequent offence is Rs 200.
Similarly, the domestic occupier who fails to segregate dry waste from wet waste and hand it over separately to collector of waste as per norms would be fined Rs 100 and bulk generator or commercial complex Rs 500 for first time, and Rs 500 and Rs 1,000, respectively, for subsequent offences.
The amendment bill also proposes fining those who fail to segregate other waste, irregularly deposit rubbish or filth or any solid waste, allow filth to flow in streets, deposit carcasses of animals or filth in proper place and dump building waste irregularly.
The bill comes at a time when the solid waste generated by all the city corporations of the State, especially in Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (Bangalore city) is very high.
"These solid wastes have to be disposed systematically through scientific manner and as per the guidelines prescribed in Solid Wastes (Handling & Management) Rules, 2000, by the Government of India", according to the "statement of objects and reasons" for bringing in the amendment bill.
Removal of unauthorised cable including optical fibre cables laid under, over, along, the across, in or upon the streets or property has now been added as part of obligatory functions of the city corporations, in addition to the removal of obstructions and projections in or upon streets, bridges and other public places that figures in the 1976 act.