Jaago Mangalore Association to Hold Mass Protest Against Bad Roads on Mar 23
Media Release
Mangalore, Mar 17: Jaago Mangalore Association has announced a mass protest against bad roads on Friday March 23 at 6 pm. The campaign will be held in two places - entire Mangalore city and nearby places, and Yedapadav Junction.
A press meet was held in this regard by entrepreneur and the co-ordinator of the Association Vijayanath Shetty and other members on Saturday March 17.
It is observed that the tax paying citizens are deprived of good roads due to faulty administrative systems and have become the victims of lackadaisical attitude of the authorities. This mass campaign aims to activate the citizens and prompt the government to be more responsive to the needs of the people.
The protest is being held with the active co-operation of voluntary bodies and trade associations like DK Autorickshaw Drivers Union, DK Bus Operators Association, Kanara Bus Owners Association, Quarry and Stone Crushers Association, Lions Clubs, Jaycees, Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Karnataka Rakshana Vedike.

Citizens are urged to participate in this peaceful and lawful means of protest to improve the condition of the city roads.
Why this Protest?
Smooth well-maintained roads are the pride of a locality. Yet, many of our streets are in disrepair. Following are few noteworthy examples:
Kulshekar flyover - construction is stuck for years and has become an eyesore.
Bangalore - Mangalore sector - Ghat section is unmotorable; after monsoon the entire road will become unbearable.
Udupi - Mangalore sector – no action taken to improve the road
Mijar - Bridge near Bolechar School (near Alva's Ayurvedic): in broken condition since one year, no repair done.
If a road gets into bad condition, the administration takes one year for tender, and one more year for repair. Then the road lasts only a year. So in this cycle of 5 years, citizens get to enjoy a good road only for one year. Also, the roads are repaired as per particular specifications, irrespective of the citizens' requirement. Narrow roads cannot be widened even if space is available. Hence the repaired roads are not up to mark.
If a contractor does extra work to benefit the people, he is not paid and his bills as per tender are also stuck for 8 months to one year. The government takes 100% road tax before a person actually get the delivery of his vehicle (around 12% to 19% of the vehicle cost) and if he does not pay taxes the vehicle is seized immediately and he is fined. Then shouldn't the roads be in good condition?
Whom to Blame: The SYSTEM!
After careful study the Jaago Mangalore Association has come to the following conclusions:
No co-ordination between government departments - hence delay in budgeting and tendering.
Lack of planning and initiative (Not discussing with locals and Panchayath)
Nonpayment of dues to contractors for a long time hence contractors not taking interest
Poor quality of work and material, poor SSR rates which discourage good contractors from taking up the job.
The administrative system responsible for road maintenance has to be flexible. In the present system, the standard procedure is followed for all types of road work, irrespective of the nature of work. Getting sanction for a minor road repair could take as much time as a major road laying job. The tendering stage goes on for years resulting in delay. And after the road is repaired, it last for only 1year.
Let's change the system for better, longer lasting and immediate good roads.
What the Association Demands
Since the economy of India is booming right now and funds should not be a problem,
The city requires -
Immediate action - Repair of damaged roads
Change in road specifications - New roads should be maintenance-free for 15 years
Introducing fast track procedures to provide immediate relief to citizens
Timely payment of bills so that contractors take interest
Sanction of sufficient budget to allow for alterations and improvements during the road laying process.
All citizens of Dakshina Kannada should get good roads - main roads as well as village roads - by December 2016 with maintenance free for minimum 15 years.
The Protest
In Mangalore city and nearby places: The Association requests all citizens including villagers, students and children to drive their vehicles like cars, trucks, tempos, buses, rickshaws, scooters, bikes, cycles and even bullock carts to the main road close to their house or wherever they are at the moment, on March 23 at 6 pm and stop their vehicle and all other vehicles plying on the road only for five minutes while honking loudly, continuously, simultaneously to show our strength and concern. Please assemble by 5.45 pm itself.
At Yedapadav Junction: Here blockade will be put on the half-kilometer stretch from Yedapadav Junction to Mijar for 30 minutes and traffic will be freed subsequently.
Be a part of this drive to make the system responsive to the needs of the people.
All bus / truck / auto association members, students, school children, villagers, panchayats, bhajana mandals, clubs, yuvaka mandals, mahila mandals, temples, churches, mosques are requested to form groups and participate along with all suffering citizens to make it a success and to show the frustration of so many years.
Please confirm your participation by SMS to 8884659777, 8884642777
Or e-mail to: hornokplease23@gmail.com, hornokplease23@yahoo.com.