Bangalore: Mangaloreans have Gala Time at KCA 'Mood ManGLOWrean'
Cresilla Jasmine Lobo, Bangalore
Bangalore, Jul 3: Dim sky lit with beautiful stars beckoned an evening that brought back fond memories of yesteryears for many who basked in the glory of ‘Sweet Home Mangalore’. For the young, it was an evening filled with fun and youthful vibrancies. The trigger and the vigour were both in abundance; good enough to call it an evening that will tug at the heart of a true blue Mangalorean.
'Mood ManGLOWrean 2012', presented by the Kanara Catholic Association (KCA), Bangalore, was held at Catholic Club recently. This idea was originally conceived by dynamic president Bertha Fernandes five years ago. Today, Mood ManGLOWrean is a brand in its own right. It is undoubtedly the most sought after event in the Mangalorean fraternity.

The Catholic Club wore a look of a resplendent bride beaming with the decor that was tastefully put together by Roopa Saldanha and Asha Lewis. The reception was complete with the entrance being traditionally done up with gonde, sevinthe, Mangalorean vegetables and eateries. When in full bounty, can food be left behind? Wide array of food ranging from the classical dishes like kube- mutli, dukrache maas, chicken roce kadi, appa, shevio, panpole, galmi chutney, and deserts such as mani, mandas, moong dhal vorn were churned out from the heart of the Mangalorean kitchen.
With the ambience, the mood and the food in place, the only thing that remained was merry making. Before the crowd could hit the dance floor, a fabulous cultural program called ‘Amhi Ek, Amache Naach Anek' (We are one, our dances many) was presented to the visiting members. This dance was exclusively choreographed by the beautiful, magnetic live wire Bernadette Pinto and the youthful charisma Preetha Pereira.
Close to 75 participlants sizzled in their fabulous costumes put together by a young and vivacious Mangalorean fashion designer; Aloka D’Souza. Rowan Pais was the beautician in attendance to do up the pretty faces of participants thus completing the picture to perfection.
The kids rung in the waltz and brought smiles to the audience as they enacted the Mangalorean Roce sequence. The entire dance was based on a story line that depicted the Manglorean wedding in its full glory. The youth brought in the rock and roll. With their moves and groves they wowed the audience. The young ladies danced the Kolaata complimented by the men who joined them later on, initially being their stern selves but finally succumbing to the charms of the lovely women. They looked graceful in their elegant outfits and left the men asking for more. The audience were left spell bound as the dances unfolded to foot tapping Mangalorean music. The cultural event culminated with the baila. Amidst all the hoots and cheers, a warm Mangalorean camaraderie descended on the faces of the spectators.
The main weaver of the show was Preeti Viegas, an effervescent member of the KCA. She left no stone unturned to pull out a great show such as this. Comperes Marjorie Texeira and Jason Rego threw googlies at the audiences testing their knowledge on Mangalorean culture. They captivated the attention of the audience with their interesting trivia and in the bargain imparted knowledge on Mangalorean culture. The evening was even more memorable as wonderful prizes were dished out for the revellers on the floor. The live band belted wonderful soulful classics and the crowd jived and grooved to the music.
This event gave the kids, young and old an opportunity to showcase the Mangalorean talent pool. From dancers to choreographers, beauticians and fashion designers, all true blue Mangaloreans.
Ronald Colaco and family were the main sponsors of the event.