Sowjanya Murder - One Arrested, Locals Demand Police to Hand him over

Sowjanya Case - Arrested Man Mentally Ill, No Evidence to Implicate

Daijiworld Media Network - Beltangady


Beltangady, Oct 12: The police seem to have hit a dead end with regard to a suspect in the rape and murder case of Sowjanya, the 17-year-old student of SDM College, as the person who was arrested earlier has turned out be mentally ill and has no evidence against him.

The police on Thursday October 11 had arrested Santhosh Bajagoli, a resident of Bajagoli in Karkala in connection with the case. It is now said that it is the locals who spotted him sitting alone at Gommata Betta and caught hold of him without any proof, and informed the police. They later demanded that the man be handed over to them.

Police sources said that as he was mentally ill, he admitted to raping the girl, but his statement could not be verified or taken as evidence. The police also took the help of Santhosh's doctor and his father to further establish his innocence.

Speaking to reporters, IGP Pratap Reddy said that Santhosh will be taken to Mangalore for treatment.

He also said that post-mortem reports have stated that at least three to four people were involved in the rape and murder of Sowjanya, and hence Santhosh could not have committed the crime on his own.


Beltangady saw a series of protests urging the police to take quick action in catching the actual culprits in Sowjanya case.

The students of SDM College, Ujire, of which Sowjanya was a student, held a silent protest, while the residents of Dharmasthala demanded legal action. Various unions of Nada village also descended on the streets.

Organizations like DYFI, SFI, CPI (M), Janavadi Mahila Sanghatane, and others also protested. Mahila Mandali, Bajrang Dal, and Jayakarnataka students' cell submitted appeals to the SP demanding justice.


Earlier Update

Sowjanya Murder - One Arrested, Locals Demand Police to Hand him over

Daijiworld Media Network – Beltangady (VM)

Beltangady, Oct 12: Police on Thursday October 11 arrested a man near Dharmasthala in connection with the rape and murder of young Sowjanya, who was found dead near Pangala two days ago.

The arrested has been identified as Santhosh Bajagoli, a resident of Bajagoli in Karkala. Sources said that he reportedly admitted to having raped Sowjanya but denied killing her.

The locals, who are fuming over the incident, stopped the jeep and asked the police to hand over the accused to the public.

Sources said that the locals also pelted stones on the police jeep. However, the police somehow managed to escape from the hands of the public.

They then took the accused to Beltangady police station where he was interrogated.

Thousands of locals gathered in front of the police station asking the cops to hand over the detainee to the public. Initially the police had to resort to lathi charge to control the angered mob.

During the lathi charge, one among the crowd is said to be injured. He was later admitted to a nearby government hospital.

It is learnt that KSRP force has been deployed in the city as a precautionary measure.

Following the arrest, protests that were scheduled to be held on Friday October 12 have been cancelled.



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  • dmello jerome, Belmannu

    Thu, Oct 31 2013

    Agree for DNA test, If it is matching then make him to sleep him on ice for hours for his partners, and death penalty as per Delhi case

    DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • kaizer, mangalore

    Sun, Oct 14 2012

    Well said p. kumar,
    when home stay attack had happened there was too much of chaos around mangalore, ALL college protested against it but no one at this point of time except few organizations.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • P. Kumar, mangalore

    Sun, Oct 14 2012

    ನಟಿ ಹೇಮಶ್ರೀ ಸಾವು: ಮಹಿಳಾ ಆಯೋಗದಿಂದ ಸ್ವಯಂ ದೂರು ದಾಖಲು : ಉದಯವಾಣಿ – ೧೦ ಗಂಟೆಗಳು ಹಿಂದೆ:
    Why not for Sowjanya?

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Saira Rasheed, Bendore/USA

    Sun, Oct 14 2012

    From reading the details, looks like the victim fought back hard with the killer. As a result would have left some scratch marks or bite marks on the killer’s neck, face and hands...

    DisAgree Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naveen, Udupi/Bahrain

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Totally fabricated by the police department.Probe In depth Truth Emerges. Do not embrace the facts.

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • B.A.NAINAR, Hotel ResidencyGate,opp: Labour office,Bendoorwell. Kankanadi. Mangalore-2

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    This guy alone impossible! she is healthly good, how can do this thing alone? fixing this mental person,at least 3-4 person will together made it, why shoud not take action department? this also politics ? how many poor people's are getting such of justice? this is our kar NATAKA[Drama ]?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai/Bantwal

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Intense anger on news of such 'barbaric acts' is normal, but that does not mean that people take law into their hands and decide to teach the "accused" a lesson with some suggesting stoning, hanging, raping, castration, and what not!! Such statements by getting emotional are very wrong!! Mob frenzy has got the power of a tsunami and can spread fast and cause immense damage to life and property unless it is not controlled at the right time with the right approach!!

    Just imagine this supposedly innocent mentally ill man having gotten into the hands of the mob, they would have given him the most horrendous death!!

    Some readers are suggesting Sharia law in our country, oh what an idea!! Do they know if they introduce such system the powerful law keepers with sweeping powers in their hands and blessings of the autocrats themselves will resort to such acts with impunity and finish offs those who confront or speak against them!!

    A very bad incident has occurred! Police are doing their job! They will get to the criminals soon when they get the proper leads!! Till such time there is no use of getting hyper and putting violence into action!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Future India, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Where is Youth congress and team now? Looks like Sleeping.!!!!!!!! How they can be aware of all these things if they are busy in something useless work.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harishchandra, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    were is the women commission/vedike/ buddi jivi/ Jaago people..... ? Bcoz they are not getting money in this case....

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Herrick Kunder, Mangalore/ Mumbai

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    I think he is lying or the police is lying to save themselves from the angry crowd. I feel there is some kind of foul play going on.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Juliet Mascarenhas, Bejai/Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    The case sounds strange.In the first instance the arrested agreed that he had raped but not murdered. Now he seems to be a mentally ill person.The last sentence says Santhosh could not have committed the crime on his own.Worst part is Rakesh Shetty has forgotten to mention which culture the crime belongs to.Whatever, as per the news paper Santhosh had camped the area for the last 10 days by putting up a tent.The person seems to be sexualy ill and not mentaly ill.The case needs deep investigation. The soul of the innocent departed will rest in peace on attaining justice.

    DisAgree Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naveen, Udupi/Bahrain

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Different people have different perspectives ,the cops produced lunatic and will conclude the case.Do not buy the statement and agree.When Miss Vamishi of St Mary,s school was raped and brutally murdered people grapevine and a lunatic was caught but in depth probe brought real culprits to the lime light so please guys let us syndicate and voice for the real culprits.A police pen can take a life, make a life and determine in favor of CULPRITS.Be aggressive and combat and stand for the family.

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Samms, PTR/BOM

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    hhhmmmm, but he don't look like mentally ill...!!!
    How about "Mental Gang" as per earlier statement from Police?
    He may be one of the accused from last series of arrest???

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gerald, Modankap

    Sat, Oct 13 2012


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  • ashwin, Australia

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Make the culprit repent for the every minute he is alive..torture him in a way that even if he himself wants to die ,there should'nt be anyway to kill himself. May your soul RIP.. Sowjanya...

    DisAgree [2] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pinto , manglore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    If he has done that cruel deed cut him into pieces.not only him ,but his whole gang......

    DisAgree [1] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anand Rao, MAngalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Why dont we get the DNA tested? This is not a small incident and we need to be very very serious about this kind of crime.

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  • charle, bhadravathi

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    i request to the police to handover the culprits to the public they will be taken an good decision along the culprits or do one thing hang them in front of all the public ,who are all involved in the murder.if you do it like this this kind of things will be never happened in future , this has be cum an lesson to all the rapist and murders.

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  • P. Kumar, mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    thanx Daiji for u r covering, i agree for mr.George menezes. were is the women commission/vedike/ buddi jivi/ Jaago people..... ? no any statment from them also why? plz mangalore Jaago

    DisAgree Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pinto Mangalore, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Hey U silly creature! how cruel u r ? Learn 2 respect ladies U R still alive and u snatched da living right of that beautiful girl? Now a days girl a child is a biggest asset of the parents.Never mind if u have no sisters but your mother was girl at one time man! What a hard time she is facing now after hearing your mean deed? Try to keep your mother happy atleast for giving u birth!Learn to respect the ladies in the society.Yes u and other rapists should be punished in such a way that no other person dare to do this mean deed again!

    DisAgree Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • suhail, udupi

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    most of people here agreed about stone to death for rapist. which is islam has adviced so far for control over crime.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • ASLAM kausar, Mangalore / Namma Kudla-

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Dear Daijiworld,
    Need your support , we really appreciate your work on this... but still now politics will play good role in saving culprits may be giving reasons like the accused many b mentally ill, or watever..whoever done this henious crime should be hanged in public or atleast sentenced to dealth & this news will be a landmark for future culprits so that we can also save others..we need to work closely with department so that no politics will play game in saving the culprits again.... thank you ...()..

    DisAgree Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • purander bhat, puttur

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    It is easy to make comments against police officers when it comes to reality no one comes forward to assist the police to give witness. Only it troubles one personally then he will co-operates with the police. As Benedict suggested let there be free e-education to girls who fear that the outside world is not safe. We spend in crores for useless projects like the Second vidhana soudha constructed at Belgaum Let wisdom prevail upon the Government.My heartful condolences to the bereived family.
    Let Government protect the girls by giving them free e-education.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse


    Sat, Oct 13 2012


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  • rizwan, udupi

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Mentally Ill No problem Shoot him this is only drama ok

    DisAgree [5] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • saleem, Uppala / Dubai

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    n this regard gulf LAws are far better ,things are quite systamatic , one who raped behade them as quick as possible . That is the reason crime rates are very low in these countries. so without any mercy give the culprit maximum punishment in short time

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincy, Bangkok

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    The poor girl raped and killed,ABVP took rally shouting ABVP jindabad and we want justic.The police arrested a Man who claim mentally ill.There could be more than 2 involved to silence the girl in the process.Now what is next?.Innocent girls were molested and beaten left and right in padil and ABVP alliances supported it.Are we leading to stoneage?.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sonal, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    May be some forensic experts should come to the spot to do thorough investigation and search for some evidence that can reach to those culprits.the rapists may have left some or other evidence behind.hope they get caught soon!!!!!!

    DisAgree Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse


    Sat, Oct 13 2012


    DisAgree [3] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepti, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    The real culprits must have caught this mental person and handed over to the police. the real culprits must be happily roming around .I hope they get caught soon and given severe punishment according to law.

    DisAgree Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/Mumbai

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Mangalore police are also good at catching COW'S..........

    DisAgree [4] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    It looks like.. this man is innocent , real culprit is someone else out there who watch news in T.V. and read news paper about the incident to save his skin.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bhaskar N, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Since its proved that she murdered for rape then Can't they go for semen test. they can cross test the semen stains or finger prints found on the victims body So that they can find number of persons involved, Now they said that the caught person is mental, if he is mental or psychic, how can he possess aggressive sexual desire. According to medical science, sexual potency in mental or psychic persons are less to zero. because of their erectile dysfunction. Moreover, subnormal person alone can't drag and tie her to forest. Actual culprits are hiding. Should inquire first the person who gave complaint against Santhosh

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bhaskar N, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    Since its proved that she murdered for rape then Can't they go for semen test in which they can compare semen stains or finger prints found on victims body So that they can find number of persons involved, Now they said that the caught person is mental, if he is mental or psychic, then how can he get aggressive sexual desire. According to medical science, mental or psychic persons sexual potency is less to zero because of lack of erection. Moreover, subnormal person alone cannot drag and tie her to forest. Actual culprits are hiding. Should inquire first the person who gave complaint against Santhosh

    DisAgree Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    There is a saying in tulu "Mathernla Budle...chontan pattule"...please note if it is a act of mentally ill person...there is no chance that all the mentally retarded persons join together. This act is not by such persons..but by the mentally sound persons..if more than one is involved.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lingappa A, Kuppepadavu / DXB

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    If you remember few years back in Puttur a College Girl was raped and murdered, the culprit then was d mentally ill and released after a few weeks, and the case was closed. This has now become the fad, History repeats the guy here is just a scape goat and apparently some respected personalities may be involved as well. There will be Hoo Haah for a few days and then its business as usual.

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  • indian , Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 13 2012

    olundu itte Bajaranga Dala??? really its shame..... kudla panda ek dum respect ittina ppru inchinakleg moolu badkera rights ijji namma kudla'n haal malpodchi please.....

    DisAgree [1] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Benny, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    The police should catch and interrogate the persons who caught this mentally disabled man. It looks like the criminals wanted to divert the blame on this defenceless man. A medical test would prove if he was involved.But what took the cops so long to decide he was mentally disabled ?

    DisAgree Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valli Danthy, Kanajar.Kuwait

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Cruelity was increased in our society.The arrested man was mentally ill according to police then what his family doing? These types of humans are very dangerous to our society.Admit him in hospital,take care of him so that he cant do any harm to others.Now how Sowjanya get justice through our judiciary,it may take years or the accused released without any funishment due to his illness.Moreover again and again samething will happen untill and unless harsh funishment like public hanging is done.Nobody will think again to do such a cruel crime again due to fear of law.

    DisAgree Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • alan, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    you guys talk here but what happens in real world ? you guys are just cowards !! in reality you guys worst than the rapist!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lanslara, Nakre karkala

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Whatever punishment you Locals give thrse guys, it still would not be enough. Rape is pure evil, as its not the act thats just bad, but the power getting taken from the victim in that moment and afterwards. Worse when it's gang rap and more when its done to an innocent child who has now lost the right to be a child.
    I read stories like this and i wish and hope there is a God, because if there is, what we give them will be nothing compared to forever suffering their consequences.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Radhakrishna Khandige, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Is it true that santosh,the culprit is a mental patient? IF IT IS TRUE HIS STATEMENTS MAY NOT BE THE FACT!He maynot be the real culprit!Mental patients can give any statement! the real culprits get the advantage.Very deep investigation is the need of the hour.try to find out his history! Dont take hasty conclusions!Remember the words of the father of our Nation!sAVIRA APARADHIGALIGE SHIKSHE AAGADIRABAHUDU!AADARE NIRAPARADHIGE SHIKSHE AAGABARADU!Let us wait for a day or two.The real fact will come out.Our police can do it if the are given free hand!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Well , my gut feeling is that he is been framed . He is week , poor , may be mentally challenged , so cannot defend himself . Gross violation of human rights. If its so , public should invoke anger towards him . Semen and blood sample taken from girl should be compared and also biological tests can put a conclusion. But if he realy done so , he may even not get penalised , as he is mentally challenging .

    DisAgree [2] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Braganza, Udyavar / Mumbai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Well , my gut feeling is that he is been framed . He is weak , poor , may be mentally challenged , so cannot defend himself . Gross violation of human rights. If its so , public should invoke anger towards him . Semen and blood sample taken from girl should be compared and also biological tests can put a conclusion. But if he realy done so , he may even not get penalised , as he is mentally challenging .

    DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • vijay, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    First and foremost this is a sad incidence. My heart goes to the victim and her family. This incidence has shamed us all Mangaloreans beyond limit. I read lot of comments on the remedies to these crimes. I agree with you allthe punishment should be as heinous as the crime itself. But the challenge here is catching the right criminal. As I already mentioned our police work is too shoddy. Look at the way they handle a crime scene. First priority should be to gather as much vital evidence as possible from the crime scene. Instead of that police are clueless on the process. Media and the onlookers make it impossible to catch any clues. Emergency responders don't even wear shoes, no uniform. No dog squad to trace the movement of the perpetrators. DNA evidence is crucial in this type of case, so where is the question of mentally ill person claiming the rape? Do we have any DNA tests or we still backward. Before we bring laws to hang these criminals we must improve on investigative techniques. Just speculating and lathi charging is not good enough, we need crime investigators, qualified to nail the culprits. Then only we can build a pool proof case against these animals otherwise no matter what laws are made they will be set free. Nalin Kumarji can you address this issue?

    DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ansar, byndoor/abu dhabi

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    @ sulthan mangalore
    about law you says of Saudi's not Saudi arabian law. it's law of our Creator and he know what good and bad for his servants.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • kiran , mangalore/ delhi

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    @Benedict Fernandes
    Talk some sense man..... how can u ever think of restricting public movement for gals??? in india most of them cannot afford 2 time meal and u are talking bout those hi-tech gadgets.... sounds funny. Anyway u try to stay inside ur house for atleast 1 wk, then think of putting restriction on gals. is there any guarentee inside house galz wont b raped??? grow up and change ur mind set.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    My immediate and earlier comments in this news clip vindicated my doubts and request with police department.Police department is under immense pressure as public and student communities pressuring them to nab the evil creatures..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Devi, Sullia, Dubai-UAE

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    After catching the correct person or persons who involved in this bruetel murder, SHOOT THEM IN FRONT OF THE PUBLIC.

    If such punishment is not given this type of incidents never end in our poor democratic country.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu,

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    If one sees the dress style,hair style,body language of the accused,it is hard to believe that he is mentally ill.He may be pretending so to avoid opening of his mouth for truth and know abouts of the collaborators of the crime.
    He should be lynched.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    I think some culpurits caught mentally ill man and gave to police. They wanted to close the chapter by putting the blame on mentally ill person who cannot defend himslef. May be they handed over him to police and then asked police to handover him to public so that he can be killed and chapter closed.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Oct 12 2012


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  • Suresh shetty, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    It is good to here that our efficient Police have nabbed the rapist. The Police after conducting the inquiry should catch other culprits who helped in rapping and murdering the innocent.

    Let us give the power to our police to parade them in public on the back of an ass and take them to a open ground and ask the public gathered to pelt stone at the criminals, the way the government of Muslim countries punish criminals. After stone pelting the criminals should be allowed to run and the police encounter them so that no Bastard , in future, dare to touch our 'BAHU AND BETIYAN' .


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  • Ravi. B. Shenava, MANGALORE

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    One more blunder by the Police.
    Those real sadist Rapists must be laughing at the blunder committed by the Police and the publicity given by the Press without counter checking the matter with right authority inside Police dept.
    This reminds us about the murder of KAS office Mahanthesh of Bengaluru and the negative publicity given by Police and the Press about the Character of Mahanthesh .

    DisAgree [1] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prem Colaco, Sakleshpur/Muscat

    Fri, Oct 12 2012


    DisAgree [1] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • david, neermarga

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Encounter them (police)or hand over to the public..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • ismail, puttur

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    ಎಷ್ಟರ ವರಗೆ ಹೆಣ್ಣು ಮಕ್ಕಳ ಬಲಾತ್ಕಾರ ಮಾಡಿದ ಆರೋಪಿಗಳಿಗೆ ನಮ್ಮ ದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಸಾರ್ವಜನಿಕ ಸ್ಥಳದಲ್ಲಿ ಮರಣ ದಂಡನೆ ಯಂಥಹ ಶಿಕ್ಷೆ ವಿದಿಸುದಿಲ್ಲವೋ ಅಷ್ಟರ ವರಗೆ ಇಂಥಹ ಬಲಾತ್ಕಾರ ಗಳು ನಿಲ್ಲಲು ಸಾದ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ

    DisAgree [4] Agree [72] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Rape is a heinous crime which no socialized world would tolerate. But this socialized world is also responsible for such crimes. The sexy scenes in films, pornography, alcohol, money power, muscle power, brothrels etc are the fruits of this socialized world here poor girls who do not have support from their locality and family suffer. Time has come to make changes in our daily life wherein the movement of girls in public can be restricted a great deal by taking assistance of hi-tech gadgets. e.g., education can be imparted at home itself to girls through e-education. There are powerful e-tools which can provide education of better quality than average school or college. Here not only time is saved but also there is no necessity of public movement of girls. But our socialized society controlled by powerful mafias may not allow close down of schools and colleges movies which show violence and sexual materials should be banned but who is ready to bell the cat
    The only method to eradicate the evils of the present selfish society is to eradicate the word 'selfish' from the face of this earth.

    e-world is so developed that you can live within the vicinity of your house and perform all your daily acts without moving out!
    Unless u come out of this selfish world, and think afresh u can see some hopes for survival of this human being!

    DisAgree [22] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • M.KAPPA, Bhatkal, Jeddah

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    This is to my earlier comment regarding the term, any person found guilty in this case, he must get a death penalty. Now the matter about this published news as The arrested has been identified as Santhosh Bajagoli, a resident of Bajagoli in Karkala. Sources said that he reportedly admitted to having raped Sowjanya but denied killing her.
    And now why the police confirmed him as mentally ill?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Chetan , Bangkok

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    he and his team should be hanged in public.They have no right to live in this society.

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  • Sulthan, Mang/Bang

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Now people are saying to hang him in public, throw stones till death. This is none other than saudi law, where womens are safe there. Now public are indirectly saying to apply saudi rule.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • GERALD, Modankap

    Fri, Oct 12 2012


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  • ilyas udupi, qatar

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    inivestigate arrest all of them and hang it directly....infrunt of college

    DisAgree [5] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ashuntha, Udupi

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Give such a punishment to the culprit that they can remember there rest of life & this will good guideline for future world.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Who ever are caught in this rape case should be punished as per law of the land. We have sufficient laws to curb any rape, violence, deception, murder or robbery etc., etc.... Only thing is to overcome the wickedness and corrupt natures of the every human in the law-enforcement including the judiciary.

    I urge kindly and humbly to law-enforcement whoever involved in this rape must be punished as per IPC.
    I hope no escape for rapists this time.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • christine, mangalorek/kuwait

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Grived Parents are not come out from sorrow and pain,commenters are fighting each other,compitation who is the winner? who had pain that person only understand what it is.
    wait till come out truth and arrest all who involved,If culprits will not punished Than take same step wich took now and show that we want justice or give them to our hand we will do the rest

    DisAgree [1] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    If one of the (genuine) accused is caught then he should be able to reveal all rest of the details on other accused and who killed etc. Punishememt should be given to all the accused. All of them should be killed brutally the way they killed the innocent girl.

    DisAgree Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Girish, Karkala / Riyadh

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    No Lawyer should not earn thier livlihood by working in favour these culprits. The criminal like santosh should not get bail. they should be behind the bar for life if they prove guilty. then only poor girl like sowjanya get justice. Judiciary should treat these type of case seperatly and judgement should be done immediately. The public anger understandable but public should not forget these incidents quickly. they should keep on pressurising the system then only sowjanya will get justice

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jerry, Dubai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    It is worth to visit all the countries before start setting a benchmark for 'zero crime' country.

    There are many parameters other than crime rates for a peaceful living...

    Why we want 'system' to control us when are born in good families as good children of God?

    Once again, my pleading goes, 'root cause' is in our own homes... Let us start searching for these root causes and if we find flaws somewhere, let us correct them in a methodological way or seek guidance from right persons...

    May Sowjanya's last struggle change our own homes first...

    God bless us all...

    DisAgree Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gomes T, Mumbai/Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    The police have arrested a person by name Santhosh from Karkala.He says that he has raped but not murdered the girl .Then who murdered the girl?
    People are angry which is normal and I myself am very concerned too.Such things should never happen especially in Dharmastala belt,a holy place.
    Please let the police complete their investigation so that truth will come out.The temple committee may please oversee the police investigation simply because the D.K police cannot be relied upon.They are very good in manipulating.Their logic ,if you cant catch a thief then catch anyone who comes in their way.DK police are experts in planting fake evidences like hiding condoms,drugs etc and recovering it later and booking innocent people.
    I urge the citizens ,please calm down ,because I am as concerned as you and let the investigation complete.

    DisAgree Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Fri, Oct 12 2012


    Even one is enough for now. Its just a feather. Complete goose will be coughed up or police will soon make him cough out.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Arun , Pakala/Belman

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Handing over and punishing to death by public of the accused will not solve this kind of problem.We need to streamline our law/judiciary for such sensitive rape crimes in India.Central government should act now to frame,pass stringent law in parliament to punish rapist for life term to death without giving a chance to come out on bail to avoid rising such cases.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Arman, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Benny...... do you know how people will be punished in Singapore (one of the most well practiced democratic country) lethal injections depend on the crime some for what you say now is the well civilized ? stop talking like persodu and why people say if someones family gets into trouble like sudden death an all ...gods punishment when God (creator of world who loves us more then our parents) has such strict punishment which is mentioned in Quran, bible, then why we cant have such strict punishments to safe guard everyone interest. AND HEAR IF THERE IS FEAR AND IF THERE IS NO CRIME THEN THE QUESTION OF PUNISHMENT WONT COME IN PICTURE MY DEAR.

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • vinaya, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    I agree the comments of Jyothi kumari bijai.Our police dept do not know how to handle the culprits, pls hand him over to the public, and public will teach him a lesson, and hence forth no one will be dare to do such crime. May kumari sawjanyas soul rest in peace and hearty condolences for the bereaved family.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jerry, Dubai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    May Sowjanya's soul rest in peace...

    Investigations will go on and hopefully culprits will be punished according to the law...

    For us, it is high time to identify the 'root cause' of the problem... In my view, the future of our children is in our hand...

    Before it is too late, let us give more love to our children and understand their difficult phases before they look around to burst out with their frustrations...

    Every person comes on this earth as you and me... they why they convert from Angel's form to beast state?

    Let us pause for a while and ask God to give us wisdom to lead our children, so that we, the beautiful creature of this earth, live in peace and harmony moreover, this will secure the future of our dear children...

    God bless...

    DisAgree Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • rahil, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Mr. Benny

    Also for your record actually i had not read your below posts. Saudi arabia has least crimes and america has highest crime rates in the world. highest rapes are comitted in u.s.a

    DisAgree [11] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • m.kappa, bhatkal, jeddah

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    well support from the public, this is what the anger expose when such dirty act have been done. Now it is duty of the lawyers that they donot believe to accept this case case @ any cost. This is the lesson to all who did, will such shameful activities. All the lawyers pls accept this comment as a public demand. Thank you.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ismail Shaikh, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Within a year or two this rapist will come out of the jail with all clear records stating there is no evidence of rape or murder by him thanks to our corrupt judicial systems/mercyless lawyers and bribing to the judge to close this issue.However public must wait patiently untill he released from the jail and once he comes out public must chase him and kill him instanly without any mercy

    DisAgree [2] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sulthan, Mang/Bang

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Mr benny/mangLore.
    Saudi arabia is now one of the safest country for women in the world, for strict law. Indian law is rubbish, no fear in taking law in his hand.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • rahil, mangalorem

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Dear Mr. Benny....god forbid instead of sowjanya if it was some one near to you then you would have opined differently. Ask the parents of sowjanya what might have going on with them. Its easy to mention about civilized way of dealing but not with rapists.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Benny, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Kaizer, Arman, Reshmi .... punishment ?Have you actually seen stoning ? there are civilised ways of terminating criminals. If you want this barbaric way of stoning then you are no better than that brute who raped.
    That is where education and upbringing in a godly household plays its role.You wont understand, because perhaps you have neither of those.

    DisAgree [31] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    It is true the public ire about this case.Sometime we see in many cases the cases are easily distorted in the name of power the money and the political influence,it should not be!.It is the right punishment demands for this accused rapists and murderers from our highest court, A death itself !.A true and a kind of Proper investigation and the highest punishment what we need in this hour,a kind of repentances to Sowjanya's soul and a moral support and courage to Sowjanya's parents in thier sorrows .

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai/Bantwal

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    I outright condemn this brutal act of rape on an innocent teenage girl, may her soul RIP!

    No doubt, one gets immensely angered against the perpetrators of such brutality, but, I totally agree with @Benny-Mangalore that stoning to death/beheading etc. is very cruel and should not be encouraged!

    A fact is that even after stringent capital punishment, studies have shown that there is absolutely no reduction in heinous crimes like rape etc. hence many advanced countries have removed capital punishment!!

    Such inhuman acts are mostly done by mentally deranged or psychotic people and not by normal humans! Their mental frame is worse than beasts!!

    More facts will come out after the culprit is interrogated!!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jamal, Mangalore/UAE

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Bring him open to public through TV let people know the truth. How can we believe the Police if they have arrested the right person. Who knows if the arrest is only a face wash to silence the public. If he the person let the public decide what type of punishment be given. I may be wrong. This is open forum but I totally disagree with Benny's views. It is biased.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Since the culprit himself has agreed the guilty, a PANCHNAME is to be prepared alongwith his consent and produced him to the court alaongwith his acknowledged panchaname.Court has to Speed up the process and hang him immediately.

    DisAgree Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Dear Reshmi Salian
    This guy should be raped..
    Tit for Tat?
    What do you mean? Won't he lay back and enjoy?
    In any case looking at some 'disagrees'here too at punishment for his 'crime'
    confirms the fact that he has sympathisers! Doesn't this send a shiver up your spine?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ajith, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Think it is a community that is fuming. A community of fathers and mothers worried about their daughters, brothers and sisters worried about their sisters and a village worried about its people. Their fury is understandable. I think it is such a paradox that the police now have to protect the perpetrator. This must be beyond grief for the family and at times, love, compassion and humane values need to be set aside and justice needs to rendered so strong that it will be a warning, a scare, a sour reminder for anyone who would even dare to think in these disgusting and condemnable lines of civility. We need not have lost a 17 year old to think about this...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • ER, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Reshmi Salian, Mangalore
    you suggest here- Punishment for punishmen is by rape. There are better ways of punishing the culprit - in such a way so it would send shivers in the spines of people not to resort to such kind of things in future.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • kaizer, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    well said armaan and reshmi.

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naveen, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    If he has admitted of raping her, police should handover him to public..Indian judicial system is a failed system...nothing can be expected from it than long delayed trials.. Only if same torture is meted out to culprits...culprits normally die naturally when the justice comes out from India no one is afraid/scared of Indian justice system..nothing will change in this country...get Janlokpal..

    DisAgree Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • shaan, manglore/Dubai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Locals demand right.... he should punish pelting by stones until his death in a public place indeed in future nobody can admit such a crime, by the time locals should take patience & needed support to police dept to investigate find entire culprits.

    DisAgree Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Reshmi Salian, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Benny, you opine the same way if such a incident happens to your close one?? What sin's this poor girl committed?? Do you really understand the feelings of her parents or close ones? There should be no mercy for rapists and criminals. They don't deserve to live in the society. By calling them animals, I don't want to insult the animals. Animals are far more better than these rapists and criminals.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • arman, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Dear Benny what education you are talking about...if you are educated then why are you so biased.please open and point out and say 7 century principals. don't talk double talk like most of leaders talk.Its a question how we can stop these nonsense coz it may happen tomorrow with our friends wife,sisters and daughters so there needs be fear.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Reshmi Salian, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    This guy should be raped...Tit for tat is the best solution. Nowadays too many rapes, murders and criminal activities. Lawyers will try to save this criminal. Before any lawyer comes forward to save this criminal, he should be handed over to the public so that nobody would dare to commit such a crime.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Syed Mohiudin, Iruvail/Riyadh

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Rape and murder? how long will take to provide justice to the deceased family? culprits should be punished that the way these people put her end.

    DisAgree Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • antony arun d'souza, dubai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Hey sick Santhosh Bajagloi you raped her for nothing but you did not kill her...Hey man why couldn't you stop others who killed her in front of you?If you are a man why you tied her hands?Go to hell........

    DisAgree [2] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Herrick Kunder, Mangalore/ Mumbai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Daiji please publish the photo of this animal. Please teach him such a lesson that he should start shivering with fear whenever he sees a women.

    DisAgree Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • kaizer, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Dear Benny,
    let me ask you a question , what punishment you would suggest for this crime. lifetime imprisonment, if so the culprit will be happy coz he will be provided food and shelter for whole life.If you see mohan kumar (cynaide king)umesh reddy(vikritha kaami) and even Ajmal Kasab they are having biryanis in jail.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • ER, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Punish the culprit in open, so that no one dares to commit similar henious acts in future in the state.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • christine, mangalore/kuwait

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Only one? wait for all,we dont know how many?
    If police are sleeping,public must wake them like this to fullfill duty than only our place can be safty.

    DisAgree Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    KAMA & KRODHA is the result of LIVING AGAINST THE NATURE and LIVING ONLY FOR PLEASURE. Society is responsible for breeding and nurturing CRIMINALS.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Benny, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Hey Kaizer,
    You are no one to dictate terms what I should post here on a free forum. So stop bullying. No one is justifying what the Americans are doing here.If you disagree education and principles of love do not improve human beings, you are entitled to your views.
    Culture of stoning, killing girl students, bombing schools,putting women under bondage and other seventh century customs have no place in a civilised world.You will definitely call these oppositions as biased because of what you stand for.

    DisAgree [26] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aadil Khan, Kasaragod, Saudi Arabia

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    How come he admits of raping her but not murdering?

    The public is very much right and he should have been thrown to public for a thorough thrash. But the problem is public may probably kill him out of fit of anger and that again will be a case of murder. Anyway, hope he and his associates are kept in jail for life long and the parents of the girl receive justice at the earliest.

    DisAgree Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Santhosh Bajagoli accused of Soujanya rape/Murder case, 'reportedly admitted to having raped Soujnya but denied killing'!!!??Then when this reported rape took place?Is this man related to her family?The report and reason for arrest are inconclusive and need accurate information from police department.On the other hand Dharmastala and Ujire cities are full of outsiders which needs to looked in to on security point of view.@ present Dharmastala has only Police Out Post which needed to upgraded to full pledged police station.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • anup, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    I really appriciate the police officers for the breaking through in minimum time and I pray that our beloved Sowjanya get the justice.

    I would like to make one point here, while this shows the capacity of our Indian officers, this also raises a question, only public outrage and pressure could make this difference? Would'nt our Police force is capable of resolving and punishing for every crime in the city and the country if there is no corruption involved???

    DisAgree Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • George Menezes, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    How come National and Regional Television news channels are not interested in showing this incident ??? No TRP??? If it were to be in Haryana, this would have been in the prime channels. Shame on News channels.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Arman, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Dear Benny be practical man, you cannot have crime free land with education. only death and punishment fear can stop this nonsense from our society.

    DisAgree Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • kaizer, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Dear Benny,
    Dont brush biased comments here, so what kind of punishment do you to prefer, giving the culprit a guidance on how not to rape and kill girls. come on grow buddy American troops have killed so many civilians in many wars but they have improved in human rights record coz human rights are rated by themselves. Forget about marks think of crime rates, HARYANA alone had 14 to 15 rape cases now how will you eradicate this and how will you give justice to victims.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • sunil, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    acid drum dha ulai padle

    DisAgree [3] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vivek Baliga, Bangalore/Abohar

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    we should us the policy that is used in the movie GANGAJAL...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakesh shetty, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012




    DisAgree [7] Agree [81] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jyothi Kumari, Bejai

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Please hand over to the culprit to the public..... lets stone him to death

    DisAgree [1] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ajit, Bangalore/udupi

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    A grand salute to police force. They have did a great job by catching the culprit. Wish they catch all the victims and send them to jail. They should behave with mercyless with this cruel victims. Police should not bend for any political and money power.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Arman, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Gangajal people might have seen. dont leave him.

    DisAgree Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    All this would stop if govt/police take very strict action against those who found guilty. Strict action could be a capital punishment which could send shivers in those who even dare to think of doing such crimes. But thanks to our slow, sluggish,and rubbish judicial system.

    DisAgree Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Reema Shetty, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Thank God...but justice is not yet done.

    DisAgree Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Benny, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Stoning to death does not solve these problems. Has Afganistan and Saudi Arabia improved in human right records ? They are the on the lowest mark.
    We need to realise, civilised behaviour comes through education and religion based on love, and not a ideology based on terror.

    DisAgree [53] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • harish, mang/ajman

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    thanks daijee,for the follow up,i totaly agree with ms deepthi,publish the photo of culprit.

    DisAgree Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Irfan, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012 would be more appreciated if police hand over him to public.This man should be hanged in public that this kind of cruelty will not be repeated......

    DisAgree [3] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar., M

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Isse 'Goli' se 'Udao', Yaa Iska
    'Goli' Udao, Koi farak nahin padthaa,Bajagoli mein phir kabhi aisa aadmi paida hona nahin mangtaa....

    DisAgree [6] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • kaizer, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Well done police personnel of mangalore. I request not to grant any bail to this cruel person and better stone him to death so that it will be a lesson for each criminals

    DisAgree [1] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Deepti, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Dear Daijiworld We request you to please post the pictures of those culprits ,so that all may come to know who are those merciless,barbarians.....

    DisAgree [1] Agree [69] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kshama Shetty, Abu Dhabi / Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    great work daijiworld, your follow-up and reporting style is very aggressive. Shame on Kannada 24 hour tv channels who are not bothered to relay and follow up such imp news. Thanks Daijiworld. We urge capital punishment to this rapist

    DisAgree [6] Agree [62] Reply Report Abuse


    Fri, Oct 12 2012

    Stone to death........Cruel evil creature dangerous to civilized society..

    DisAgree [8] Agree [91] Reply Report Abuse

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