Nitish dismisses Modi wave as one created by corporate houses

Patna, Jun 19 (PTI): Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar today dismissed the so-called wave in favour of Narendra Modi, perceived by many BJP workers, as one created by corporate houses and is short-lived sans any magic.

Kumar in his reply to the debate for the motion of confidence in government moved by him in the Bihar Assembly said that the wave was nothing but created by corporate houses.

"BJP workers are getting excited about wave created by one of their leaders (Narendra Modi) is nothing but wave created by corporate houses which will be short lived and cannot do any magic in 2014," Kumar said.

"Just by being born in an OBC family does not make anybody their leader. A person who is the well-wisher of corporate houses does not become leader of OBC by just taking birth in a backward caste family," he said without naming the Gujarat leader.

"Chaudhary Charan Singh, Madhu Limye and V P Singh were not born in OBC families, but are considered leaders of backward castes because they had genuine commitment for welfare of the poor and deprived sections of society," Kumar said.
Sensing that a break-up might be coming, the BJP even before the separation was organising caste meetings, Kumar said.

He said that while addressing a meeting of the BJP Extremely Backward Castes cell, former Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi had observed that the Gujarat leader having a similar background cannot be stopped from becoming a prime minister.

Bihar today saw a new alignment of parties during the trust vote even as Kumar comfortably won the trust vote amid a walk-out by the BJP and the LJP.

With the strength of the House reduced to 150 after the BJP and LJP's walk-out, the ruling party got 126 votes, including 4 of Congress, 1 of CPI and 4 Independents besides their own 117.

A total of 24 votes were cast against it. This included 22 of RJD and 2 Independents.


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  • Prasheesh Kumar. S., Mumbai

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    Nitish is called as "Super Editor" of all the News papers of Bihar, because if the News papers do not toe his line he is ruthlessly stopping all the Govt Advertisements to such newspapers. He even influenced Kaun Banega Karodpati programme and esured that only the contestants from Bihar won Crores, and that too from his own Kurmi Kshatriya Caste. This was done to project to entire India that Bihar has done sudden progress intellectually under his govt.
    Such a man is now alleging that Modi is dictator. This is just like Kettle calling Pot black.

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  • Future India (Defence Group), Mangalore

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    Nithish is such a jealous person. He wanted to become PM candidate from NDA.Why did he praise Modi in 2003 and not now? People will teach you a lesson in coming election in Bihar. 80% People prefer Modi ji as a PM. so we are not Worried for rest 20%.(UPA) will be wiped off. Modi will get support from Jayalalitha and Mamatha Didhi.

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  • raman, Mulki

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    @Declan,Mumbai, What is your definition of communal? For people like you, If one speaks for Hindus, then he is non-secular.If one is with congress he is secular and If one is with BJP he is non-secular right?.This great nation is brought to it's knees in the name of secularism.People whoever faking about secularism, are the one who is really dividing the society in the name of secularism in order to be in the power and succeeded to fool the innocent citizens from last 50-55 years.I was hopping education will create the awareness and expose the real face of people hiding in the fake Gandhi's surname.If one still can't differentiate b/n the pseudo secularism which is most worst than the communalism, it is nothing but ill fate of India. By the way do you know why the heck Rupee is nose diving and almost becoming like tissue?I know people with biased mindset can't understand this.India is a naturally rich country with tens of thousands of years of strong history.People of this nation deserved better life. Your secular party is failed our nation in all aspect from economy to basic infrastructure to foreign affairs.Need of the hour for our country is the leader who can put the India on the right path of the development not the puppet or a imbecile who born to a dynasty.God Bless India.

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  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    Unfortunate that you still dont understand me. I dont dispute being a supporter of the Congress but that does not mean I support Corruption (not that the BJP are corruption-free saints eg. Gadkari,Yeddy etc.). However, I dont support Communal politics either, especially one with hardliners like Modi. In the present situation when left with no alternative I will certainly never accept a Hardline Communal government. Let someone give us an alternative which is non-communal as well as non-corrupt and I will support it whole-heartedly. Shri A.B. Vajpayee was a moderate face of the BJP and he was acceptable to most. Unfortunately, there is no one like him now.
    Communal politics breeds hatred for fellow humans which in my opinion is worse than corruption. Vandalising churches, attacking women, moral policing are things which will take this country back to the dark ages. Economic development must be equitable for all communities along with social equality/justice !!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Jun 20 2013


    This is not a contest between the 'majority Hindu' and the 'minorities- non-Hindus' but this is a fight between 'communal' and 'non-communal' forces. Remember, that even the Congress, Samajwadi Party, Bahujan Samaj Party, RJD party etc.etc. also comprise of mostly Hindu leaders and politicians so why do they not support the BJP/RSS ideology ? No, its not just because of power but because they are opposed to communal ideology irrespective of whether they do vote bank politics or not. Also, the RSS are not the universal custodians of the Hindu religion. The BJP is a party dominated by upper class Hindus and mostly North Indian Brahmins dictated and controlled ideologically by the RSS. So they are not going to give up their domination so easily to the lower classes which is not to say that they will not use persons from these classes when it suits their agenda or for their ambition to gain power. We all know that the caste system is thoroughly embedded in Hindu tradition and it goes back many, many, many years. It wont go away nor can it be wished away overnight.
    The nose diving of the rupee is not only due to domestic factors but it is also largely due to the strenghthening of the US dollar worldwide. Not only the rupee but most Asian currencies and some others are sliding down too.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mitwa, Sharjah

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    Lets stop discussing about PHEKU..

    Mr. Nitish welcome to UPA.

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  • Muna Kudroli, Manglore - Mumbai

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    One Union minister Dr Charandas Mahant said "If Sonia ji asks me to pick up a broom and sweep, I will do it",......hope NITISH JI will not sweep Sonia Ji TOILET..........

    DisAgree [4] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Behenjiclub ®, ZILLAGHAZIBAD

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    Who told Modi is rocking........ who who ??? what do you all think Behenjis statue is made of paper .only Behnji rocks

    DisAgree [12] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    Mr Modi and his development. Good story but not backed by facts. Talk about FDI they are behind states like maharsatra,tamil nadu . Talk about year on year growth Haryana. Maharstra, Tamil Nadu score better.Talk about poverty alieviation Gujarat lags behind many states. Land has been given at throw away prices to TATA for Nano project.Ambanis for refineries and many others !!!Infrastructure ??cn someone quantify on this ?? HAS HE MADE SURAT TO SNGAPORE AND AHMEDABAD TO AMSTERDAM ??

    DisAgree [12] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dev, Mangalore

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    The legislation was brought in 2004 by NDA to BOO or BOP, probably you were unaware of it.
    Why- the money was from World Bank & IMF in the form of loan borrowed by Vajpayee's dream Quadrilateral National Highways from Kashmir to Kanyakumari,which came at a PRICE you & we will have to bear until we live!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilfred J Lewis , Matpady-Brahmavar/ New York, USA

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    Nitesh Kumar is defensive as he is out of NDA alliance which gave many goodies to his party JD (U). The Congress government of MM Singh for last ten years has been by and large a "Care Taker Government". The country saw rapid progress during BJP government of A. B. Vajpayee, and present generation of BJP leaders can deliver rapid results than any other party. I expect BJP alone to win 240 parliament seats as Congress has no proven leadership at the national level.

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  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    If Modi is BJP's PM candidate the BJP's dream of coming to power will remain just that - a dream.
    The Indian public will never accept a 'Hardliner' like Modi.
    The Indian public will never be dictated by a communal group like the RSS. Remember a one-time product of the RSS, murdered Mahatma Gandhi - the Father of our Nation.
    If you dont like the Congress its fine. Nobody wants corruption but the question is will people allow a hardline communal government (with Modi) entry in the name of eliminating corruption. Both are bad things - Corruption as well as Communal Politics !!!

    DisAgree [16] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abhi, Kundapur

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    you act like as if you are getting married to Congress, you are always with congress no matter what, can you tell me how india is still a 3rd world country where congress ruled 95% after the independence. Can you please tell me? India need a good polical alternative atleast modi has done some growth in his state, even though I dont agree with everything. Nitish Kumar is a socialist leader, socialism will not take you anywhere.

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    Mr. Abhi,
    You got me wrong!
    I am in fact fed up of corruption in congress, price rise and some of its leaders lethargic attitude.
    I have voiced it several times you may not have noticed.
    If I have respected anyone of recent times, it is Shri. A.B. Vajapayee. Had BJP followed his foot steps it would have been wonderful alternative to Congress.
    But I can not stand blunt hatred minds. Out of no choice, I prefer corrupt over communal/hatred.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • raman, Mulki

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    The religiously biased morons jumping their gun against Modi just drive from Mangalore to Kundpura, you will get the taste of 50 years of dynasty rule in the name of so called democracy. They even sold road to private party and you will end up paying toll fee for another 30 years.How low you want to go and be slave's in the name of lawless so called democrazy?Awake up before it becomes too late.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Jun 20 2013


    'Religiously biased morons ????? This sounds like a description of Feku and his communal supporters.
    My friend, people do wish for a corruption-free administration as well as a communalism-free administration.
    In the name of eliminating corruption we cannot allow a free entry for communal agenda & politics.
    Peace in society, social justice/equality and communal harmony are paramount to a nation's well-being in addition to being corruption-free.
    It is sad - why some people just dont understand this !

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  • Ravindra, Udupi

    Thu, Jun 20 2013

    What communal agenda Modi followed in Gujrath?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Stephen, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Nithish Kemar is right. Modi is most overhyped politician in India.
    Some big companies are investing in doing Marketing for Modi, for their own benefit. Also, most of the crimes happening in Gujrat is not coming in front of media.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil , Karkala

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Why should he dissolve the assembly? In fact BJP itself helped him by staging a walk-out......

    DisAgree [4] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Leslie fernandes, Brahmagiri, Udupi

    Wed, Jun 19 2013


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  • vnayak, mangalore/switzerland

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    It is also the general media that is responsible to create this larger than life image of Modi and Gujerat. In surveys done by India Today, Tamil Nadu and Kerala occupy the number one and two spots respectively in terms of overall development (economic,social,healthcare,education etc) and yet no one talks about these states because they do not do any self-marketing. In fact Karnataka was also among the Top 6 or 7 for a long time but during the last 5 years it has ped down.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Modi is one big balloon. Dummm Pussk ............

    DisAgree [21] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dev, Mangalore

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Bal Takre, Karunanidhi were better orators & writers than Modi, They on their own couldn't come to power(in center)though they were mass leaders.
    People can be swayed by speeches glossing over corruption or failure to deliver on ground bouyed by catapulting paid media & industrialists who want a mentor to cover their corruption as well.
    History has proved time & again that arrogant dictators are feared but hated & finally defeated when their luck runs out.
    History & time is only kind to those who spread love with their own example rather than mere rhetoric.

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  • Gananath B Shetty, Nandikur/Mumbai

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Nitish is in congress net. He will be wiped out in the next election for cheating the voters

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  • A.M Shaikh, Dubai, Belapu, Kaup

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Its impossible Mr. Gananath, its a drama and luck of BJP, In past some years central Jaya Lalitha, with ABV, In Karnataka Kumar Swami, now in Bihar Nithish, Dhoka hi Dhoka, now BJP need to change from Communal to Secular. Now BJP is clean bold in Bihar. BJP not save States, how their dream come true, forget Modi and PM.

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  • Sunil , Karkala

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    BJD not only survived but also won comprehensively after snapping ties wit the BJP. Hope you remember this...

    DisAgree [12] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gurudath, M'lore/Mumbai

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Nitish if you have the guts dissolve the assembly and call for polls now. If you win all credit to you without any doubt.

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Why should he dissolve the assembly when Nitish proved ruling majority?
    Guts for showing whom? When Nitish won the majority on the floor, he has proved confidence!

    Re-Election is not baby's game.
    It is costing dearly!
    Nitish doesn't have money to show stunt. His people are starving!
    who is going to bear the re-election expenditure, that too for showing stunt?

    DisAgree [14] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Hi Valerian,

    BJP are desperately trying to put up a brave face although it is clear that they are thoroughly frustrated because Nitish Kumar has given them a tight slap on their face and another tight whack on their bottoms. Further, to add salt to the BJP's wounds, 6 of their MLA's in Bihar have just left them and joined Nitish Kumar's JD(U). That is another slap for the BJP. Is this the kind of magic you can expect from Modi ?????

    DisAgree [8] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Dear Declan,

    Mr. Nitish kumar is anytime better than Mr. Modi.
    He has varied Ministerial experience in Central as well as state Governments.
    He has Union Ministerial Experience in Agriculture and Railways as well.
    He is a well qualified family man, won Coveted recognition from Bill gates foundation for successful vaccination drive.
    He got recognition for successful literacy mission in BIHAR.
    He drove Bihar from Jungle Raj to the path of progress

    DisAgree [10] Agree [27] Report Abuse

  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Wed, Jun 19 2013

    Mr. Nitish Kumar, you are 100% right! Otherwise in Mr. Modi's election campaign in other states should have yielded votes.
    In the State elections, Shri. Jyoti Basu, W.Bengal had won more times than Mr. Modi from Gujarat.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

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