Mangalore: SAC to Celebrate 25 Years of Girl Students' Presence by Honouring Alumnae
Media Release
Mangalore, Aug 9: To celebrate the completion of 25 years of the presence of women students in its campus, St Aloysius College will honour 25 of its alumnae on August 24.
The history of St Aloysius Clollege is replete with milestones, and one among them is the year 1986 when girl students were admitted for the first time.
Having completed 25 years, the management, staff and students have decided to celebrate this event with a fitting ceremony.
The grand finale of the programme will be on August 24 at 3.30 pm at Eric Mathias hall in the campus. Ruth Manorama, president of National Alliance of Women will be the chief guest, while Fr Joseph Rodrigues, rector of St Aloysius Institutions will preside.
Women achievers in any field, be it academics, sports, social service, corporate sector or any other, and who have previously studied in St Aloysius College, are requested to send in their details to be eligible for the honour. Of the total entries received, 25 deserving names will be shortlisted for the honour.
Interested may send their details to:
Judy Pinto -
Aswita Shalet D'Souza -