Delhi Gang-rape Accused Hunted Victim, Aimed to Kill - Police

Delhi Gang-rape Accused Hunted Victim, Aimed to Kill - Police

New Delhi, Jan 11 (Reuters): The gang of men charged with the rape and murder of a physiotherapy student deliberately tried to find a woman to rape and kill and ended the night with blood on their clothes, a police report seen by Reuters said.

Five men, along with a teenager who says he is under 18, gathered for dinner at a dwelling in a south Delhi slum on the evening of December 16 and there hatched the plot to find a target, according to the dossier given to court by the prosecution.

The accused "decided ahead of time" they would look for a woman and "intended to kill her", the police report claims.

The file, which runs to more than 600 pages contains the prosecution's evidence in the case, which it describes as including forensic evidence against the men, along with confessions, witness statements and medical reports.

However, defence lawyers assigned by the court on Thursday said the prosecution's case is marred by lapses in the investigation, not least the long period during which their clients were without legal representation. The defence has not yet filed its reply to the prosecution's dossier.

The court hearing the case took cognizance of the police document, known as a charge sheet, on Saturday. Under Indian law once a court takes cognizance of a charge sheet it becomes public record.

The gang boarded a bus that the alleged gang leader, Ram Singh, drove by day to ferry children to school and went out in search of a victim. They found the student accompanied by a male friend who were looking for transport home after watching the movie "Life of Pi" at a South Delhi shopping mall, according to the report submitted to the court.

Police arrested Singh the next day after tracing the bus using security camera footage from a hotel. He was still wearing a T-shirt stained with the victim's blood and "on sustained interrogation" confessed and led the police to his accomplices, the police report said.

The other accused are Singh's brother Mukesh, Akshay Kumar Singh, alias Thakur, Pawan Gupta and Vinay Sharma, all of whom are expected to plead not guilty when the trial begins. Mukesh Singh claims he was tortured while in police custody, his lawyer said on Thursday.

A sixth member of the gang, a teenager, is being processed as a juvenile, has not so far been charged and will be tried separately. Police have said they are conducting bone tests to determine his age as they suspect he may be over 18 years old.

Iron Rods

After being caught by police, Ram Singh produced two bloodied iron rods from the bus, which had been used to beat the victim and her friend, and were inserted into her body, causing massive organ damage, the report claims.

According to the police dossier, the accused turned the lights out and took turns driving the bus, while two men held the woman down and another raped her. She suffered bite marks on several parts of her body, but also fought back and managed to bite her attackers. Their injuries are part of the case against them, the police report said.

After removing part of the victim's intestines and throwing both her and her companion from the moving vehicle, they then tried to drive the bus over her. But her companion pulled her away, the report said.

They were left "badly injured and bleeding" on a flyover in south Delhi and were found naked by a highway worker who gave the man a shirt and called the police.

The victim, whom Reuters has opted not to name because Indian law generally prohibits doing so, died in a Singapore hospital of infection and "multiple organ failure" two weeks after the crime.

After the attack, Ram Singh tried to wipe the bus clean with the victims' clothes, then made a fire to burn the clothes and other incriminating evidence, the report alleges. Witnesses from the neighbourhood he lived in came to the fire to warm themselves, the report said.

The dossier purports to rely on some 80 witnesses, along with DNA matches, mobile telephone tower records, video evidence, stolen goods belonging to the victims in possession of the accused, the bloodied clothes of the suspects, and the weapons used in the attack.


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  • Subham Sen, Bangalore

    Tue, Jan 29 2013

    Our bloody system is so crap that even this criminal can lead a normal life after doing such heinous crime.I wonder about the inhuman and son of b*** that lawyer who is fighting for them

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Praveen, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 13 2013

    Mukesh Singh claims he was tortured while in police custody,
    He should thank the police for not killing him in the custody.

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  • Mark, Udyavara

    Sun, Jan 13 2013

    These rapist should be dealt NOT by law but by people.

    Their panishment should be the same way they did it & finally the iron rods be used esp. the TOR steel once. Get this act in public & it will be sure education for the rest for such demeaned mind!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Sun, Jan 13 2013

    Adil Khan, why call these scum animals?. Is that not an insult to animals. Which animal would indulge in such acts. These are simply vermin, filth and the worst specimens of God's creation. None of these monsters deserve to live even for a second on earth.

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  • Aadil Khan, Kasaragod, Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Jan 13 2013

    Iron rod was ed.............., Are they animals. As victim's family, burn the alive. But our democracy does not allow it. Hope, at least all of them in jail till their last breath.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Viola, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    If the incident was not enough humiliation, the delay in punishing these criminals is an utter embarrasement and leaves us more frail and insecure

    DisAgree [2] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Kusuma Kumari G , Nellore/Kodyadka

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    These criminals must be burned and not just killed. They must be tortured in jail and killed.These aren't human beings but cold blooded animals.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse


    Sat, Jan 12 2013


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  • sallu, Bangalore

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    This is dilly dallying and already has the looks of a long drawn case.
    Meantime, in 4 months time one of those worst rapist claiming to be juvenile will be out of the jail, free to roam.
    Now why the police have to prove he is juvenile - let that rapist prove that he is juvenile. Let his parents or relatives produce his birth certificate. If they do that, police have to check on that from the place of issue or if they cannot produce treat him as a adult and punish him accordingly.

    I hate those lawyers who are defending these critters, for money. Hope that fee they are collecting when used will burn their intestine with the food they eat and the drinks they drink.

    We people should keep up the e-andolan to modernise laws which are presently in favour of the crime doers and politicians\bureaucrats.

    I think it is time to bring in a new political party to power, brand new - AAM ADMI Party which should give mandate to the people to question them, to take action against them with speedy trials etc etc.

    Finally hope something changes and the 6 rapists will be suitably punished.

    DisAgree Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Michael, UAE

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    Too sad unexpected and cruel incident. They should be either hanged or jailed for ever. I am ashamed to be a man .

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Melwin, Surathkal/Dubai

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    Hang them , otherwise give them to the public

    DisAgree [2] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sarika, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    IS thre any goverment in india....if so ..this would have not happend ,central goverment is busy in next price hike epsoide ..god only should save us ...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • GERALD, Modanakpa

    Sat, Jan 12 2013


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  • laviana, dubai

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    MAD indian police. Why they are going to take bone tests to determine the age of a (sixth member of the gang)teenager. When doing such a crime, he is not thought about his age? Why wasting of money and time to do these tests? Why still waiting for hang them? Very very poor Indian law.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Carmo Santos, Goa / Kuwait

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    Shoot them rightaway. Don't try them in courts. Or just hand over to general public to decide the fate.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • JUSTICE, manglore

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    Now hang to them all till death in publicly at DEHLI.
    All world can see for them for their animal attack on inncocent teens.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gilroy, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    I had warned the readers about this on Daijiworld couple of years ago about the dangers of not modernizing Indian police force. As the people are armed wealth and information, the crimes will become more heinous and brutal (may be TV is also responsible for such criminal behaviour). So there is an immediate need for civilized and modernized police force to deal with this new devil.
    As per the punishment to these filthy creatures- before we had the services of veterinary doctors in villages, I had seen villagers crush the nuts of bullocks with cococnuts so that these bulls can be used for ploughing their land without misbehaving. Let us tie all these dirtbags and crush their jingleberries by ping a big rock on their nuts in public. After that implement the Sheria law on TV!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Reshmi, CANADA

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    weak indian law. that's why u guys waiting to hang them.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lancy Noronha, Bellore

    Sat, Jan 12 2013


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  • Lingappa, Kuppepadavu

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    They have admitted , what are we waiting for? . Kya Ghatiya country hain apni. I hope someone lynches the 17year old, if he is set free.

    DisAgree Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sat, Jan 12 2013

    Whatever may be the reason for rape...Kill them because only sex was not their intention.Their intention to hunt a girl for sex and kill...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [69] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohandas Kapikad, Mangaluru

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    Speedy judgment & its earliest implementation is the only answer.

    Even after these many protests, the Central Govt. has failed in bringing a strict law to end such crimes, & just passing time making statements.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    They are not Humans!Even they are not Animals!
    They are Haiwan !They are Shaitan !Hang them Infront of Public.
    Don't waste the People Time!
    Till that No peace for anybody!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [60] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ethan Avidhan, Florida/ Mangalore

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    Wake up People of India even though it is already late but probably not too late, If at least you start protesting to do away with IPC section 498A which is the Basic cause and will make more women haters trust me I had already predicted one year earlier this will happen and now it started happening everywhere So guys instead of your "wise" and Hatred and Vengeful comments please do this for your families sake if you Love them !!Probably you can stop 600 persons of this nature but not 6 Million men because that is exactly IPC section 498A is capable of doing!

    DisAgree Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valli Danthy, Kanajar,Kuwait.

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    I am sure many more years will passing in trail to these criminals in courts so called fast track.All we know,the system of judiciary of India and intervention of politicians would deffinetely take long time.Many evidences are available,for death sentence.But we cant expect the same to these culprits,due to the SYSTEM prevailed in indian law.Untill and unless the system will not be changed and there is no political will,nothing will happen to these culprits,only they spent some years in jail,spending taxpayers money.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • abuSaad, Mangalore / Dammam / KSA

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    In short cut we can say, Just implicate SHARI'A Law for Rapist - Stoning in public as whole India and world asking death penalty for Rapist

    DisAgree [2] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • K. S. Mayya, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    With lot of apologies for their families, I for one think that the only conclusion to this case is to hang these 6 accused including the juvenile. They will serve as a deterrent and a would be pervert would think twice however inebriated he is before he pulls the plug off his controls. Next time a would be pervert feels superior and wants to outrage the modesty he should see the rope hanging. That unfortunately is the only way to keep this hawks away from our mothers, sisters, daughters and loved ones. If that cannot be the logical conclusions then clearly our lawyers and upholders of our constitution have got it all wrong and they need to be educated first into how to act swiftly when a menace is plaguing a society they represent.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • jagdish, Mumbai, UAE

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    Whole world knows these are 6 men are raped and killed her. Even they have admitted their act. Knowing all these fact why trials and wasting time. Now smart lawyers will interfere and try to save them or reduce the punishment. My honest opinion once for ever eliminate them.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [116] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anitha D'souza, Pangla/Shankerapura

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    They gave a lot of pain to the girl by a cruel way & her parents too.Horrible attack on her.Concerned authorities should give all posssible torture to these rapist & finally hang them.Then only the matter will wind up.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [124] Reply Report Abuse

  • Juliet Mascarenhas, Bejai/Mangalore

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    People cried to crucify Jesus Knowing he is innocent.Here the accused with enough of evidence of crime and people's cry to punish them are getting extension of their life span. Torture and kill them merciless.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [118] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishal, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    These beasts deserve death and nothing short of death as they are very dangerous to the society and the females in particular.

    I don't understand what type of law we have inheridited from the British.

    Iam equally dismayed at the elected reps inaction to enact good laws which can punish the guilty even if a few innocents get punished in the process. In India, we need it otherwise, it is going to become jungle raj for sure.

    If the political system, does not take care of us, then, who will?

    DisAgree Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Jan 11 2013


    DisAgree [4] Agree [85] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rayan, Udupi

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    I am ashamed myself being a human .BETTER OF ME BEING A ANIMAL.atleast they have some sort of respect to each others.Fed up reading rapes rapes and rapes. Even father raping her daughter this is worst being a human being.Wish I was a ANIMAL.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [66] Reply Report Abuse

  • antony arun d'souza, dubai

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    Same sick story of these bloody rapists.Just chop off their heads and the topic will end forever.Who wants more stories?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [109] Reply Report Abuse

  • C SHarath, Mangalore

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    Just a thought of this henious act committed runs shiver/hatred/disgusting/shame for being in this world. The people are not humans, ti would be insult to animals if we have to call them that. God only know the pain the girl might have gone through. Absolutely disgusting, I hope police still torture these beasts and same rod into them 24/7 till they breath their last. This article is realy disturbing to read.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [80] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ganesh, mangalore

    Fri, Jan 11 2013

    Dada: What is the meaning of fast track ?
    Father: Fast track means judgement after 50 years.
    Dada: What is meaning of slow track ?
    Father: slow track means after 100 years.

    Dear all party politician pls. do something to change law.

    otherwise all state minister should get atleast two years military training.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [142] Reply Report Abuse

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