Kuwait: Jasmine Cutinha elected president of Agnesian Alumnae
Media Release
Kuwait, Mar 7: With its two-year term (2011-2013) coming to a successful and productive end, the Agnesian Alumnae Kuwait (AAK) members gathered together for their 7th annual general body meeting recently at the Avanti Palace Restaurant, Salmiya to elect the office bearers for its new committee for year 2013-2015.
The meeting commenced with the dynamic ex-president of AAK Reema D’Souza moderating the event. Reema, in her own distinctive style, welcomed the gathering and thanked each one present. This was followed by a beautiful prayer led by Liturgical secretary Shanti Fernandes.
The annual report for 2012 was read by general secretary Shalet Luis, followed by the financial report for 2012, which was relayed by the treasurer Stella Fernandes.
The new office bearers and executive committee members for 2013-2015 were then nominated who willingly accepted their respective posts which are as follows:
President - Jasmine Cutinha
Vice President - Stella Fernandes
General Secretary - Jyothi Colaco
Treasurer - Shanti Fernandes
Cultural Secretary - Bonita D’Silva
Liturgical Secretary - Merlyn D’Mello
Public Relations Officer - Reshma Lobo
The nominated management committee includes Sunita Fernandez, Shalet Luis, Kavitha Noronha and Lolita Fronteiro while the advisory committee remains with the three ex-presidents of AAK, namely, Diany Coutinho, Reema D’Souza and Diana D’Souza.
The outgoing president Diana D’Souza then handed over AAK’s Constitution to the new President Jasmine Cutinha to carry forward AAK’s leadership for the next two years but not before giving a very touching speech of her experience as president in the last two years and how grateful she was to her team members for their commitment and cooperation during her tenure. The effervescent new president Jasmine in turn spoke of how privileged she felt taking over the baton and pledged to work closely with the new Committee towards realizing AAK’s motto in the next term.
The meeting concluded with an open discussion on suggestions and proposed activities for the coming year followed by some appetizing refreshments served by Avanti Palace Restaurant.
The newly elected office bearers and committee members of AAK take this opportunity to thank all for the support extended by its members, their families and well wishers right from the time of its inception. AAK humbly looks forward to their continued support in its future endeavors.
About AAK
AAK is an association formed in Kuwait by a group of vibrant and energetic ex-students of St Agnes College, Mangalore whose motto is to raise funds through various activities and help educate deserving but less privileged students of St Agnes College Mangalore. While keeping its social cause in mind, AAK also provides a platform to its members to showcase their talents through various programs they regularly conduct. AAK endeavors and continues to remain a hallmark association over the years.
AAK requests all ex-Agnesians residing in Kuwait to kindly register themselves as members by writing in to AAK’s official email ID agnesianalumnaekuwait2013@gmail.com.